Fairy Winner

Chapter 1814: Yeah

The four wind dragons quickly spread out.

If they can't be solved in the first time, they will become alien nightmare.

Wherever the wind dragon went, countless other races died instantly. In a short time, the wind dragon became more reddish, and it seemed to be covered with a thick layer of red smoke. The killing intent was completely permeated. In the sword intent, the essence is average, and it looks more gorgeous, which also makes the wind dragon more powerful.

Under the non-stop attack, the foreign race army finally fell into chaos, even if the leader of the foreign race powerhouse shouted loudly, or even murdered and stood up.

The chaotic army is difficult to return to normal in a short period of time. Some move forward, some retreat, and some evade. There are constantly alien races being killed and trampled to death by their own people. The number of alien races is too huge, and their abilities are very different. In fact, the aliens who died in this respect were no less killed than Li Aojian.

The wind dragon rushed to the right and left, always surrounding the alien race in the Ten Thousand Sword Realm. Whenever a wind dragon was wiped out by the alien race, it would soon resurrect again, and every time it resurrected, not only did it not weaken, but its strength was further strengthened.

Later, it often takes a few powerful aliens to work together to overcome one.

"Damn! What kind of trick is this!? How can there be such a strange human immortal cultivator?"

"It turns out that our soldiers are used as a source of supplementary strength..."

"My lord also said that these guys in the Ten Thousand Sword Realm are amazing soldiers, one of the most powerful forces in our army, unexpectedly attacking them, and being able to beat the immortal cultivator to throw away his helmet and armor, how could it be so vulnerable, and even become a cultivator. Dishes?"

"My lord can't be wrong. It must be an accident. Such a cultivator shouldn't have appeared in the Xuanhuang world."

They all saw the problem, but there was no way to change anything. They could only let Li Aojian harass. No, it was not harassment, but destruction. Li Aojian was destroying this army. There were nearly 10,000 alien races in the Ten Thousand Sword Realm. He could Do it.

However, this army is only one of dozens of troops heading to Lingyu City.

Of course, Li Aojian also saw this. In addition to disrupting the formation and constantly attacking the weak aliens, he even took the initiative to attack the strong aliens. In a short time, there was a single strong alien, the tall one. The Giant Mountain Clan was besieged by three wind dragons and attacked. In just a few dozen breaths, they fell to the ground. Most of their body's flesh and blood was cut off, and they could only linger.

At this time, Zhou Shu was no longer there.

When Li Aojian used the Dragon of Wind, Zhou Shu roughly judged that Li Aojian would definitely achieve his goal, so he was going to do what he should do.

Hundreds of miles away, another alien army is moving forward.

It is still an overwhelming alien race, like a moving wall, heading towards Lingyu City.

The speed of this army is much slower than that of other alien army, which is a bit strange, which is why Zhou Shu came here.

The alien races are densely packed and impervious to the wind. Even with Zhou Shu’s divine sense, it’s difficult to penetrate. interference.

Zhou Shu was observing the alien army, and the alien army also noticed him. Soon, several powerful aliens rushed towards him.

Obviously, the attack on other troops has spread to this side, so all foreign troops are vigilant and start to take precautions before they happen.

One of the strong guys, after seeing Zhou Shu, his heart suddenly shook, "It's actually him?"

This Di Yasha was just the foreign powerhouse who had escaped from the Cave of Gods.

After he escaped, he heard that all the alien races who had not had time to escape in the cave of the gods were dead, and none of them were alive. They lost their soldiers, made big mistakes, and had to be scattered to other troops to serve as pioneers. , The lord’s messenger said, only by exerting a strong force in the siege, can the merits be lost.

Unconsciously, the few powerful men on the side walked towards Zhou Shu, but he was a little slow on purpose.

He knew that he could not be Zhou Shu's opponent, and he could only rush to death.

"Damn human!"

"Want to harass us alone? I will never let you succeed again!"

The leading powerhouses rushed in fiercely, using their best and most terrifying means to directly attack Zhou Shu.

"You know it pretty fast."

Zhou Shu's expression was indifferent, and Xuanyuanjian slowly lifted up to meet him.

"this is……"

"Could it be Xuanyuanjian, who are you?!"

In the hearts of many alien powerhouses, Xuanyuanjian is the most unique existence, and also the human magic weapon they are most vigilant and feared for.


Just a mistake, the sword's edge slashed in front of him, and an unstoppable force struck, and the first alien was cut into two pieces. There was no time to shout, the head slowly fell, and the huge eyes widened. With a completely unbelievable look.


Several powerful aliens on the side were trying to say something, they saw Jian Feng go round and round, before they could say anything, they went in different places one after another.

Zhou Shu used his full strength, the power of the law of life and death was condensed in the sword, and the mighty power was fully displayed, that is, the power must also avoid three points. What's more, these alien races, no matter what means they have, as long as they do not escape, this sword It must be unstoppable.

In an instant, the four powerful aliens fell, and Di Yacha, who had only slowed down, escaped the catastrophe~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Shu kept collecting the four corpses and looked at that Di Yacha.

He recognized it naturally, with a chuckle at the corner of his mouth, "It turned out to be you, this time, you can't run away."


Di Yasha couldn't help trembling, screamed, turned and fled, and dived into the alien army.

Most foreign races are not afraid of death, but these strong foreign races are definitely exceptions. Like immortal cultivators, they have the idea of ​​promotion and promotion. If they encounter an opponent that is impossible to defeat, what else can they do without running away?

Only when he fled to the front of the alien army, suddenly his body collapsed and fell from mid-air, immediately silent.

Zhou Shu was not far away, and he could see clearly. At the moment when Di Yacha fell, a red light flashed on his back. There was a brand mark, which was the same as Zhou Shu's eyes before. But the moment Yasha died, his eyes flashed.

"Is this again..."

Zhou Shu secretly said, "It seems that it is more than just talking. It is impossible to escape on the battlefield. It will also be punished. It is not clear what the law is, but the characters who want to imprint them are about seeing everything in their eyes. Got it..."

If you cannot escape, you will die.

This time the foreign race attacked Lingyu City, a war that must be won on both sides. The human immortal cultivator could not lose Lingyu City. Losing Lingyu City meant losing the hope of the entire Dongsheng Prefecture, while the foreign races could not take Lingyu City. With the death of ten million or more alien races, what will be brought afterwards may be the weakness of dozens of realms or even hundreds of realms.

Who manipulates all this behind?

Zhou Shu seemed to be thinking, raising the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, staring into the distance coldly.

The killing intent is getting stronger.

(PS: Thank you Gulang Tingtao for your continuous support, :) Thanks to the book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~)

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