Fairy Winner

Chapter 1811: Hate

"It's great, Master Shu's declaration has eliminated many troublesome problems at once."

Hao Ruoyan stared at Zhou Shu, her eyes flashing involuntarily, and so did the stars.

Complicated transfers, management personnel, and unblocking guidance. She is worse than Zhou Shu in these aspects. It is very important to understand Taoism, but sometimes a few words can simplify complex problems, and they can be solved by leadership alone. The problem, in this respect, she is far inferior to Zhou Shu.

Qingque looked at Zhou Shu, with no less worship in her eyes than Hao Ruoyan, "I said a long time ago, you have the blessing of purple qi, and you have a kingly body. You still don't believe it. You are not fake at all now, right? The current Lingyu City, wrong, yes The entire immortal cultivator in Dongsheng Prefecture respects you. They believe in whatever you say, not to mention defending the city. If you let them rush out to fight the alien race to the death, they are all willing."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "I hope so, but it won't be that easy."

His declaration was purely from the bottom of his heart, without much polish or selfishness in it. It was simple and unpretentious, and naturally moved people's hearts. Besides, he also used several Taoisms, which was definitely not something other people could do.

Soul Dao Xin Dao plus Shu Zhi Dao, the three powers are integrated into the declaration, plus the power of the declaration itself, so that the declaration can shock all the cultivators, unconsciously enter the hearts of the cultivators, and inspire them Their inner emotions ignited their fighting spirit, and they couldn't help but obey Zhou Shu.

Now the immortal cultivators in Lingyu City seemed to be beaten up with blood, and they could rush up at all costs when they saw a foreign race.

However, it is difficult to say how long this state can last. If they have been besieged for too long, once they have suffered a great loss, they will see their companions die in front of them, and their hearts will definitely loosen, and it will be much harder to motivate them. .

Zhou Shu can only use this kind of declaration once, and he can only use it once, hoping that this time the problem can be solved.

From time to time, people came into the hall with light on their faces, as if they were shining on.

"Did you say that earlier?"

Bai Long glared at Zhou Shu, smiling like angrily, "I almost didn't hold the killing intent, when the time comes, people will die, you can bury it?"

"My fault, my fault," Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "But... I think you didn't press it on purpose, right?"

Bailong's face was stagnant, "I can see it... Yes, I have seen those that are not pleasing to the eye. I usually give them the best practice place, sitting next to the vitality sea pillar, and occasionally let them help. If you take things, you don’t take things seriously. Now you have to take the lead and run when you are in danger. This kind of people really don’t know how to cultivate to the catastrophe, they should have been taken away by heaven long ago!"

His face turned blue, and he was really angry. "If he dares to make a move, I will definitely kill him. Then you don't blame me."

Although he spoke very loudly, he just glanced at Zhou Shu unconsciously, with a little worry and fear in his heart.

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Kill you kill, it's okay, this kind of timid monk who is afraid of death can't be promoted to immortality. Cultivating immortality is only for life extension and enjoyment, and it is probably not of much use."

Bai Long felt relieved and shook his head, "Farewell, in case it is useful, it will be more or less in the tribulation realm. The war is coming, and doing something is worthwhile, even if it is cannon fodder."

Hao Ruoyan smiled and nodded, "Yes, it's better to keep it, Ruoyan has already figured out how to arrange them."

As he was talking, Zhao Yueru drifted in lightly.

Hao Ruoyan showed a trace of worry, "Elder Yue, isn't Siyun with you? Aren't they in the west together?"

"She followed those people outside and called to the emperor, saying she wanted to feel more."

Zhao Yueru smiled lightly and looked at Zhou Shu and said, "Zhou Shu, the good things you can do, the people in Lingyu City are crazy now, not to mention 10 million foreign races, even if you want them to go to the immortal world to pull the immortals off, they I dare to do it, I really don’t know, you still have this ability."

Zhou Shu was speechless, only smiled and shook his head.

Soon, Xuanhu followed in, and also praised Zhou Shu, "With Xuanyuanjian, plus the current popularity, people who say you are not a human emperor will not believe it, haha."

"No need to mention these, wait until you win."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "Xuanhu, Wushuang City, still can't get in touch?"

"No way."

Xuanhu shook his head, showing a little bit of hatred, "I have been around the city a whole circle, those **** aliens, their god-returning holes are almost at the key points, they are almost dug around Lingyu City. On a circle, they dug up all the places with spiritual veins and spiritual energy. The information from Wushuang City was completely impossible to pass, and our news could not be passed."

Zhou Shu seemed to understand, "I guess so, they want to completely isolate us, they don't want other sects to know, let alone we have reinforcements."

Hao Ruoyan whispered, "Master Shu, Ruoyan has sent a swordsman to Cihang and Tianjian earlier. They should be able to get there. They have special physiques and can fly on the edge of the wind. Those alien races should not be able to stop them."

"When they arrive at Lingyu City, it's almost over."

Zhou Shuslow shook his head, "Far can't quench the near thirst, we still have to rely more on ourselves."

Bailong nodded, with a lot of solemnity, "This is natural. It is impossible to count on others in this dangerous situation, but if we do a good job~www.ltnovel.com~, this battle will surely make all immortal cultivators. Cheer up and change the current passive beating situation. At the beginning, Baidi City was also besieged several times. At most, there were millions of foreign races. Baidi City was isolated and helpless, but under the leadership of Baidi, he fought several victories. , Played a morale, played a reputation."

"More than a reputation."

Xuanhu said slowly, "At that time, the Baidi was called the first person under the emperor, and the Baidi City was also called the city of iron walls. It was indestructible, and Xihezhou was also feared by the aliens. The invasion of the aliens was often the latest Only when I went to Xihezhou, I was afraid of being beaten by Baidi."

Hearing the glorious deeds of his ancestors, Bai Long was very excited, "Not bad, you deserve to be my confidant."

"Bai Di and Bai Di City are what we should focus on studying."

Zhou Shu slowly said, "Ruoyan and I have carefully studied those battles. There are many good methods in them, and we will soon use them."

Hao Ruoyan nodded in admiration, "Yes, if we hadn't had these few defensive battles first, we would still be blind and touch the elephant."

"It's good if it can be used, but unfortunately I haven't learned much, alas."

Bailong nodded very contentedly, and only soon the satisfaction turned into hatred, "But the hateful thing is that Baidi City and Baidi gave almost everything to the Xuanhuang Realm and humans, but the final credit fell to Kunlun. Everyone said that it was because of Kunlun that Xihezhou was feared by foreign races... What is even more hateful is that the city of Baidi was destroyed by Kunlun!"

As he said, there was another layer of black smoke covering his body, and the killing intent spread, and the hall suddenly felt cold.

Zhou Shu didn't stop it, and there was no need to stop it, it was just a short vent.

But within a short while, the black smoke dissipated and was all sucked in by the Baidi knife.

(PS: Thank you nuli8888 for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)

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