Fairy Winner

Chapter 1815: shock

Under Zhou Shu's gaze, the alien powerhouse who hadn't come back unconsciously stepped back, thanking that he had escaped.

They won't run away, but they won't go head-to-head with Zhou Shu. They only slowed down, blended into the mighty alien army, and continued to move forward.

At present, what they hope is to save their lives, and then the immortal cultivator in front of them will not be as terrible as the one next to them, and it will be enough to completely throw the army into chaos.

However, Zhou Shu did not have such plans. With his ability, it is not difficult to disrupt the army like Li Aojian, but it will consume a lot of money, and it will consume a lot of cultivation base. From now on, he has to face countless alien races every day. When it is not the final victory, he will not let himself consume too much, he will always maintain enough energy to face alien races.

It is better to save a little energy and kill more powerful ones.

After a glance, Zhou Shu turned into a flash of light, and went through the foreign army.

On the vast plains, it’s difficult to concentrate on killing too many alien races at once, but it’s very convenient for finding flaws and rushing forward. Xuanyuanjian Qingyanjian and himself are invincible. No alien race can. Blocking, those strong are also shunned, lest Zhou Shu's goal is himself.

Zhou Shu's target is indeed them, but now there is a higher priority to see what is in this alien army.

The previous intelligence showed that five or six armies were advancing very slowly. The other armies delayed the siege date just to cooperate with them. If they were all at the same speed, the alien armies could reach Lingyu City a day or two earlier.

The foreign army would rather attack the city later, but also wait for these troops. There must be a very important reason for this.

The reason lies in the five or six armies.

It just so happened that the army in front of you was one of them, and you would definitely not be able to ask about it.

It didn't take long before Zhou Shu reached the center of the alien army and saw the situation inside.

Seeing everything in front of him, Zhou Shu was shocked unconsciously, and while his doubts disappeared, he became more worried.

What he saw was the thing he least wanted to see, a large number of siege equipment.

It's no wonder that this group of foreign race troops has advanced so slowly, with so many heavy siege equipment, how could it not be slow.

There are several types of these equipment, such as siege vehicles, blasting hammers, etc., surrounded by countless aliens. They are heavy and delicate. They are definitely not shoddy things, but truly powerful war machines. In front of them, anything The cities are all fearful, because their powerful destructive power and the super long distance are enough to destroy the strongest city walls. Once they are formed into an offensive array, the cultivators have no good way to deal with them. Most of the time, they only I can watch them destroy the city wall and the bunkers on the wall in the most violent and direct way.

Indeed, alien races will not only use their bodies to attack the city, they will also use siege equipment. It’s just that, like now, alien races have seen such a large number of siege equipment to siege the city. The city of Baidi, or nowhere else, has never used a lot of siege equipment in foreign races, at most ten, and they are all very simple things.

Because of this experience, Zhou Shu didn't think much about this matter, nor did he make much preparation for it.

And here, just the one-hundred-meter-long rushing hammer, there are seven or eight hundred, densely packed, like small cities.

There is no doubt that these siege equipment will pose a great threat to Lingyu City, and may even be the greatest.

The foreign race is definitely determined to win Lingyu City.

"Damn it!"

As calm as Zhou Shu, he couldn't help cursing secretly.

These siege equipment are so huge that they suddenly appeared here. They were definitely not transported from outside of the sky. Most of them were manufactured near Lingyu City in Dongsheng Prefecture. This requires a lot of rare materials and a lot of manpower, not even a half-time. It’s impossible for Lingyucheng to be unaware of this, but the fact is that Zhou Shu and Wushuangcheng’s intelligence network has never detected their existence, which is really incredible, or Zhou Shu and Wushuangcheng made a mistake. , Or, the alien got extra help.

The former is very unlikely.

The meaning of the latter is not general.

It is possible that alien races have come to the Xuanhuang Realm long ago, and they have manufactured these siege weapons in unknown places, such as in a special secret realm. When the aliens invade, they will bring them to the alien army to attack Lingyu City. They drew away.

This is probably the only answer.

The vast majority of alien races use their own bodies to fight, or simple weapons, nothing more. Humans are completely different from cultivators. In addition to physical training, most cultivators use magic weapons, use talisman formations and other methods. The refined magic weapon is an important foundation for the strength of the cultivator. Flying swords and so on are not mentioned. Common magic weapons such as Naxu Jie, Flying Boat, and Jade Slips are not used by foreigners. Of course, many foreigners There is also the ability to store things, but that is to use the characteristics of your own body, it has nothing to do with magic weapons, and the things that can be stored are also very limited~www.ltnovel.com~ The alien army in the immortal world is basically all these aliens. And those strong aliens with very high intelligence are the leaders. This is the basic situation of alien invasions, which is similar to the past alien invasions, but there are many more people and more powerful ones.

Of course, there are alien races that are good at using tools, and alien races that are smarter than humans, but these alien races have a superior status in their own world, and they are closely related to the immortal world, and they will basically not participate in such things as alien invasion. And this time, they obviously participated. Although they did not directly join the battle, they only helped the invading aliens from other aspects, but they also participated, and they participated very early, very early.

Their participation made this alien invasion completely different from the past.

In fact, Zhou Shu thought about it at the moment Tianyacha appeared, but he was not sure. He could not really confirm this until he saw these siege weapons.

The joining of these alien races will undoubtedly have a great influence on the world of cultivation, but why do they participate?

The Xuanhuang Realm may not be better than their realm, not to mention that they have already obtained everything in their realm. Is it necessary to go to other realms to plunder it?

What is their purpose, is it the Xuanhuang Realm, or some treasure in the Xuanhuang Realm, or is it commissioned by a certain fairy in the Fairy Realm?

There are many questions and many clues. They are entangled together. It is difficult to find the final answer like a cocoon, but it is definitely not the time to look for it. The most important thing now is to destroy this batch of equipment. Find the best method of restraint.

Zhou Shu settled down, separated the crowd, and flew towards the pile of siege equipment.

It seemed that they had realized something, or received an order, and the advancing aliens rushed towards Zhou Shu, trying to stop Zhou Shu's actions.

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