Fairy Winner

Chapter 1810: 1 dream

Zhou Shu's words were conveyed to every corner of Lingyu City at the same time. {With}{梦}щ{][lā}

Everyone can hear clearly.

From the silence and doubts at the beginning to the passionate sentiment, it was only a few dozen breaths away.

The immortal cultivators in the whole city seemed to be crazy, roaring loudly. The whole Lingyu city, no matter the streets and alleys, was full of "willing" and "I am willing" voices, and the sound was louder than once, like The entire city will be overturned.

The immortal cultivators walking on the road held their hands high, their faces flushed, and their eyes burned into a fire from the heart to the outside.

If a foreign race appeared in front of him now, it would be torn to pieces by the immortal cultivators in the city immediately, without leaving any residue.

"With Sect Master Zhou with us, we will surely be able to tide over the difficulties!"

Among the crowd, I don't know who said such a sentence first, like throwing a little spark into the gunpowder keg and it suddenly exploded.

"What a foreign race, with Lingyu City and Sect Master Zhou, we are not afraid of anything!"

"City is in Zhou Sect Master, I am here!"

"Sect Master Zhou can definitely lead us to defend Lingyu City!"

"Zhou Sect Master is today's Human Emperor!"

"The Emperor, the Emperor!"

In just a few breaths, similar words spread to the whole city and heard everywhere. At this moment, the whole Lingyu city was completely boiling. People chanted slogans and wandered around, expressing fanatical emotions. They had no goals. I don't know what I'm doing, and there is only one thought in my heart, that is-listening to Zhou Shu, you can't go wrong, even if you die.

The same goes for the Heyin School. Every disciple is fanatical in his heart, but they still perform their duties and stick to their positions.

To be a disciple of the Heyin School, rules are necessary, at any time.

"Do these guys know that Sect Master Zhou is powerful now? It's really hopeless."

"That's right, we have known for a long time, there is Sect Master Zhou, not to mention 10 million foreign races, even tens of millions I am not afraid!"

"What I mean is that if there is someone in the Xuanhuang Realm that is worthy of our immortal cultivators to follow, then only Sect Master Zhou. I have always firmly believed that Sect Master Zhou can lead us out of any predicament, and in the future he will definitely be promoted to immortality for us. The younger generations have made the greatest contribution to our Xuanhuang world."

"That's right!"

Of course, there are also many disciples who are secretly speaking. The disciples of the Heyin School have long admired Zhou Shu. There is no need to prove anything at other time. In their hearts, Zhou Shu was the first person long ago.

"Master said so well, not only that, his Shuzhi Dao is also as deep as the ceremonies. I have to work harder to learn more of Master's skills."

The Lei Yuan in the hut held a few jade slips and secretly made an oath.

Xu Rong, who was not far away, was in the same situation, but she was still a little confused about the two titles of Master and Junior Brother. As she thought about it, she unconsciously sighed while holding Yu Jian.

This jade slip was given to them by Zhou Shu a few days ago. The Shu Xin Sutra has been modified a lot. It is better to practice but also more complicated, that is, it is easy to learn but difficult to master. These four characters seem ordinary, but they are a kind of Taoism. The two disciples couldn't be the root of the Dao, and Zhou Shu could still do this in his busy schedule. The two disciples were amazed by themselves, and they had more confidence in the Shu Zhi Dao they practiced.

Although there was enough faith in the beginning, now more and more are about to become believers.

On the wall of Lingyu, the elders of the Dutch school who were busy defending were also excited.

"I was hesitant before, but now that Sect Master Zhou said this, the old man no longer thinks about it."

It was Mian who was talking, the senior elder who followed Zhou Shu from Qingyuan Mountain to Lingyu City, and is now also a monk in the Divine Transformation Realm. "If I hadn’t met Sect Master Zhou, the old man would die in the Golden Core Realm. If there is anything unsatisfied, just fight this life!"

"Don't say such unlucky words, Mi Lao, the ups and downs are coming, when Tianliu Zong besieged the Heyin faction, it was more dangerous than this."

Liu Yuer smiled slightly, with a lot of expectations hidden in her crescent-like eyes, "Lao Mi can rest assured that with Zhou Shu, we will survive the same difficulties as last time. Although many alien races are terrible, their weaknesses, we You know all of them, don’t you? Don’t worry, you can know from those words just now. If there is no absolute confidence, Zhou Shu would not say that."

Liu Yuer was also a veteran of the Heyin School. Zhou Shu had been cultivating in the Water Curtain Cave. She had already practiced in the middle stage of the Transcendent God Realm. She didn’t know about the outside world, but she rushed back after learning of the alien invasion. In one month, she had encountered such a major event, but she was not nervous at all.

Because she knew that Zhou Shu would save them again.

Shen Wen nodded slowly. He was always calm and his demeanor was still very calm, with some worries in his expression. "Elder Liu is right. We from the Heyin school do not believe in Sect Master Zhou, but this time we have to be extremely cautious. Okay, after all, there are too many alien races, and I can't relax for a moment. Hey, have you forgotten about the former elder? This time there are a lot more alien races, and the methods are even more weird."

When he mentioned Yuan Jianyi, everyone was a little sad.

At the time of the first alien invasion, Yuan Jianyi took the initiative to track down the rat lizard clan, but was ambushed by the ferret clan underground. Although he finally saved his life with the Kunlun Xiaohuan Pill, he lost his cultivation base seven or eight. Eight, in the future, I can only stop at the Transcendent God Realm, no progress is possible ~www.ltnovel.com~ and the cultivation level is less than one-tenth of the general Transcendent God Realm, and the lifespan is the same.

Yuan Jianyi was also the elder who came with them, and it was inevitable to feel sad after such a change.

"As a cultivator, the old man has such a realization."

Mian said freely, "Even if you die, it's okay. As long as the Lotus Sect can continue in the future and Sect Master Zhou can be promoted, that's enough."

"Mi Lao is right, nothing is more important than these, especially Sect Master Zhou Shengxian."

Liu Yuer looked at the Liuli Peak in the distance, stroked her messy hair, and said warmly, "As long as he can be promoted to immortality, everything we give will be worth it. Even if we are all dead, the Xuanhuang Realm will suffer catastrophe, and there will be no immortal cultivators. One, as long as he is there, it will definitely change in the future, and the cultivators of the Xuanhuang Realm will definitely be the masters of the Xuanhuang Realm, I firmly believe."

"me too."

Shen Wen nodded slowly, "No one would object to this."

Miang laughed loudly, "Of course, the reason why our Dutch school exists is because of him."

Liu Yuer's eyes were gentle, and she whispered, "Speaking of from the Qingyuan Mountain Range to the present, it really feels like a dream. If possible, I really hope that such a dream will never stop until we finally walk into the fairy world together. "

Several people nodded in sympathy, and stopped talking, as if they were immersed in some kind of dream.

From the unknown little sect to the super-large sect in Dongshengzhou, only a few short years have passed. I can't believe it when I think about it. It's like a big dream.

After a while, Shen Wen frowned and said, "Don't be emotional here, the crowd is here, we are going to maintain order, if someone gets involved in the trouble, it will be troublesome."

Miang patted his chest, "Let's go! Now if someone makes trouble, it's going to die!"

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