Fairy Winner

Chapter 1829: Confused

In the hall, the crowd quickly dispersed, leaving only Zhou Shu and Li Aojian to recover.

Caiying and Xiaogun also received the same treatment as Li Aojian, and they recovered quickly under the care of the demon refining pot. The price was that the magic weapons that Zhou Shu usually collected, etc., disappeared like flowing water, and the demon refining pot was too tired. The light never stopped, which made people worry about whether it would be overloaded and completely exploded.

"Are you OK?"

   "It's okay, no matter how much it is, it's a kind of exercise for me to absorb and transform like this."

   Recently, in front of Zhou Shu, the Demon Refining Pot has always maintained a humble attitude, seemingly used to it, which makes Zhou Shu very satisfied.

   To be honest, it is not easy to get such recognition as the Demon Refining Pot. For hundreds of years, he has been like an enemy before.

   Zhou calmly said, "That alien, have you got anything?"

   "To be sure, the imprint came from the ancient times of the Xuanhuang Realm. I don't know what happened at that time."

   Refining the Demon Pot thought for a while, with a hint of joy, "The important thing is, I got some insights from it."

   Zhou Shu appeared a bit solemn, "You mean, you have the means of attack?"

The Demon Refining Pot is not an offensive magic weapon. All the characteristics are auxiliary. Because of this, he will always rely on conspiracy to stand, draw strength from each generation of masters, and even want to refine the mountain and sea classics to achieve himself, only Only in this way can he achieve his goal, and if he has the means of attack, the demon refining pot can be promoted by himself.

   The Demon Refining Pot nodded solemnly, "Not yet, but it is very possible to continue."

   Zhou Shu seemed to think, "Then why did you tell me, why didn't you steal the practice session, and then took the opportunity to leave, and even turned around to deal with me?"

The Demon Refining Pot was silent for a while, then slowly said, "I have been with you for so many years, and I may know you more than I know myself. I'm pretty sure, no matter where I grow up, even if I have the means to attack, break Shackles, it is impossible to be your opponent in the Xuanhuang world, so what is the point of me doing this? And, I believe you, only you can help me achieve my goal. I said before, become a holy Before Bao, I will always follow you."

   He was very sincere, and Zhou Shu almost believed it.

   Zhou Shu nodded and smiled, "You have made the right choice and work hard. If you can do it, you will definitely be able to play a greater role in the future. It is not impossible to become a sacred treasure."

"hope so."

   The Demon Refining Pot was a little relaxed, "Zhou Shu, you can ask the alien now, but I think he might not know anything."

   Zhou Shu said indifferently, "I think so too, just raise it first, after a while, I will find someone more valuable to ask."

   Refining the demon pot seems to have realized, "You mean the Emperor Clan?"

   Zhou Shu smiled, "Apart from him, who else is more valuable."

   A little bit of time passed.

   Zhou Shu recovered in the main hall, while the divine consciousness stayed around in Lingyu City, observing the situation in the city.

   The city is very quiet and peaceful.

   I have to say that it is really a miracle that the citizens can maintain a peaceful attitude when they know that there are thousands of powerful aliens coming to attack the city.

Although it was the Dutch school that managed it well, Zhou Shu’s declaration played a big role. Every city citizen knew that they could not escape. They had to work hard to survive. There was no other way to rely on them, except for themselves and For the Heyin faction, in this situation, for them, to obey all the orders of the Heyin faction is the most important and necessary thing to do.

  The lotus pie is equal to millions of reinforcements out of thin air. Although most of them are cultivators, there are also many who can fight.

   "Senior Xu, have you seen the notice in the city today?"

   "Of course! The old lady sees it every day, you mean Sect Master Zhou went out of the city to destroy a million foreign races, right?"

   "Yes! Sect Master Zhou and Elder Li, just two people eliminated three armies, millions of alien races, they are simply gods!"

"Guys who have never seen the world, Sect Master Zhou is already so powerful. The old man has been telling you that there will be nothing wrong with Sect Master Zhou, so you can feel at ease, but you are all worried and scared. It's ridiculous not to practice."

   "Speaking of how many times have you seen it, did you know that Sect Master Zhou is so powerful?"

"Of course, the lotus sect, where Sect Master Zhou belongs, has experienced four great ordeals, and almost destroyed the door each time. Door, of course the old man believes, this time it is the same.

   "Four times of the catastrophe, what is the situation? Tell us about it."

   "Yeah, I'm really curious, how does Senior Xu know so much."

   "Just talk about it?"

   "Then, go to Haizhonglou, Haizhonglou, I have a spiritual stone, please have a good meal, senior!"

   "It's almost..."

   The old man stroked his beard, and walked to the Haizhonglou with a smug look, followed by a large group of young cultivators with a look of envy.

  City Square.

   In front of a picture of several tens of feet, there were many immortal cultivators standing, they were shocked and overjoyed.

   The three cultivators who crossed the Tribulation Realm stood far away.

A middle-aged monk showed a hint of doubt, "Daoyou Zhang, how do you look like you are unhappy? This is a great victory, a million people, and the foreign race loses one tenth at once. In this battle, it seems that Lingyu City is The victory is set, but I also didn't think that the lotus sect was so strong, and it was nothing more than Sect Master Zhou. Then what is the background of Elder Li?"

Another middle-aged monk nodded his head~www.ltnovel.com~Millions of alien races. There were at least dozens of powerful men who were equivalent to crossing the tribulation realm. They were all destroyed. It is a rare occurrence. Daoyou Zhang has such an expression. Could it be... … Think this record was made up by the Dutch school to comfort people? "

   "I don't want to make up, the old man just thinks..."

   The monk surnamed Zhang shook his head slightly, "This notice is not written in detail, which makes people wonder."

   The middle-aged cultivator stagnated, "If you win, you win. There is no need to be so detailed, right? Zhang Daoyou may think too much."

The monk surnamed Zhang slowly said, "Victory is victory, but what happened to Sect Master Zhou is still unknown. The bulletin says that it is easy to do. If this is the case, why not kill more if it can kill a million? Suffering a tragic victory, Sect Master Zhou and Elder Li consumed a lot, so they couldn’t play at this point. So what? The old man felt that this million alien races were probably the result of the desperate efforts of Sect Master Zhou and Elder Li. A lot of injury..."

   The other two monks were shocked when they heard this, and they said quickly, "Don't say that, Daoyou Zhang, if something happens to Sect Master Zhou, Lingyu City will really be over."

   The monk surnamed Zhang nodded, "I don't want that, but for such a great victory, Sect Master Zhou should always show up and talk about it in person."

"makes sense."

   The two monks nodded unconsciously, "Is it really..."


While    was talking, a loud bell suddenly rang, which was audible throughout the city.

   Everyone's heart is shocked, what should come is finally here.

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