Fairy Winner

Chapter 1830: many


   "The foreign race is coming!"

   exclaimed, one after another, it took a long time to calm down.

What followed was a deathly silence. The immortal cultivators looked solemn and solemn as a mountain. They had no choice but to stand by in the city before they were ordered by the Dutch sect. Most of them couldn’t even climb the walls. , And can't see the alien.


boom! boom!

   After waiting for a while, there were low and suppressed footsteps coming in from outside the city.

   Or because there are too many people, the original messy sounds have become orderly, with rhythm, coming from far and near, the ground feels infinite pressure, and it begins to tremble.

   The same is true of the heart of a cultivator.

   shook with the ground and the entire Lingyu City.

   "How many aliens are there..."

   Some cultivators muttered to themselves, a little desperate in their heart.

   The sound of footsteps came from all directions, and there was almost no empty space. You would know if you didn't look at it. At this time, Lingyu City was completely surrounded, like a bird in a cage.

   The disciples of the Heyin School on the city wall saw it more closely.

   Countless dark and lacquered shadows, densely entangled, like dense fog like mountains, approaching like a tide in the sound of footsteps, and slowly stopped at a place fifty miles away from Lingyu City.

   Nearly 10 million foreign race troops arrived at Lingyu City almost at the same time as expected.

  The disciples stared at the alien army, most of them expressionless, only that expressionless, not that there was no fluctuation in their hearts, but they were completely shocked.

   The fear in their hearts at this moment is really hard to describe. There are too many enemies.

   No matter where you stand on the city wall, you can see the boundless alien races, not only on the ground, but also in the air. Except for the sky above you can see a little bit of the sky, all you can see from other directions are alien races.

   The sun and the moon are dark.

   Ling Yucheng has a radius of hundreds of miles, and it is already a rare big city in Dongshengzhou, but when surrounded by this army, it is like a lone boat in the sea.

   Can I win this way?

   Many disciples immediately had such suspicions. Although they all vowed before, that Lingyu City would definitely win with Zhou Shu, but the reality... so many alien races, even if there are a few powerful people, they may not be able to keep it, right?

   Don't talk about these disciples, many elders have the same idea, but unlike the disciples, they have long been mortal.

   Life and death are indifferent, so they will not be disturbed by other emotions.

   "Sure enough, there are many."

Liu Yu'er smoothed the hair that was tossed in the wind, and a flash of determination flashed in her eyes, "It's a little more than expected, but what can it be? The big deal is to lose or die. As long as Zhou Shu is here, the Heyin faction will Still there."

   Hao Ruoyan, Xuanhu and others are also on the wall, except Zhou Shu and Yangmei.


   Glancing at the disciples around him, Hao Ruoyan shook his head slightly and sighed secretly, "They...even the disciples are like this, the other cultivators in the city are..."

Bai Long stared into the distance and said calmly, "In fact, we are the same. I thought about it many times beforehand, but when I actually saw it, I was shocked. So many foreign races attacked the city, I am afraid it will be the first time in the world of cultivation. Well, it’s right not to let most people see."

   Hao Siyun still doesn't care, "It's the same as in the Guishen Cave. What's the big deal? I'm not afraid. I will kill as many as I want."

   "Haha, just want to be like a girl like Yun."

   A tall monk nodded and looked at the alien army proudly, "No matter how much it is, it's just some ghosts under the gun."

It was Zhao Zishan, the Supreme Elder of the Zhao family in Zitong, and the Sixth Heaven of Crossing the Tribulation Realm. The Zhao family moved to Lingyu City very early. Because of Zhao Yige’s relationship, the Zhao family and Lingyu City are intimate, and they are powerful allies of Lingyu City. .

   Hao Ruoyan gave a salute, very solemnly, "Senior Zhao, I will rely on you for getting old soon."

   Zhao Zishan smiled in return, "Ms. Hao doesn't need to be polite. Whatever you say, the old man will do what Yige has said. At the critical moment, Zhao Jiaquan listened to Zhou Sect Master, and the old man completely believed in you."

   "We are the same, completely observing the arrangements of Sect Master Zhou and Sect Master Hao."

   Behind him, several more cultivators of the Tribulation Realm stood up, most of them were the elders of the family, as well as the sect elders of the Ghost Yin Sect and Xuanxu Sect.

   Hao Ruoyan returned the courtesy one by one, and his mind was quite determined.


   "Really a lot."

   Li Aojian looked at the army, with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, "It looks like I can kill this time."

   Zhao Yueru glanced at him and said faintly, "Li Aojian, you were tired yesterday, so don't be too tired today. It is enough to have me here."

   "Haha, what did you say, Elder Zhao."

   Li Aojian touched his nose and said, "Why don't we compare and see who kills more aliens? If you lose, you have to admit that your sword intent is inferior to the opponent."

   Zhao Yueru didn't even look at him, and said coldly, "You haven't recovered, I can't win."

   Li Aojian frowned, "It's like you can win, even if I don't recover well, I won't lose."

   Both of them are the same arrogant, and they are considered rivals. As for the army of so many alien races below, they don't seem to exist.

Xu Rong on the side couldn’t help saying, "Brother Li, Elder Zhao, you just need to argue a few words, here only you two are in charge, but you are still making trouble, and brother...no, the task assigned by the master is not Let you compare and kill foreign races."

"Ha ha."

   Li Aojian turned around and smiled, "Don't worry, Senior Sister Xu, I will do what Xiao Zhou explained."

"me too."

   Zhao Yueru nodded afterwards.

   Xu Rong's strength cultivation is much worse than them, but the two of them are very friendly to Xu Rong, not to mention that they are both of the old Dutch school, but also because of Zhou Shu's relationship.

   Looking back, Zhao Yueru's face gradually became cold, and the Qingsuo sword in her hand also made a whining sound~www.ltnovel.com~ It seemed that she couldn't wait.

   She looked at the alien army, still not looking at Li Aojian, "Li Aojian, make it clear, don't hold me back later."

   Li Aojian said calmly, "Elder Zhao, it's not always certain who we are holding back."

   Xu Rong was speechless, touching his head in a daze, "What did Senior Sister Hao think, put them together..."


   咚, 咚, 咚.

   The sharp horn sound, accompanied by bursts of rhythmic drums, suddenly sounded, and the sound instantly shook everywhere.

   "Lingyu City, must die today! Lingyu City, must die today!"

   A high-pitched and piercing voice came from the alien army, piercing the stone cracked cloud.

   The overwhelming sound of attachment, immediately after the high pitch, seemed to ignite a barrel of explosives, and it exploded in an instant, and the sound spread, as if even the city wall was squeezed, as if it could not help shaking.

   "Those who cultivate immortals must be destroyed today! Those who cultivate immortals must be destroyed today!"

   After a few breaths, the roar sounded again, and thousands of aliens spoke at the same time, wave after wave.

   All the foreign armies swung their arms and danced, with overwhelming momentum and overwhelming pressure, constantly pressing towards Lingyu City.

   That Lingyu City, like a small boat in the ocean, swayed back and forth, as if it was about to fall down at any time.

   The immortal cultivators on the city wall are still expressionless. There are only a lot of disciples, and their bodies gradually begin to tremble. Such a momentum is really amazing.

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