Fairy Winner

Chapter 1808: have to

The Hall of Heyin School.

From time to time, there are disciples coming in and out, all of them come to report on the situation of the aliens, all in a hurry, anxious.

Hao Ruoyan listened one by one, smiled and nodded. She remained calm and confident in front of the disciples. However, when the disciples left, she would sigh secretly and unconsciously show some bitterness. Whenever it comes to everything, the heart should be like stopping water, not happy with things, not sad with oneself, even more so when she is enlightened, but at this time, she can't conceal her inner panic.

Ten million foreign races are terrible to think about, how can they be calm.

"Ruoyan, it's okay."

Zhou Shu looked at her, feeling that she was even more pitiful at this time.

"With Master Shu, Ruoyan is not afraid," Hao Ruoyan nodded slightly, but still sighed unconsciously, "But with so many foreign races, it is difficult for us to stop Lingyu City. I don't know how many disciples will want... It’s the disciple we have cultivated so hard, Master Shu, is your magic treasure still there, why don’t we take the Heyin Sect disciple and leave first?"

"I know you are reluctant to disciples. It is not difficult for us to take the disciples, but where can we go?"

With eyes facing each other, Zhou Shuwen said, "These alien races will always be in Dongsheng Prefecture. Sooner or later, we will meet. Even if we hide for a day, we can't hide for a lifetime, and we have to take away the disciples of the Heyin school. But we can’t take away the entire Lingyu City. Lingyu City has been our hard work for hundreds of years. Like those disciples, can we just throw it to the foreign race and let the foreign race destroy it?"

Hao Ruoyan subconsciously continued, "No, absolutely not..."

Speaking of Lingyu City, perhaps no one cherishes it more than her. Her hard work in Lingyu City may be second only to Xiuxian. Lingyu City has the current scenery, and her credit is definitely the second most.

Needless to say who is the first.

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Yes, and there are still millions of casual cultivators in this city. They are not mortals. They must not be able to hold them in magic weapons, and most of them are not strong. It is difficult to protect themselves against foreign races. We are leaving. Just leave them like this? You know, they are all because of the reputation of our Lingyucheng Dutch School, because of you and me, can we let them down?"


Hao Ruoyan looked startled, and shook her head quickly, "Ruoyan is wrong and can't leave Lingyu City."

"You're right, it's weird without such thoughts."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, warmly, "It is abnormal for ten million or more foreign races not to be upset, it doesn't matter, Ruoyan, everyone will be upset, don't blame yourself, but..." The expression became serious, "At this time, if we flee without a fight, the future lotus faction, the future Dongshengzhou immortal cultivator, no, all immortal cultivators will not be able to lift their heads when facing foreign races. , This is more terrifying than losing."

"Shu is right."

Qingque nodded and looked solemnly, "The situation is obvious now. The alien race has regarded Lingyu City as their first target of invasion, and also their most important goal. They just want to capture Lingyu City here, and use this to take advantage of this. Attacking or destroying the confidence of the immortal cultivators in the entire Dongsheng Prefecture and even the Xuanhuang Realm, if we run away directly, although the chance of counterattack will be preserved, the blow to confidence may never be made up. In the future, it will be much more difficult for immortal cultivators to fight foreign races. In the future, when people mention Lingyu City and the Heyin School, they will say, look, this is the sect that runs away when they meet a foreign race."

Zhou Shuzheng said, "What Qingque said is that we can't escape this battle, we must fight, and we must win. This is what we mean by staying in Lingyu City. If we are not ready to fight to the death of a foreign race, why don't we use Tongtian early? Where will the tower leave?"

"Master Shu, Sister Qingque, you are all right."

Hao Ruoyan's heart was shocked, and the whole person stood in awe, "Master Shu, Ruoyan understands, and I won't think about it anymore. I will listen to Master Shu in the future."

"Don't listen to me. I will only help you to solve the confusion in your happiness. You have always done a good job. Just now you set up the defense of the city. Everyone has their own duties. All are in the most suitable position. Not a word," Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head. "You are still in charge of everything as usual. You don't have to worry too much. Each of us is your backing. You have to understand that only you can do what you understand. At the best, no one can compare to you when it comes to dredging management and overall planning, even if I want to listen to you."

Qingque smiled and nodded, "Me too, each of us must listen to you."

Hao Ruoyan's face was a little red, "You are like this again..."

Zhou Shu appeared a little serious, "It is true, I will do everything I can do, what needs me to do now, Ruoyan?"

"Okay, Master Shu."

Hao Ruoyan also got serious and resumed his usual calmness, "Just now the disciples came to report that the aliens are not marching too fast. We still have four days to prepare. It's not very in a hurry, but they seem to have experts. In command, it is likely that they will come together at that time. Lingyu City will be surrounded on all sides. This makes defense difficult. We may not have any weaknesses."

"There are so many foreign races, it is possible to fully attack the city."

Zhou Shu expressed a bit of hesitation, "Maybe the West Point needs more rune array bunker~www.ltnovel.com~ I will arrange it later. If you have the current one, you can just place it directly."

Hao Ruoyan thoughtfully, "Yes, this should be done, but Ruoyan wants to harass and let some alien troops arrive late or early, so that we can concentrate our advantages to eliminate them and defend against them. The city should help a lot."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "What you said is, I will go, and I will let Lao Li go out. We should be able to cause some riots."

"It would be great to have you two."

Hao Ruoyan smiled and thought about it again, "Also, Master Shu, the emotions of the disciples are not high now, and Master Shu may need to be encouraged."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "I will call all the disciples later, I will make clear the pros and cons, and inspire the disciples."

Hao Ruoyan showed some satisfaction, "With the prestige of Master Shu, the disciples will definitely cheer up, and the situation of other immortal cultivators in the city is not very good. Although we have not announced the news, most people already know some things. Most people are willing to listen to our arrangements, and may be better managed than usual, but there are also many people who still want to escape. Although Bailong is there, I am afraid that he will not be able to control it."

Qingque seemed thoughtful, "Should I also help?"

"Those who want to escape are all cultivators crossing the Tribulation Realm."

Zhou Shu let go of his spiritual sense, he seemed to have noticed something, and his voice suddenly became quite cold.

"Yes, a disciple reported it."

Hao Ruoyan held her cheeks and whispered, "In fact, everyone else knows that they can't escape. It's better to stay in the city. Maybe they can have a chance to survive. It's just that those cultivators who cross the tribulation realm feel they can take advantage of the first day. I want to leave if I escape."

Zhou Shu shook his head with a sneer, "Having been hiding here, now that I know that the alien race is coming, but suddenly want to leave? I can't leave."

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