Fairy Winner

Chapter 1822: spell


Listening to Zhou Shu's words, Xiao Gun thought for a while.

The little scroll flew away and rushed into a bunch of Yasha tribes.

It seems to have been stimulated. It no longer only uses dragon power to deter, attack with dragon flame, but also uses its limbs to grasp and mouth to bite.

It's not like the proud dragons at all, but more like wild beasts and even bugs.

It looks very inferior, but the situation suddenly reversed. After all, it has the toughest scales, the sharpest claws, and the strongest physique. There is no way for any Yasha or Raksha, but one after another.

Zhou Shu glanced at it and nodded approvingly.

The dragons lose because they are too arrogant and self-confident. They always regard other races as inferior rubbish, but **** will also overthrow the dragons.

Those dragons in the dragon world will never understand this, they will never lower their heads high, so they will end up in the dragon world, and Zhou Shu never hopes that Xiao Gun will be the same as the dragons in the dragon world, it can be confident , But you must not be arrogant. The **** just now is a very bad sign. Zhou Shu must make it understand that not to give up wildness, and to put yourself in an equal or even inferior position, in order to spell your own way. , Great achievements.

Zhou Shu is also fighting it himself.

The sea is surging, the blue sea is born, the sword art that has not been used for a long time is still sharp, and it can exert a powerful power without being too scrupulous about consumption.

The sword intent full of Shu's strength, like a tide, shot towards the aliens.

Between the ups and downs, a bunch of alien races must be beaten to the ground and never get up again.

Neither the Rakshasa general nor the Rakshasa guard is an enemy of one.

Only those four Di Yachas are still struggling to support in the sword intent, but with their abilities, if they don’t escape, it will be a matter of dozens of breaths. After all, Zhou Shu didn’t mean to stop this time, he really planned to practice. I thought, buried the entire phalanx here.

Seeing that the phalanx couldn't help shrinking, the headed Di Yasha frowned, quite anxious.

He continued to wave the blood flag, the wings behind his back towered quietly, and two pale golden arrows suddenly shot towards Zhou Shu.

Yasha thorn is a special skill of the Yasha tribe.

The sound has not been heard, and it has been seen.

The speed of the arrow was like lightning, and it came to Zhou Shu as soon as it was shot.

Zhou Shu didn't dodge, and didn't want to slow down the momentum of the attack because of dodge, only a few white lights flashed from the tower, enveloping the arrow.

Shu Zhili was like a rope, tangling towards the arrow little by little.

But the arrow was not afraid, and moved forward quickly in Shu Zhili. Although it slowed down a little, it still rushed towards Zhou Shu firmly.

These arrows are the two wing bones on Di Yasha, and also the part of the bones that contains Wang Yasha's potential. Whether it is material or strength, it is already close to the power level, no less than the best product issued by the eighth-fold monk of Crossing Tribulation Realm. The magic weapon, it is no wonder that Zhou Shu's power of Shu can not completely block it.

Seeing that he was about to play, Di Yasha unconsciously sneered.

"It doesn't flash? Then wait for death."

If you let that arrow pierce your body, let alone Zhou Shu, even the power is almost over.

Yaksha bones are the most insidious, especially Yaksha bones with blood of Yaksha. The cold enters the marrow and can destroy blood muscles and bones in an instant. It causes irreparable damage to the immortal cultivator, even if it is powerful, it cannot be quickly removed. , Falling into the realm is considered light, and if not dying, it is considered a good life.

When the arrow was less than three inches from Zhou Shu, it shrank rapidly.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, from the original four inches, it quickly became less than one inch, and it was still shrinking.

It's as if the ice cubes have encountered the heat and have been evaporated.

It was also true. When he was about to touch his body, Zhou Shu also felt the danger, and promptly used the power of the sun to melt it away a lot.

The power of the sun is also simulated by Shuzhili. Using Shuzhili to simulate other powers while maintaining the characteristics of other powers is very complicated and consumes a lot of money. It will also affect some cultivation bases. Zhou Shu does not Will be used often, but definitely still need to be used in times of crisis.

After experiencing the power of the sun, less than one-tenth of the arrow remained.

Di Yasha looked a little sluggish. Losing these two Yasha bones meant that he had lost the possibility of becoming King Yasha. From now on, he could only be Di Yasha. Of course, this was just what he thought. In fact, after meeting Zhou Shu, he There is no future.

He stared at Zhou Shu, his eyes red, and his heart was still fierce, "Even if there is only this, it is enough to kill you!"

He obviously overestimated himself.

After several layers of interception, how much power is there in the Yasha Spike, not to mention Zhou Shu, who is probably the strongest immortal cultivator in the immortal cultivation world.

Although the Yasha Spikes were still sharp and powerful, they couldn't pierce Zhou Shu's skin at all. After a pause, they fell down.

Zhou Shushun picked it up and put it in his pocket.

These two Yawbone bones that have not been melted by the power of the sun are obviously good refining materials. Why not send them to the door?

And after that place Yasha froze for a while, the arms shaking the blood flag trembled.


In the ocean of sword intent, those four Di Yasha obviously couldn't stand it any longer, they broke out one after another!

Amid the screams, the brand behind them glowed red, and black flames spread ~www.ltnovel.com~ It engulfed them in the blink of an eye and turned them into flames.

The four black fires jumped up, ignoring the surrounding sword intent, and rushed towards Zhou Shu and Xiaogun together!

"I really didn't hesitate."

Zhou Shu shook his head slightly, immediately collected his sword intent, and put Xiaogun into the picture.

In the face of the coming foreign powerhouse, Zhou Shu dodged and moved, did not face the confrontation directly, and tried not to give them the opportunity to consume their own strength. After all, there were only twenty breaths, and so on.

The bloodthirsty Yasha received the power of the brand, and there was no way to fight. Although the speed increased a lot, it was not difficult to escape.

On the contrary, many Raksha Yashas on the side have suffered and been burned miserably by the black fire. It is inevitable that Zhou Shu will go into the crowd.

Originally, there were not many alien races left. Now that these four are in such a trouble, looking up, there are hardly a few left. Zhou Shu's idea of ​​defeating this team's phalanx is considered to be in place.

The result of the fight is good, but the consumption is not small.

Many of the alien races in this formation are from the Nascent Soul Realm and the Huashen Realm. Zhou Shu must completely overwhelm them to prevent them from dodge and escape. This will inevitably cost him a lot, regardless of Shu Zhili and The consumption of Yuan Li is several times as much as before.

If there are a few more batches, he will be exhausted.

But this is unlikely. There are not many such elite teams among the 10 million alien races, and it is impossible for them to gather in this army.

Twenty breaths passed quickly, and the speed of the four alien races slowed down.

They looked at Zhou Shu, who couldn't catch up, with a lot of despair in their eyes. After the last blow, the black fire on their bodies dissipated, and they fell slumped.

Zhou Shu didn't intend to just let it go, and immediately reached out to grab it.

Pop, pop!

Before they were caught, the four powerhouses exploded, and debris was scattered everywhere.

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