Fairy Winner

Chapter 1836: pit

Long Wei appeared, and the three aliens were suddenly stupid.

In this way, it was naturally much easier to deal with, Qingque easily stopped them, and then the Xiahou brothers who rushed to cut them into two smoothly, and the body was not let go.

Zhou Shu explained that, if possible, try to bring back the corpse of the alien with the imprint.

Qingque seemed to think, "How many aliens did we kill?"

Xia Houying immediately said, "There are seventeen strong foreign races like this. There are more foreign races in general, and there are no counts, but there are two to three thousand. Ning girl kills the most. Her charms..."

"too strong!"

Brother Xiahou said, "Each talisman is used extremely accurately, and all of them are aimed at the weaknesses of the alien race, and the damage range is large. If it were not for her, our team would probably be at the bottom, but now it is better than the others. A lot...you say yes, Miss Ning."

Ning Xuanqing did not speak, throwing out a piece of talisman without expression.

"Go back."

The blue bird stood still.

Xiahou Xuan stayed for a while, "There are only two li to twenty li. You can kill more."

"Difficult, haven't you noticed that the siege hammer has slowed down? The monks here are afraid that they can't control the Round Hammer Clan. Let's go back early to avoid trouble."

Qingque shook her head and looked at Ning Xuanqing and said, "Xuanqing, give them a hard time."

"I've been waiting."

Ning Xuanqing smiled, and a string of symbols flew out of his sleeve and landed on his hand.

These charms were completely different from the previous ones. They were gray and black, and there was still a layer of smoke on them. They were like living creatures, and they were indescribably strange.

She seemed to have noticed something, Xia Houying's expression stagnated, "This is... Ning, there is evil spirit in it?"

"Yes, it is for these alien races."

Ning Xuanqing nodded lightly, raised her bare hand, and the Fu flew out one after another.

Those talisman are all connected together like a long chain, exactly the talisman chain.

The chain of talisman hovered in the air and fell towards the place with the most alien races. It exploded before it hit the ground. A thick black smoke emanated from the talisman, covering several miles in an instant. It is constantly spreading.

The alien in the black smoke looked terrified at first, then was stunned, just like a puppet.

Divine souls were affected and even seized. With the spread of black smoke, a large number of alien races stopped there, completely losing their combat power. It was not temporary but permanent. Their minds and thoughts were completely gone, and they were nothing like fools. respectively.


Brother Xiahou was stunned and stunned.

"Don't hurry up? Do you want to be affected by the evil spirit, it's not an ordinary evil spirit."

Qingque frowned, and moved back first.


The two dared not to neglect, they quickly turned around, and the other disciples followed behind, still taking the lead with Qingque, and retreated to Lingyu City.

Around Lingyu City, the scene is similar.

After attacking the alien army twenty miles, the monk Lingyucheng chose to retreat.

This round of counterattack has received sufficient results and can be satisfied.

Each team killed at least fifteen powerful aliens. The average aliens also had 30,000. However, the number of aliens who were killed by siege equipment and killed each other in the chaos was even more, probably more than 100,000. That is to say, attacking from all sides, combined together, eliminated at least 600,000 alien races, and there were more than 60 strong ones.

It's a big victory.

The immortal cultivators in the city all saw the situation through the photo shoot, and they were so excited that they were too excited.

"Another wave!"

"Our Lingyu City is really too strong. We are in and out of an army of thousands of alien races, just like our own backyard."

"Those alien races should be angry to death, attacking our Lingyu City is just looking for death!"

"It's as if you helped. This time defending the city is all the credit of the Holland School."

"When I don't want to, if they want me to defend the city now, I will definitely not complain!"

"It sounds good, you are willing to go. The last time Lingyu City came to recruit the cultivators of the Divine Realm, why didn't you go? At that time, you were hiding far away, for fear of being looked at. A coward like you!"

"...It's different now..."

Indeed, at this moment, at that moment, the cultivators at that time felt that they were doomed to go on the wall, and died earlier than anyone else. How could this be the result?

The morale of the cultivators, especially the morale of the high-level cultivators, was completely lifted in these two great victories, and they had the heart to serve.

This is exactly what Zhou Shu wanted.

These immortals are actually very important.

The war is far from over. Although 1.6 million alien races have been killed, there are still more than eight million. The rest is far more than killed. The alien races will not retreat. Only killing all the aliens is over. The alien races are prepared, and if they want to make them confused, it is already very difficult to take advantage of the opportunity to kill and special kill, and then it is head-to-head to fight. Every powerful cultivator must do his best to have a chance of success.

While the monks fought back from all sides.

At the southwest corner of Lingyu City, less than ten miles away from the city, an alien army appeared.

There are more than 20,000 alien races, they are moving fast, they are hidden, and there are all kinds of strange methods, they are almost imperceptible ~ www.ltnovel.com~ and the wide moat and surrounding traps have not slowed their speed. , Taking advantage of the Lingyu City monk's attack, he has quietly reached the edge of Lingyu City.


The head of the alien race is about one foot tall, with a human-shaped worm body, two claws shining with dark black light, and four feet on the four races. He has two heads, one is laughing wildly, and the other is roaring. The arrogant clan of the Pingshan Realm, the strongest among the strong aliens.

"This skill seems to belong to Lao Tzu!"

The Jiaozong clan stared at the nearby Lingyu city wall, with a greedy light in his eyes, "Human trash, your death date is up, let me know the terrible Pingshan Realm!"


A head turned around and shouted at the alien army behind him.

The alien races speeded up, and kept moving forward, with a grinning smile on their faces, as if Lingyu City was already in their hands, and the humans let them slaughter them.

After a few breaths, the ground sank suddenly!

A big pit was appearing in the middle of the alien army, and many aliens did not react at all and fell into the pit.

There were many fierce organs buried in the pit. The alien races were unprepared and immediately started talking. There were horrible cries all over the place, and before they yelled a few times, thousands of organ puppets appeared in the pit, all of different shapes. Large and small, all sophisticated and powerful, attacked the aliens.

I thought that no immortal cultivator had noticed it, but he was attacked suddenly. What happened?

"Who, who is it?"

Jiao San's expression changed drastically, and the two heads screamed together, "Come out!"

"Just come out."

In the center of the pothole, a huge puppet beast gradually emerged, reaching a height of several tens of feet, stepping on all fours, raising his hands to look at the sky, condescendingly looking at Jiao San, with a metallic face, with disdain. The color.

Hundred-blade beast.

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