Fairy Winner

Chapter 1699: Behead

Zhou Shu couldn't help looking at Lin Qingjue, seemingly thoughtful.

I am not alone facing the evil soul.

Lin Qingjue calmly said, "Sect Master Zhou, what do I need to do? As long as I don't consume my cultivation base, I can live for the time being."

As if thinking of something, Zhou Shu felt a little tremor in his heart, "Elder Lin, the music you played last time to disrupt the powers seems to be called Gaoshan Liushui?"

"Not bad."

Lin Qingjue nodded, slightly indifferent, "But from this evil soul, I can't detect a trace of Yuan power or Dao power. Its power is beyond the level I can control, and it will not have an effect on it. , It may also affect the use of the artifact by Sect Master Zhou."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "I know, but I don't want it to have an effect on the evil soul, just have an effect on me."


Lin Qing said suspiciously, "I don't quite understand what Sect Master Zhou said."

Zhou Shu said in a deep voice, "Divine consciousness and mental energy, etc., will become the help of the evil souls, and they cannot be allowed to contact the evil souls, but I must use them to deal with the evil souls, understand?"

Lin Qingjue thought for a while, a gleam of light suddenly flashed in his eyes, "I understand."

Zhou Shuning said, "Really?"

Lin Qingjue said indifferently, "I can do it the moment before they touch the evil souls, take them away with the sound of the piano, and kill them."

"Thank you."

Talking to a smart person is simple, Zhou Shu let go of his heart and immediately set out to prepare.

Lin Qingjue said slowly, "Sect Master Zhou, I also want to ask you, you were able to hold on to your mind before, and you were not affected by the evil soul at all, probably because you did not release any spiritual consciousness, but when you attacked the evil soul, But it is inevitable to use it. If the evil soul invades, can you keep your mind? I can't guarantee it, so I stay in the formation."


Zhou Shu nodded, very light but firm.

"Alright, tell me."

Lin Qingjue did not speak any more, touching her hands on the piano, ready to change the music at any time to assist Zhou Shu.

After solving the problem, Zhou Shu didn’t wait any longer. Counting the time, more than two hundred breaths have passed. If it continues, the Kunlun monks outside will not be able to hold it. It’s almost the same. The persistence of two hundred breaths will cost approximately. After two hundred years of hard cultivation, the five elders of the elders all fell into such a predicament, which was a great loss to Kunlun.

Although Zhou Shu didn't deliberately do this, it was not unsatisfactory to have caused such a result after all.

Xuanyuan Sword slowly raised, the tip of the sword pointed at the evil soul.

The gray-black sword suddenly flashed brilliance, pouring out like flowing gold, and the surrounding area was brilliant.

The entire Zuwangfeng Peak turned golden, like a round of the sun.

In the golden light, those black smoke evaded one after another, avoiding three points.

The evil soul in the black smoke sensed that the crisis was coming, and its tentacles waved frantically, and his figure suddenly became bigger. The blood-red shadows spread, and they held each other with the golden light.

The sun shrouded in black smoke is still the sun.

There was a vicissitudes and vigorous aura in the golden light, that was the aura of a divine artifact that belonged exclusively to the guardians of the Profound Yellow Realm, and even the evil soul could not dispel it.

The Kunlun monks around were no strangers to this breath, and they only sighed with emotion.

"Is it really an artifact?"

"There will never be a fake. The breath of this artifact can be sensed by the entire Kunlun Mountains, and it will continue to spread, spread to the entire Xihe Prefecture, and even farther. From today, everyone knows that another artifact has appeared. Although it is present in Kunlun, it does not belong to Kunlun, which is hateful."

"The strange thing is not here, but his method of use."

"Yes, Zhou Shu seems to be really using the Xuanyuan sword. Unlike the classics, he seems to have really mastered the power of the artifact."

"How did he do it?"

"Except those who control the artifact, no one can understand. We can only know Kunlun's inherent five-element wheel. To master the five-element wheel, you must understand the law of the five elements. The more you understand, the greater the power."

"Anyway, this is a good thing, which shows that he can really solve the evil soul."

"If it weren't for that, we wouldn't be told to leave."

Cheng Tianlan murmured in a low voice, with a trace of yearning in his eyes, "He is not weaker than Qing Jue."

Seeing that Xuanyuanjian really appeared in this world, they were a lot of surprises and envy, but their hanging hearts also let go a lot.

Zhou Shu didn't have time to care about others, and his thoughts were all on Xuanyuanjian.

Using the law of life and death, he mobilized the hub of the Palace of Life and Death. At this time, the interior of the Palace of Life and Death was undergoing great changes. The disk in the center was spinning rapidly. The black and white of the past was completely gray, and the surrounding vitality was dead It was sucked into the disc at a nearly crazy speed, transformed into the power of the law of life and death, and continuously gathered on the sword through the gate of life and death.

However, within a few breaths, the savings in the Palace of Life and Death were basically completely transformed, and the sword body gradually became transparent, concealed in the golden light, almost invisible.


Without waiting, Zhou Shu vigorously swung down the Xuanyuan sword, followed by a loud shout, which stunned the evil soul and reminded Lin Qingjue.

Time to shoot.

Lin Qing absolutely did not delay the fighter, the sound of the piano that had been waiting suddenly appeared, following the sword light and flying towards the evil soul.

The Evil Soul did not evade, and it was impossible to evade it. It seemed to be very clear that as long as it was within the range of Xuanyuan Sword, no matter where it was, it would not escape a blow.

The power of the huge law of life and death ~www.ltnovel.com~ is attached to the sword intent guided by the gods, and in the void, it converges into a huge half-moon-shaped arc light, appearing unstoppably in front of the evil spirits. The soul is completely enveloped in it.

"Will you disappear as soon as you come out? Never!"

I thought that by appearing in the Profound Yellow Realm, it would be able to swallow the souls and slaughter everything, and the end of the immortal cultivator would have arrived. Where did I know that he was first suppressed by the Supreme Zen Dao, and then trapped by the Five Elements Wheel, and finally came out, but Appearing on Kunlun Mountain, the source of immortal cultivators, there was the stubborn resistance of the Kunlun monks. He has yet to find a soul that can be swallowed, and now he has been hit by the Xuanyuan sword, the guardian of the mysterious yellow world.

Is it so miserable?

Perceiving the irresistible power, the evil soul will never give up struggling and do a desperate fight.

The tentacles and spikes of the whole body are completely open, and the incomparable evil desire and power are used to resist the sword of sanction formed by the force of the law.

And Zhou Shu watched quietly, he could do everything he could, only waiting.

Lin Qing never disappointed him. The piano sound arrived at the right time, like a light breeze, quietly erasing the sword intent, including the spiritual consciousness inside.

If it does not affect the power of the law at all, it will disappear without a trace.

Lin Qingjue put down the piano in his hand, he was left waiting.

The force of the law was like a torrent, and the golden arc light completely swallowed the evil soul. Accompanied by a violent turbulent sound, the golden arc light broke out with indescribable strong light vibrations, and within a few breaths, it flashed thousands of times.

Sitting on Wangfeng, Kunlun Mountain, all the monks closed their eyes and tried to protect their figures, unable to face them.

The collision of the power of this law is not something they can bear.

Only Zhou Shu, who knew the law of life and death, stood tenaciously.

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