Fairy Winner

Chapter 1816: like

It is a pity that this is not a closed Guishen Cave, but an open plain. No matter how many aliens, it is impossible to hinder Zhou Shu's actions.

One person and two swords, shuttle freely.

In the process, he also killed two alien races equivalent to the cultivators who crossed the Tribulation Realm. They were about the role of captain, similar to the leader of the alien powerhouse, but because of the lower alien origin, the status is far worse than the leader. Even if the strength is similar.

The blockbuster aliens were left behind, and Zhou Shu quickly came to the pile of siege equipment.

There are about two to three thousand instruments in this batch, most of which are tens of feet or even a hundred feet high. Most of the materials used are rare and strong mysterious steel. This kind of mineral is rare in fifth-order materials, although it is unreasonable. Auras cannot be used to refine magic weapons, but their strength and hardness are sufficient to destroy many materials of the same level or even higher levels. It is not a big problem to deal with the walls of Lingyu City.

The city wall of Lingyu City was originally made of sunken iron and killer whale oil. It can withstand fourth-order magic weapons and has the effect of separating spirits. Later, it was expanded and reinforced by the Heyin school several times, using mysterious star spar and blue phosphorus. Shell powder makes today’s city wall far from what it used to be. It can not only isolate spiritual power, but even reduce a lot of vitality, and the fifth-order magic weapon can’t hurt it at all. However, facing the bombardment of a large number of Xuangang, I’m afraid it can’t resist .

Not to mention the material, the structure of this batch of instruments is also extremely exquisite, I am afraid it is not inferior to the craftsmanship of Youzhou Lu's.

Most siege equipment, often after a few times of use, will collapse and destroy itself and lose its function because a certain part cannot withstand its own strength. Obviously, this batch of equipment does not have this problem. All parts are almost perfect enough to withstand data. After using it a hundred times or more, and with a little observation, it can be found that this batch of equipment can be used without too much technology, as long as there is enough strength to be an alien.

Looking at it, Zhou Shu's face grew gloomy.

These Xuan Gang's siege equipment will definitely cause a great blow to the city wall, and the rune formation bunker on the city wall will also be greatly threatened.

In a word, it must be solved.

The Xuanyuan sword in his hand gave out a cold light, accompanied by a gleaming cyan light, one green and the other white, complementing each other.

At this moment, a large group of alien races came out from around the equipment, surrounded in front of the equipment, guarding the equipment with their bodies. They didn't notice it before, as if they were completely integrated with the equipment, until they came out, they could not see clearly.

Zhou Shu stared at them, his expression condensed slightly, his face gradually changed, and later he actually brought out a smile.

That smile was not a sneer, but a real joy.

This kind of alien race is rare, and is called the round hammer tribe by the immortal world.

Their bodies are not tall, about ten feet above their heads. They are short among many alien races. Their body structure is very peculiar. Their bodies and limbs are like a combination of spheres. The head is also a sphere. These spheres All black and regular hexagonal scales are spliced ​​together, and the whole body has a sense of science and technology, just like a carefully crafted magic weapon, but not like a living thing.

They look weird and so are their abilities.

The round hammer tribe has a body that is extremely difficult for ordinary foreign races to have. They are surprisingly strong in defense and strength. They are not afraid of water and fire swords. They can be regarded as nothing in the face of most cultivators’ attacks. They weigh tens of thousands of catties and can lift. They are objects that are hundreds of times the weight of their bodies, but their wisdom is also surprisingly low, which makes them strong, but they have been oppressed by other alien races and treated as coolies.

Together with the siege equipment, they are a perfect match, and they are undoubtedly a great threat to Lingyu City.

That's what the aliens who launched the alien invasion thought. They wanted to use the Round Hammers and siege equipment to defeat Lingyu City and destroy Dongsheng Prefecture.

They have good ideas, but they will definitely be disappointed.

The information about the Round Hammer Clan was told to Zhou Shu by Gui Guzi in the Taoist book. Although this kind of alien race only appeared once in the Xuanhuang Realm, Gui Guzi remembered it deeply and wrote it in great detail.

Tens of thousands of years ago, Guiguzi and the ancient Qiaojiang Gong defeated Master Lin, and they did research on this alien race.

The conclusion is that this alien race was originally a special kind of puppet. It evolved later and gained life and wisdom. It should be related to the craftsman who has already entered the immortal realm. Perhaps it was the craftsman who left behind in that realm when he traveled around various realms. Some puppets, and then evolved into this kind of alien race.

Therefore, they also thought of some ways to deal with such alien races.

These methods are all recorded in the Taoist book. Of course, Zhou Shu remembers very clearly. There are three kinds of them. One of them is the most direct and effective. That is to use the Puppet Thread Technique in the Puppet Way to control these round hammer families. It is a puppet, even if it gains life, it still retains many of the characteristics of a puppet, and will follow the manipulation of the puppet's thread tactics. As long as this is done, these alien races will not only pose a threat, but also make a large number of siege weapons useless.

It is of course the most direct and effective to use the round hammer clan with the siege equipment to destroy the siege equipment.

Naturally, Zhou Shu had already mastered this puppet thread tactic. He was not the only one who knew it. Now in Lingyu City, there are at least five people, all of whom are children from the puppet family.

When he saw the siege equipment, Zhou Shu had a lot of worries. According to the information of his disciples, there are five or six teams in the alien army with a large number of siege equipment~www.ltnovel.com~ even if he desperately, I am afraid that only two or three batches can be destroyed. The remaining ones will still reach Lingyu City and attack the city walls and bunkers. When the time comes, all the artillery will be launched, and the Lingyu City that has not been prepared too much can be defended, the city walls and the Fuzhen bunker. I am afraid that a large amount will be lost.

You know, the city wall and the Fuzhen bunker are the outermost and the main part of Lingyu City's defense. Once something goes wrong, the subsequent work will be affected, and even all the games will be lost. This is the case with the so-called losing step by step.

Zhou Shu was very anxious about this, and he didn't know how to be the best to guard against, but after seeing the Hammer Clan, he had a very good solution.

As long as the Puppet Thread Art is used, the Round Hammer Clan can attack the equipment in turn, and soon they will be completely destroyed, making Lingyu City no longer in danger.

It's a bit emotional.

These unexpected siege weapons come from various foreign races that are not unrelated to the fairy world. They are very tricky and troublesome. As the Xuanhuang World of the fairy world, even if it has not passed through the fairy world for tens of thousands of years, it still has the deepest connection with the fairy world. The world of immortality, the cultivator, is still the race with the deepest relationship with the immortal world. The alien races use the alien races and things related to the immortal world to attack the Xuanhuang world. As the Xuanhuang world who knows the immortal world best, of course there will be corresponding restraint methods, although they know There are not many people, but Zhou Shu is enough.

Before Li Aojian's sword body was, so is the current Puppet Thread Art.

Because these things were originally produced in the Xuanhuang Realm, whether they are swordsmanship, puppets, or other things.

Of course, it is impossible for Zhou Shu to use it now. The alien armies are very closely related to each other. If they are used here, the other armies will be on guard and separate the Round Hammer tribe from the siege equipment.

(PS: Thank you RoyalJoe for your continued support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~)

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