Fairy Winner

Chapter 1813: volume

The wind rolling in a radius of several tens of meters was directly involved in the alien army.

Like mowing grass, countless aliens fell in an instant.

As long as it touches the edge of the wind, and the body is in a different place immediately, this seems to be good. Most aliens are completely involved in the wind, and there is no scum left at all.

Sword wind roll.

This is the method that Li Aojian has realized in the secret realm of sword intent. It combines sword intent and killing intent to exert great lethality.

Ignoring the defense, there is no difference. Whether it is a companion or an opponent, they will be hit by the sword, endlessly, just like Zhou Shu encountered in the secret of the sword that day, but more concentrated and sharp.

Of course, these alien races are not the opponents of Jianyi, and in an instant, a line was drawn in the army, extending into the depths.

I don't know how many aliens have lost their lives.

However, there are too many alien races. Even if Jian Fengjuan did not encounter any resistance and easily harvested alien life, it could not interrupt the pace of alien attack, and could not even delay time.

Numerous alien races simply ignored their companions. As soon as they moved forward, the gap of dozens of feet was filled almost as soon as they were opened.

From a distance, the imposing sword wind scroll was just a point of constant advancement in the alien army, and did not affect the pace of the alien.

Even if it is mowing, a person will be unable to mow it if he has to face thousands of hectares of grass.

The difference in numbers is huge, and the terrain is not good.

If it is in the closed Guishen Cave, Li Aojian's sword wind scroll can definitely receive miraculous effects, and the sword intent that cannot be gathered and distributed will not disappear at all. It will continue to reverberate, shake, and more in the Guishen Cave. The bigger and bigger, until the vast sword intent fills the entire Guishen hole, the alien race inside will be attacked several times, and they can't even escape.

This is also the reason why Li Aojian has always wanted to find the Guishen Hole to eliminate the alien race. He can maximize the advantages of the sword body. One person can kill tens of thousands of alien races without excessive consumption, but on the plains, the sword body Its power is much smaller, even with bare physical strength.

"You can only use that."

Within a few breaths, Li Aojian discovered the problem. Even if he rushed down like this, he could only kill tens of thousands of alien races at most. What he had to do-harass alien races, disrupt the formation-fundamentally Can't do it.

The wind suddenly stopped.

But the speed of the rotation became faster and faster, and I saw that four white lines flew out of the wind and scattered around.

The white line was initially very thin, but as it spread out, it became larger and thicker. After only a dozen breaths, it stretched to more than half a mile, and looked like four white dragons.

It was still a wind, but changed the direction and position and rolled out sideways.


It is just another change of Jian Fengjuan, with greater power and consumption, more than ten times larger.

They are flying in all directions, from left to right, from time to time, from time to time. Almost every alien race that touches the side is caught, split, and separated. Sometimes there are alien races that can resist a few times, but they are also immediately beaten to the side. Unable to hinder the actions of Fenglong.

Not long after, Fenglong was stained with a layer of light red, it was blood, and it was also more aggressively killing intent.

The more killings, the greater the killing intent, and the more powerful the magic arts.

The appearance of the four wind dragons immediately put a lot of pressure on the alien army.

The range of the wind dragon's attack is very large, coming and going quickly, all the alien races within dozens of miles are affected, even if the alien army wants to ignore it, countless aliens began to rush to avoid, the team slowed down unconsciously, watching the chaotic army , Several leading alien powerhouses, showing their displeasure, stood up angrily.

They know the consequences. If they can't reach Lingyu City on time, they will be punished by the adult, and that adult has never been kind.

"Don't mess up!"

"There is only one person, so if there is anything to panic, keep going, if you miss the hour, you will die!"

The strange language was yelled out by the loudest voice, and the aliens gradually returned to the team normally, but the wind dragon did not stop and broke the team into chaos.

The powerful aliens also know that without stopping these wind dragons, there is no way to make the team move forward.

A giant mountain tribe with a stature of twenty feet, raised an arm as thick as a house, and slammed it towards Fenglong.

Like the actual wind dragon, the action was unpleasant, and it was immediately hit. The sword intent was shattered like rain. The knife was cut on the arm of the giant mountain tribe. Although tens of thousands of wounds were cut, it was still cut. Can't stop the huge power of the Giant Mountain Clan.

The giant mountain tribe is like a mountain, with a body like a mountain, and a mountain of strength. What's more terrifying is that they feel like a mountain and are not afraid of pain at all.

Although the wind dragon caused considerable damage to the Giant Mountain Clan, it was still broken by the unconscious Giant Mountain Clan.

Fenglong suddenly paused, and Jian Yisi disappeared.

The sword intent formed by the sword body cannot withstand too much blow, and must be converted back quickly, otherwise it is possible to lack hands or legs.

At the same time, the other three wind dragons were also attacked by powerful aliens and scattered one after another.

Li Aojian quickly picked up the sword intent. He was not affected, but it was very expensive. It would not be so easy to gather the four wind dragons again~www.ltnovel.com~ Could it be stopped like this?

Of course not. He rushed into the alien army and rushed to such a far place, already seeing the target he was looking for.

Saber tooth family.

Those groups of alien races walking slowly and straightforwardly are similar to tigers, except that there is a sharp tooth protruding under the jaw, which is four or five feet long, shining with a deep cold light, and that sharp tooth is formed by the concentration of sword intent. , I don't know what sword intent it is, but it is indeed sword intent.


The sword body turned into a wave of blades, flew out sideways, and rushed straight to the group of sword tooth tribes.

The saber-tooth tribe showed disdain, and was about to raise their heads to fight with their teeth, but unexpectedly hit Li Aojian's arms. The sharp teeth quickly decayed in the wave blade, and at a visible speed, in a short while, they completely disappeared. .

The saber-tooth tribe touched the chin with only a big hole, and fell to the ground blankly.

This blow cost nearly a hundred saber-tooth tribes dead.

They lost not only their lives, but also their saber teeth and sword intent on which they depended for survival.

These sword intents have become Li Aojian's strength, and there is no need to transform or transform. In the blink of an eye, four wind dragons appear again.

Compared with before, their colors are more gorgeous, their killing intent is stronger, and they also bring some special flavors. Not only Li Aojian's own sword intent, but also the sword intent of the Sabertooth Clan itself, and its lethality seems to be different. Bigger.

Within a few breaths, the screams were endless, and the formation that had just stabilized was chaotic again.

Several powerful aliens looked fierce, and ran towards Fenglong with a roar, trying to defeat Fenglong again.

Yes, they can do it, but they can also guess that even if these four are defeated, there may be four more, or more.

(PS: Thank you wangc1111 for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)

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