Fairy Winner

Chapter 1812: Rush

Two silhouettes floated out of the city gate and galloped to the west.

It was Zhou Shu and Li Aojian, who had the task of harassing the alien race and disrupting the formation of the alien race. If they could do a good job, they could greatly reduce the burden on Lingyu City, which might be decisive for the entire war.

Li Aojian, incarnate in a sword body, was attached to Zhou Shu's body, and he couldn't hold back forward. The speed was extremely fast, unconsciously it was tens of thousands of miles.

"Xiao Zhou, I still think it's better to separate."

Li Aojian seemed to think, "It might be better to separate the harassment, what do you think?"

"It's true, but..."

Zhou Shu expressed a bit of hesitation, "Judging from the information that the disciples suddenly sent, we are better together. If the information is true, then we can not only harass, but even eliminate hundreds of thousands of alien races without too much effort. ."

"Eliminate hundreds of thousands of alien races without much effort?"

Li Aojian immediately became interested, "Then it's worth trying, what kind of information is it?"

Zhou Shu thought for a while, without answering the question, "Your sword body should be able to absorb most sword intent, even if it is from a foreign race?"

Li Aojian paused, "Do these alien races also have sword intent..."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "It doesn’t have to be called sword intent, nor does it have to be the same as ours, but the essence must be similar to sword intent. Swordsmanship is not the original creation of the immortal cultivation world. There are also other alien races. There is a world called the ten thousand swords world. Have you heard of it?"

"Ten Thousand Sword Realm..." Li Aojian pondered for a while, seeming to realize, "I've heard of Ten Thousand Sword Jue, that is Sword Saint Pei Min's method of fame. Speaking of Pei Min, it is really amazing. He is the capital of the fairy world. The recognized sword master is the first person in kendo, of course it is temporary."


Zhou Shu naturally understood what he meant for the time being. With the confidence that Li Aojian would never lose, Li Aojian would definitely become the Sword Master, surpassing Pei Min, and nodded with a smile, "Then Ten Thousand Sword Realm is the Sword Saint Pei Min traveling in the Ten Thousand Realms. When he discovered the New World, he meditated there for a long time. After leaving, many creatures in the Ten Thousand Sword World benefited a lot, and felt Pei Min’s sword intent to a greater or lesser extent, and various changes took place. , Formed many powerful alien races, hundreds of them, but after many years, there are about five or six species left."

"There is still such a thing."

Li Aojian didn't realize that he had a lot of yearning, "Doesn't it mean that a person has changed a creature? The sword intent can reach this level, it is simply the ability to turn stones into gold."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Almost, turning a stone into gold is not an influence, but a complete change of the nature of certain things, and that is what he did when he was not sanctified. After sanctification, let alone change the world, even if he creates The New Territories is not difficult either... Stop it, we are still far from that state, and it makes no sense to think about these things."

Feeling the speed slowing down, knowing that Li Aojian was distracted, Zhou Shu immediately reminded him.

"Yes, I can always do it then, what do I have to think about."

Li Aojian said freely, "You tell me this, about the direction we are going, there are aliens from the world of swords, right?"

"Yes, if the disciple's information is correct, then the Sabretooth tribe and the Sword Mao tribe both participated in this alien invasion, and it is also unexpected that many realms related to the immortal world have come from this alien invasion."

Zhou Shu showed a little solemnity, "These two alien races are about 5,000 to 6,000, and they are considered elites from invading alien races. They can survive in the dangerous world of swords. They are definitely not easy to deal with. They are full of flesh and blood. Sword intent, gestures and gestures carry great power, each of them is equivalent to Yuan Ying realm sword repair, the strong among them is not weaker than crossing the tribulation realm, which may have been a big problem in Lingyu City, but you are here , It shouldn't be a problem, if you can..."

"No problem."

Li Aojian's voice became very cold, "When I merged in the secret realm of sword intent, I understood the essence of some sword intent. As long as their bodies really contain sword intent, I can absorb them and transform them into myself. The sword intent."

Zhou Shu showed a lot of joy unconsciously, "Yes, that's what I think, you can do it."

"Hey, it's just a small matter."

Li Aojian said lightly, only he knew in his heart that it was not a trivial matter, and the sword intent cast was not easy to absorb, not to mention that it was hidden deep in the body of a foreign race. He was likely to experience the pain of a whole body split again. They may lose their limbs, or even their minds will be dominated by foreign sword intent, and become a sword demon.

But he is willing to accept such a challenge, and he will definitely accept it.

"Okay, Old Li."

Zhou Shu nodded seriously. He didn't know that there was a great danger, but compared with the results obtained, the risk was worth taking. "At that time, we will attack and harass both sides with the alien races in the Ten Thousand Sword Realm as the center. You can Use Sabertooth Clan and Sword Hair Clan to restore and increase strength, and I will see if I can kill a few more powerful aliens and make them chaotic."

"Just do as you say."

The wind screamed, and the speed suddenly increased a bit.

It's not teleportation, it's better than teleportation. It was still here a few breaths ago, and the next breath was dozens of miles away.

After a few hours, the two felt the aura of alien race.

I saw it immediately.

Thousands of miles away, it is all black, like a series of mountains, and like an endless wall~www.ltnovel.com~ The sky is connected to the sky, and the earth is next to the ground, completely blocking everything. Even the sun can't get through, just looking at it, it feels extremely depressed.

It's not a weird celestial phenomenon, it's just an invading alien that has made this wall.

The number of alien races and the vast army of alien races are really shocking, and this is just one direction.

Those alien races hadn't noticed their existence yet, they just marched forward in great strides, not fast, and every step they took, the ground was shocked.

If such a scene appears in front of Lingyu City, I don't know how many people will lose their intent to fight, but Zhou Shu and Li Aojian have not stopped, but have moved faster.

At this time, Li Aojian had already separated from Zhou Shu and turned into an invisible blast.

He hovered up and down, unconsciously revealing a lot of excitement. The bloodthirsty excitement seemed to have dyed the wind red, "It really is the sword intent! Although it is different from our cultivation, it must be the sword intent, sword intent. The form actually penetrates completely into the bones. It can be said that those alien races are formed by following these sword intents, and their flesh and blood are attached to the sword intent."

Zhou Shu was slightly calm, "Old Li, will there be any problems?"

Li Aojian said indifferently, "You said these alien races, or something else. If these alien races, I have no problem, just leave it to me. With their supplement, I can guarantee that these alien races will be beaten up and down. Other..."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "What about the other?"

"Haha, I just have some regrets. It would be great if Lao Zhu was here. This is a good time for the three of us to show off their power!"

Li Aojian looked up to the sky and smiled, the gust of wind turned into a tornado, and it suddenly blasted towards the alien army.

The millions of alien races seemed nothing in his eyes, without fear or hesitation, they rushed in like this.

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