Fairy Winner

Chapter 1823: According to

Zhou Shu saw clearly that it was caused by the branding, just as he expected.

The brand can make the alien die silently. He already knew it, but it caused the explosion to be another matter. For example, the same situation last time, there was no explosion, and his speed was not slower than the last time. This shows the problem. Out of this army.

Looking at the army, he seemed thoughtful.

Without thinking about it for long, the phalanx on both sides had already covered up, while the siege equipment in the middle couldn't help retreating.

These changes have occurred in these twenty breaths.

It seemed that the commander of this army had already anticipated the outcome of the matter and made arrangements accordingly, and the aliens executed it very quickly.

This all shows that this alien army is different. It seems that there is really a leader in it.

The phalanx on both sides moved quickly.

Because they are all flying races, one side is the Stone Wing Clan. Compared with the Stone Ghost Clan, they only have wings with the characteristics of the Stone Ghost Clan. The others are far inferior to the Stone Ghost Clan. Therefore, they have been oppressed by the Stone Ghost Clan. The subordinate alien races of the stone ghost tribe, and the five stone ghost tribes who commanded this square naturally, a little bit of perception can know that each stone ghost tribe is worse than Zhou Shu's previous encounter.

On the other side is the Spirit Devourer.

The name says it all, their ability is to devour the spirit, devouring the spiritual energy, it is the opponent of the cultivator.

They are shaped like bees, but they are much larger. They are about five or six feet in length. They have six feet similar to human limbs. They are very flexible. The most notable thing is the long needle-like tail thorn, which is highly poisonous. When it arrives, even if it is crossing the tribulation realm, it will have a headache for a while.

The leaders of this group of Spirit Devourers were not Spirit Devourers, but five alien races that Zhou Shu had never seen.

It looks like a human being, with only three more eyes, one on the tip of the forehead and two on the palm of the hand, which is a bit weird.

Before I waited a few more times, the alien race had already flown over. During the flight, a flash of light from his back was instantly engulfed by black fire.

Actually used the power in the brand from the beginning.

Obviously, he came by order, but he was able to execute without fear of death, which is also rare among this class of aliens.

The speed was immediately faster, leaving other alien races far behind. At the same time, the stone ghost race on the other side also accelerated and began to attack Zhou Shu.


The foreign races are also fighting for their lives, intending to complete their efforts and put Zhou Shu here. Xu Shi that leader can see that Zhou Shu will not be removed, it must be their great trouble, and the attack will also encounter unprecedented obstacles.

Five groups of black fire, plus five powerful stone ghosts, made Zhou Shu a little uncomfortable.

The cooperation of these alien races is very tacit, almost restricting Zhou Shu’s space, it is difficult to completely avoid them, and all of them are desperate play styles, as long as Zhou Shu reveals a little flaw, the black fire will follow, those stone ghost tribes , There is no doubt that it can break out at any time.

"I have been avoiding it before, giving you the illusion that I am afraid of these black fires?"

Zhou Shu didn't intend to hide, he glanced at the depths of the army with a trace of disdain.

Dao Pagoda lit up, Xuanyuan Sword in his hand lit up, and he slashed towards the nearest alien.

The foreign race did not evade unexpectedly, only folded his body shape, and received the sword with his arm, and then threw the broken arm into the Tao Tower.

Brave and brave.

A raging black fire was burning on that arm, and it fell directly into the Dao Pagoda.

The Dao Pagoda began to sink, and most of the Shu's power in it was burned out by the black fire, but Zhou Shu was unmoved, because the power of the sun also came into being in time, I saw the Dao Pagoda burst into golden light suddenly, burst open instantly, The four fields are gorgeous, like the sun setting in front of them, almost invisible.

The black fire, which seemed impossible to extinguish, gradually disappeared in the shining of the power of the sun until Yu Wu.

In a collision of pure strength, Zhou Shu would never lose.

The power of the sun is one of the most powerful forces, and it is the same in the heavens and all realms. It gives life to all things and allows them to grow vigorously. On the contrary, it brings death to all things. Nothing can stop it. Although limited by rules, It is impossible to use all the abilities in the Xuanhuang Realm, but why is the opposite Black Fire? In comparison, Zhou Shu's power of the sun is even better.

That strong brilliance, after dissolving the black fire, did not disappear, but continued to expand.

Hundreds of feet, until tens of miles.

As the sun shines.

The powerful aliens have no time to evade, nor can they evade, how can their speed surpass this light?

In the brilliant sun, the black fire struggled continuously, but it had no effect. It was still weakening and shrinking one after another, and the strong aliens also fell and died. Those who have not yet erupted in the black fire, He didn't even have the chance to struggle, it just disappeared in the sun.

The ten powerful aliens who came to besie Zhou Shu completely died in a few breaths, leaving no traces.

This caused all the alien races flying behind to stop, wondering if they should continue.

This kind of power, they didn't even think about it, even if they weren't afraid of death, they didn't want to go to death like this without knowing it, it was meaningless.

The disparity in power is as great as the deterrent, and it actually seems to be more effective than Longwei Xuanyuanjian.

Zhou Shu looked at these alien races, with an inexplicable sense of pleasure~www.ltnovel.com~ He rarely broke out with all his strength. He did so today. It was really refreshing and refreshing. When the power was overwhelming, his whole body was The tremor, as if all the frustrations were all vented, the whole body was extremely comfortable, and therefore, after eliminating the tricky opponent, it brought a rare sense of satisfaction.

However, such an explosion would naturally consume a lot of energy, and 90% of the power of Shu in his Dao Pagoda was transformed into the power of the sun.

Seeing that the alien race began to panic and even retreated, Zhou Shu certainly would not let go of the opportunity.

Xiao Gun was called out again, and Long Wei dissipated, giving another heavy blow to the flustered alien, like adding a handful of firewood to the fire.

The phalanx on both sides fell into chaos, rushing around, trampling, and screaming, even Zhou Shu didn't make a move.

Zhou Shu didn't watch too much, one person and one dragon rushed to the siege equipment.

The three phalanx behind the siege equipment did not come forward to encircle them, but instead gathered together and began to retreat.

At this time, they probably knew that it was impossible to stop Zhou Shu, so they could only temporarily avoid his sharp edge. As for the siege equipment, they had to retreat slowly.

The army of alien races retreated in an orderly manner, and the twenty aliens faced Zhou Shu at all times at the end.

"You don't even need the most important siege equipment. What you want to protect is definitely not an alien army, but a certain alien leader, right?"

Zhou Shu looked at them, unconsciously revealing a trace of murderous aura, "Xiao Goun, these devices are handed over to you, don't miss one."

"Zhou Zhou, don't worry, I haven't seen it before, and I know how to do it."

Xiao Gun immediately agreed, the dragon's tail swung, and a catapult crashed down, and many round hammer tribes had no time to guard it.

Zhou Shu nodded his head relievedly, and swept towards the phalanx behind.

Since he discovered that the head is here, he must not let it go.

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