Fairy Winner

Chapter 1835: shock

Lingyu City was everywhere, dimly lit.

Alien races continue to fall, and immortal cultivators also have casualties, but the number is extremely small, and compared with alien races, it is almost negligible.

The two are completely different. Alien races rely on fate to replace their lives. Alien races know that these immortal cultivators are the key to defending the city. Even if they die for a few hundred, they will not lose money. But the immortal cultivators don’t know this. point? The lives of the disciples of the Heyin School are much more precious than those of other races.

Almost all immortal cultivators are sheltered by the strong, and when the disciples are tired, they will automatically retreat to the end of the team and be replaced by new ones. The state is always maintained in a good state, no accidents occur, and deaths rarely occur.

The killing was fierce everywhere, but the blue bird was very different here.

Qingque walked at the forefront of the team, his body shape seemed like nothing, imaginary and real, ghostly.

Enlightenment of the Soul Dao, the body of the Hundred Souls, is a leap-forward breakthrough. Many Soul Dao tactics have a new understanding, and some soul cultivation tactics that were impossible to use before can also be used now. It must look decent.

The soul body art that is used now is one of them.

The physical body is like nothingness, immune to almost all substantial damage, and most aliens can't hit her at all.

The team is not moving fast or slow. Every few steps, a lot of alien races rushed over, but before they reached the side of the team, they immediately stiffened, like a puppet. They didn’t know the defense or the attack. Killed, there is no resistance.

These alien races were all caught in Qingque's Sanpa tactics, their minds were shaken, they completely forgot who they were, and of course they would not resist.

"It's so easy to follow Senior Qingque!"

After Xia Houxuan killed the foreign races in front of him, he looked at Qingque with admiration.

Xia Houying didn't say a word, and the long sword in her hand hadn't stopped. The sword intent surrounded the team, harvesting lives.

Ning Xuanqing behind them, because the cultivation base is the weakest, is protected by everyone, but the lethality may be the greatest, the different fire talisman, the mysterious ice talisman, the rolling wood talisman, all kinds of large-scale attack talisman, don’t need money. Sprinkle it out so that the aliens have nowhere to escape.


Qingque was slightly stagnant, and the three alien races in front of them were not affected by the San Po Jue, and they still rushed over.

Obviously, he is the strong one among the alien races.

Three talisman flew out of Ning Xuanqing's hand, landed in front of the alien, and immediately posted them.

It is a soul charm developed by Ning Xuanqing and Qingque, which can temporarily control alien races.

But the three aliens only swayed slightly, and did not stop, they arrived in front of the team in the blink of an eye.

The alien stopped, his round body shook, and an invisible ripple waved out and passed to the whole team.


"what happened?"

"It hurts, it hurts!"

"I want to kill, I want to kill!"

In the team, many disciples of the Dutch school immediately hugged their heads and screamed loudly. When they let go of their hands, their eyes had turned pale red, their eyes were blank, and there was no trace of emotion. They were actually controlled by those aliens. Living.

They looked at the immortal cultivators around with expressionless faces, and raised the magic weapon in their hands.

Ning Xuanqing, who was surrounded in the middle, bears the brunt.

Xia Houxuan's expression became tense, and he rushed over, "What's the matter, what's the matter with these disciples, is it..."

Xia Houying saw the opportunity quickly and guessed what happened. There is no other way but to stop them temporarily, and she whispered, "Stop them first, but try not to hurt people, and go back and get medical treatment."

"Is this kind of alien?"

Qingque's mind moved slightly, as if thinking of something, his heart was shocked.

This kind of worm-like alien race has a very powerful spirit, able to control other alien races and even immortal cultivators. Zhou Shu encountered it in Guixu, and once mentioned it to her, but she did not expect to encounter it in this alien army.

"Damn, I didn't expect to lose so many disciples at once!"

She cursed herself secretly, and immediately rushed to the alien race, and couldn't let them attack anymore, otherwise the whole team would be in danger.

"Xing Zhen!"

A monk with a serious face suddenly appeared in the team. He held up his hands, and a gentle force emerged, scattered and flying towards the disciples who had fallen into madness.

Only for a moment.

Those crazy disciples seemed to be thrown a bucket of cold water from head to toe, and they were still there.

"What's wrong with me?"

"What was the situation just now, why did you just want to kill?"

"It seems like I had a dream, I am not myself anymore."

Xia Houying, who was about to attack them, saw this scene and immediately put down his sword, feeling extremely grateful.

It seems that these disciples have completely recovered their sanity.

"Just ask."

Xia Houxuan was very dissatisfied, "I almost hurt my own person. You were controlled by a foreign race just now, don't you know?"


The disciples were stunned.

Xia Houying looked at the cultivator who stood up, but didn't recognize him after a few glances, "Friends of Taoism are..."

The monk said with a respectful look, "Senior Xiahou, in Xia Lei Yuan, he is a disciple of Sect Master Zhou."

Those who know the Xing Zhen Jue, apart from Zhou Shu, the entire Lingyu City has only Lei Yuan. After all, that is the Shu Xin Sutra's Jue, which can only be used by mastering Shu Zhili.

"Brother Zhou's disciple~www.ltnovel.com~ I don’t expect it to be so powerful. Although the cultivation base is not high, this technique..."

Xia Houxuan looked at Lei Yuan and sighed secretly. Before, he felt that this disciple's cultivation level was too low, which might affect the entire team. He was quite disdainful, but how did he know that in times of crisis, it was this disciple with low cultivation level. The team?

If those disciples are allowed to go crazy, although it is not a big problem for them, most of the task of counterattack will be ruined.

"Your master..."

The original impatient mood calmed down, Qingque turned around and glanced at Lei Yuan, but didn't look good.


Lei Yuan was stunned, not knowing how he had offended her.

"I've wanted to learn this technique for a long time, but your master just doesn't teach me."

The second half of Qingque's words naturally did not say anything. Of course, she also knew that Zhou Shu didn't teach it, but couldn't teach it. She had already realized the Tao and Soul, and it would be inconvenient to practice Shu Zhi Tao. It must be impossible right now. Yes, you can only say it until you are promoted later.

"But I will definitely learn it in the future. I will acquire all your master's abilities, including..."

Thinking of this, my mind was slightly fluctuating, and I only quickly stagnated, before I knew it, I rushed to the middle of the three alien races.

"Are you afraid of you, looking for death!"

Knowing the origin of them, of course the weakness is also clear. The blue bird stared at them, flipped his hand, and a piece of pale golden dragon scales appeared in the palm of his hand. Then, a huge dragon sprang out from the dragon scales, towards the three An alien rushed away.

The three insect-like alien races suddenly shrank into a ball, shivering.

This kind of alien race is most afraid of the dragons, under the dragon might, the strength that can be displayed is less than 20%.

The scales with Longwei, of course, were given by Zhou Shu, and every team has it. Among them, Longwei was cast by Xiaogun, which was a truly powerful Longwei.

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