Fairy Winner

Chapter 1806: Worst

"Is it the Guishen Cave again?"

Qingque shook his head slightly and picked off the radio bell.

"Disciple Chang Gang, found a newly formed fissure around Huanyun Lake, 300,000 miles southeast of Lingyu City. The lake water has been completely swallowed by the fissure, and there is a strong alien atmosphere. The disciple is waiting for the sect in the distance. Instructions, as soon as possible!"

Indeed, this is another hole for God.

"The third one."

Li Aojian settled there, "Xiao Zhou, think about it, I can go anywhere, or give me the two in the east?"

"Staff is still not enough."

Hao Ruoyan, who has always been calm, also frowned, "Unexpectedly, if there are so many coming to the three Guishen Caves, our Heyin Sect will have to go out with many talents. The city may be empty. It is a coincidence. They came out almost at the same time. Yes, you can send people separately if you have a priority."

"After waiting for so long, just to find this god-given hole, I thought I could do a great job. Why did three come here?"

Xuanhu also touched his beard unconsciously, and felt a headache.

Everyone knows that a Guishen Cave is worthy of joy. They are not worried at all if they are prepared. They can also destroy an alien stronghold and allow their disciples to exercise. But the three Guishen Caves are different, even if they can. Destroy them all, and lose them all.

"If you don't go to the casual repair place, maybe they can help."

Hao Siyun thought for a while and said, "In fact, there are many strong people in there, many of them are better than me. The big deal is that we will have more rewards. Such a good opportunity should not be missed. Next time you find the Guishen Cave. I don't know when it is."

Bailong nodded, "That's what it said. Even if we solve these three Guishen Caves, even if we solve more than one million alien races, Lingyu City will be able to feel more at ease."

Hao Ruoyan looked at Zhou Shu, "Master Shu, what do you think?"

Zhou Shu was silent, only looking at the pillars in the hall, his expression a little heavy.

As if he had noticed something, Hao Siyun shook his head quickly, "Could it be that there will be, it is impossible, how can there be such a thing around Lingyu City..."

Before many words were spoken, the bell rang again.

This time, it was not one radio bell, but three. The three radio bells rang at the same time, one after another, although the sound was not loud, but each sound shook in my heart, making everyone's complexion serious.

The green sparrow numbly picked up the radio bell.

"Disciple Simawo..."

"Disciple Wu Fang..."

"Disciple Wang Ding..."

It is quite certain that three more rifts have appeared, and three more holes for God.

Everyone knows that six Guishen Caves and at least two million alien races are not something that the Holland Faction can destroy at will. Even if all the disciples in the city are sent out, they may not be able to do it. Offense and defense are completely different. If you can't concentrate your superior combat power and make quick decisions, destroying your stronghold will also lose its strategic significance.

The few people looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

The hall was silent for a while.

Zhao Yueru watched the radio bell, and said slowly, "The six Guishen Caves are located two to three thousand miles away from Lingyu City, not far from each other. Watching and helping each other is like surrounding Lingyu City. It doesn't seem to be us. Go and hit them, but they are going to hit us."


Zhou Shu nodded, "Yueru is right. The emergence of so many Guishen Caves is not accidental, but the alien race has already decided to attack Lingyu City. What we have to do now is probably not to attack Guishen Cave, but Defend the city. This is what we have been doing before."

Xuanhu looked solemn, "I knew that they were going to attack Lingyu City, but we didn't want to take the opportunity to destroy them when they were exposed, so as to delay their offensive...Where did we know that they came so fast, and it didn't take a while. Leaving it to us, they came almost at the same time. Now we are about to face the siege of two million foreign races. It should be all the foreign races around Lingyu City. The pressure is not small."

Hao Siyun muttered, "Two million aliens..."

The atmosphere in the hall has been suppressed a lot. Two million foreign races. Even though they know the weaknesses of these foreign races, the number is still too much. It must be impossible for Lingyucheng to spend this time without loss. I don’t know how many lotus sounds there are. Disciples were killed for this.

"Come and kill one, come and kill ten thousand."

Li Aojian's expression was indifferent, only his eyes were getting cold, and it seemed that there was sword energy overflowing from it, and his fighting spirit had already risen unconsciously.

Hao Ruoyan looked at Zhou Shu, "Master Shu, give an order, what should we do?"

Zhou Shu shook his head calmly, "Don't worry."

"Don't worry, the eyebrows are burning. Even if the speed of the alien race is slow, 300,000 li will only take three or four days at most. We have no time. We must act immediately and arrange for the disciples to make various preparations," Xuan Hu said anxiously , But looking at Zhou Shu, he seemed to feel something, "Could it be..."

As if thinking of something terrible, he paused, afraid to say it.

The others were the same, staring at the pillars in the temple, their bodies became a little stiff.

Zhou Shu looked at it the same way, and said lightly, "Is it really only two million? Don't worry."

It seemed to be responding to this sentence, and in an instant, the ringing sounded loudly.

Anyone can hear that this bell is so noisy, at least dozens of them are ringing at the same time.

The people in the hall were stunned, as if they were struck by thunder and motionless, while the blue bird on the side of the pillar trembled unconsciously, looking at the radio bells on the side~www.ltnovel.com~ I don’t know. How to get it.

Zhou Shu waved his hand, all the radio bells fell off, floating in front of him one by one.

As soon as it fell, the voices of the disciples came out one after another, "Disciple Mao Bu...", "Disciple Huayuan...", "Disciple Gu Buting...", "Disciple Ouyang Baibai, in the south of Lingyu City Three hundred thousand miles..."

Behind each voice, there was a calm or panicked disciple of the Heyin School, and the news brought without exception was the cave of God.

When the voice gradually subsided, the hall fell into a dead silence, and there was no more sound.

Zhou Shu glanced at everyone with a smile as always, "It's almost there, there shouldn't be any more."

Hao Ruoyan glanced at the column and said a little gaffe, "Senior Brother Shu, how could there be any? Now all the radio bells have rang... even if there are, we don't know anymore, why... how could there be such a thing? It's a **** cave, so many foreign races!"

The last sentence, like another thunder, hit everyone's hearts again.

Yeah, how come there are so many god-given holes and so many alien races?

There are a total of 33 radio bells in the temple, all of which have rang, which means that there are at least 33 Guishen Caves. If each Guishen Cave is similar to what has been seen before, then there are more than 10 million aliens. Has gathered around Lingyu City.

These alien races will arrive at Lingyu City in three days and attack Lingyu City.

The previous siege of foreign races did not add up to one percent of this number.

The people in the temple didn't dare to think about it. They had imagined the worst, but they didn't expect that the situation before them was worse than the worst.

Ten million foreign races, a foreign race spit water, can flood Lingyu City.

It can almost be said that the end of Lingyu City is coming.

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