Fairy Winner

Chapter 1807: march

On the endless plain.

Countless alien races, like tides, marched towards Lingyu City one after another, and the sky and the ground were all black.

"Hurry up! Whoever wasted time, I will kill that team!"

The alien at the front of the army was born very strange, about one foot tall, with a human-shaped worm body, two claws shining with a dark black light, and four feet on the four scorpions, steady, not fast or slow. , The Tiger Clan can be regarded as an alien race with a trace of dragon blood, but they can only be the mounts of this alien race.

He was born with two heads, one head was facing the back and he couldn't help reprimanding, using weird foreign language, full of anger and disdain in his eyes, the other head raised up and looked forward, with ambition. Dissolution, it seems that Lingyu City, hundreds of thousands of miles away, is already in the bag.

This is the Jiaozong tribe, the king tribe from the Pingshan realm, and they deserve to stand at the top.

"Pride, do you want to die?"

An alien on the side glanced at the arrogant zerg, his scarlet eyes were full of killing intent.

This alien race is unusual. It looks similar to a human being. It is two feet tall, but it is a body. Both legs and hands are only two feet. The face is born on the body, and the belly button is the mouth. It looks very different. Coordinating, even a little funny.

This is the Xingdi Clan, from the Xingtian Realm. They look very similar to the Xingtian Clan, but there is a big gap in status and strength.

Perhaps because of this reason, the Xingdi Clan always carried a grievance, dissatisfied with everything, and wanted to sanction and kill everything when they saw it.

"Haha, it's the fifth sentence."

Jiao San stopped, turned his angry head, and changed his smile, "You know, I said to those inferior races, you are a distinguished guest from the Great Xingtian Realm, how could I treat you? Get angry?"

"I don't feel comfortable seeing these two faces of you!"

Xing Wu glared at him with his chest, and said reluctantly, "No matter who you say to, come down to Lao Tzu!"

"Haha, haha!"

Jiao San's figure was shocked, his head changed back, and angrily said, "You've been holding back in the Guishen Cave for a long time, wanting to find someone to vent your anger? But you have found the wrong person, others are afraid of you, I am not afraid of you, come! "

Xing Wu stopped talking, and didn't know where to find a five-zhang long Ge, and rushed over.

The body is attached to the spear, almost blending together.

The spear shot, the sound of the wind burst, and the surrounding black wind whirled for a few miles. With the spear stabbed and picked, the whirlpool vibrated, and hundreds of alien races were too late to escape, and were swept into the air. It was torn to pieces by the wind blade, screaming one after another.

Jiao San got so strong, the double claws suddenly became bigger, and the door panels unfolded.

Thick as a mountain, sharp as a knife, the two scorpion mounts below were cut into two pieces by the double claws before they could respond, and the dropped head was also smashed into powder, without even screaming.

Seeing the double claws and spears, they hit them, and three figures flew from the side, hurriedly blocking the middle.


Two Di Yasha propped their spears, and the other alien turned around, pulling Jiao San to several tens of feet away like a rope.

The spear settled and the wind stopped, Xing Wu stood on the ground, waiting for Jiao San tightly, clenching the spear with both hands, like a god, no more sense of amusement.

Jiao San waved a giant claw like a door, turned both heads together, and looked at Xing Wu tit-for-tat, not at all.

The foreign race who came to the fight stood between the two with a look of dissatisfaction.

"If you want to make trouble, go to Lingyu City! Two or three days will be here. You can kill and vent as you like, but don't cause trouble now. If you miss the adult, you don't want to live. go back!"

The alien body is tall and tall, with four or five feet in length, and the limbs are extremely long, and at the same time extremely thin, like a stick insect.

This is the bamboo knot race, from the half-stone world. There are three similarly powerful races in the half-stone world. The other two are the fish-cultivation tribe and the three-legged tribe. The three races do not give way to each other. In this alien invasion, they are all Participate, in order to enhance the status and expand the boundaries, the three clans are also competing secretly.

"Zhu Er, don't I know I can't make a mistake?"

Jiao San snorted, "Xing Wu likes to look for things, should I have to bear it? You don't have to see how hateful he is. You killed a lot of soldiers in Guishen Cave before, and now they came out and killed a bunch of them. If this goes on, I am afraid that he will kill all the people before Lingyu City."

The smiling face and the angry face spoke together, and the words were repeated twice, which was a bit strange.

Xing Wu didn't speak, but only raised his spear, and the alien on the side retreated unconsciously.

Zhu Er frowned, "Everyone comes from different worlds, and their habits are different. Just be patient. What's the big deal by killing some inferior garbage? Occupying Lingyu City and grabbing Dongsheng Prefecture, everyone has the advantage. It's never too late for you to fight, do you want to beat you to death if you do nothing?"

Jiao San shook his head up and down, "I've had enough!"

Xing Wu still didn't speak, but turned his spear horizontally, and the tip of the spear was facing Jiao San.

"Do you still want to fight?"

The quarrel of quarrel, the persuasion of persuasion, more than a dozen strong aliens gathered together, the advancing team also stagnated.

"Stop it."

Among the alien group, suddenly an alien came out. It really came out~www.ltnovel.com~ He was born just like a ball, more than ten feet in diameter, no limbs or head, only layers of feathers, and one Can't help but open and close the mouth.

It looked funny, but when he spoke, the other aliens were silent, showing a little awe.

"When you arrive in Lingyu City, don't waste time. If you are preempted by other aliens from the God Cave, you will have nothing. You are not the only ones who followed the adults' orders to attack Lingyu City this time."

The alien was speaking with a big mouth, and he could vaguely see the sharp teeth like a grate, and the saliva could not stop flowing out, and the voice was very sharp, like an underage child, but none of the surrounding aliens dared to laugh.

Because they all know that this ball-like alien race is called Diqi. It is a Dijiang tribe. It has Dijiang bloodline and is extremely powerful. But what they fear is not only strength, but also because it is the messenger of adults. With the will of adults, that undefeated will can give them strength and hope, as well as weakness and death, and dominate their destiny.

There were only three envoys in all the Guishen Caves around Lingyu City, and these three envoys were also the main leaders of this attack on Lingyu City.

Looking at the foreign races standing still, Di Qi snorted softly, "Not going back?"

Xing Wu put away his spear in silence, glared at Jiao San, and walked back first.

The others also scattered and walked away, while the arrogant three stood on the spot, and a few scorpions were brought in, placed under their feet, and continued forward.

The team that had stalled for a while began to march again.

Di Qi closed his mouth in satisfaction, tightly closed, without a trace, rolled towards the alien group, disappeared in the blink of an eye, and didn't know where he was hiding or how he came out just now.

(PS: Thank you nuli8888 for your continuous support, good wishes for the Spring Festival, and thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~~)

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