Fairy Winner

Chapter 1837: eat

"What the **** is it!"

Jiao San roared, his eyes widened, and he rushed towards the Hundred Blade Beast.

The fierceness exploded, and the clan under his feet had been trampled long ago, so he used his own power, and the speed was not worse than the clan, but within a few breaths, he flew to the front of the Hundred Blade Beast.

Gazing at the Hundred-Blade Beast, Jiaozan raised his claws, his eyes more fierce.

The claws are sharp, heavy and tough, and the faint blue light appears and disappears from time to time, no less than the seventh-order magic weapon in the realm of cultivation.



The two claws fell on the head of the Hundred Blade Beast almost simultaneously.

The Hundred Blade Beast only shook.

Jiao San could hardly believe his eyes. Even if the Hundred-Blade Beast had a special material that could withstand his claws, but with such a great strength, even a mountain would fall halfway down, and it only swayed?

Of course he would not know what kind of existence the Hundred Blade Beast was.

It is a combination of alien beasts, mechanism art and the way of puppets. It almost perfectly combines the advantages of the three. It is one of the pinnacles of all puppets in the Xuanhuang world.

No matter how great the power falls on it, it will pass through countless organs, and will continue to reduce its strength until Yu Wu. It will not be damaged, and the monks inside will not be harmed. Although Jiao San is tyrannical, it is equivalent to the fifth level of crossing the tribulation realm. Monk, but facing the Hundred-Blade Beast, he was still a little short.

"It's me, right?"

The Hundred Blade Beast looked down at Jiao San, raised his legs, and suddenly two rows of sharp blades appeared on his legs, moving towards Jiao San Juan.

"Just want to hurt me?"

Jiao Sanyi's face was disdainful, he could see that this sharp blade was at most a grade six or seven material, and could not penetrate his body at all.

But soon, he felt something was wrong.

Obviously, the sharp blade is still dozens of feet away from him, but why is there a sharp thorn sensation? I can clearly perceive that there are countless sharp blades around him, and they can't help but stab themselves.

This sting was so clear that it gave him the feeling that he could easily pierce him into a hornet's nest, and his mind was shocked.

He didn't dare to face it again, his stature retreated.

But he can't escape, the thorns feel like a shadow, no matter where he retreats, those sharp blades are always by his side, constantly stabs, giving him a kind of depression that is difficult to get rid of, even if the blade beast is still miles away, Before the sharp blade has reached his body, he can't stand it anymore.

"What's happening here?"

With a blank look in his eyes, he looked at the Hundred Blade Beast in the distance.

Of course he would not know that this is the prison of a hundred soldiers of the Hundred Blade Beast.

The Prison of Hundred Soldiers can strengthen the abilities of all the puppets in the range, and turn every part of the puppet into a sharp and powerful weapon. For the opponent, it is completely the opposite. It will feel like being in a forest of swords and guns. , There are Senhan's sharp blades everywhere, as long as you are in the domain, you can't escape.

And this is not all an illusion, those sharp blades can be real, as long as the Hundred Blade Beast activates its skills, it can be reached immediately.

Among the Hundred-Blade Beasts, Zhuge, who had been waiting here, was naturally more strict.

He hadn't been able to use the full prison of a hundred soldiers before, but after years of hard work, he finally brought the prison of a hundred soldiers into full play.

He glanced at Jiao San, his eyes flat as water.

To practice military art, he must be calm as water. He has been working hard in this direction. No matter what he encounters, no matter how strange the alien race is, he should not be upset and frightened, so as not to affect the Dao.

Without looking much, he led the Hundred Blade Beast to other alien races.

His purpose here is to defend the city, first destroy the foreign army, not to mention the slow movement of the beast, and it can't catch up.

The mechanism puppets are all within the range of the Prison of Hundred Soldiers, and their bodies are shining brightly or darkly. The overall power is greatly increased. The puppets that were originally equivalent to the Golden Core Realm have been directly promoted to the level of the Nascent Infant Realm. The strength of the puppet has also increased several times.

But those aliens are not easy to deal with.

This alien army is used for surprise attacks, and of course it is the elite of the elite.

They are all black, like standing cockroaches, with two feet and four hands, and their bodies are covered with sharp burrs. The body and the head are connected as a whole, round and round, with four tentacles deep in the top of the head, sweeping back and forth.


An alien that eats everything.

Eat everything, as long as there is life and flesh and blood, especially opponents, of course they will eat their own companions.

After eating, those things will be transformed into their strength, making them stronger, but they must exert these strengths in a short period of time, within about 30 breaths, otherwise they will be swollen to death. Therefore, they seldom eat anything, most of them only start to eat when fighting, and then use the power gained from eating to improve themselves and fight.

Special attention is that if there is enough food to keep swallowing every 30 breaths, they can continue endlessly and increase their strength, getting stronger and stronger, even the monks who cross the catastrophe will be afraid.

They are a terrifying alien race, not many people want to see them.

Fortunately, there are not many Bayeux races. They are extremely rare races from the Pingshan realm. The tens of thousands here may be all.

Zhuge recognized these alien races again, and even though his heart was calm as water, there was a ripple.

If these Bayeux tribes are allowed to break into Lingyu City, they will be able to use the weak immortal cultivators as food, continue to grow stronger, and then dissolve their power. Repeatedly, only these tens of thousands of Bayeux tribes may let the whole Ling Jade city is in ruins.

The aliens sent the Bayeus to sneak attacks, and their intentions were really vicious.

They must not be allowed to pass, they must be completely wiped out~www.ltnovel.com~ Eat them! "

The arrogant three roared.

The Bayeux tribes rushed up one after another, and launched a tide of offensive against the organ puppets.

The Baye clan who did not eat, the strength is really not strong, even if it is a few pairs of one, the mechanism puppets are easy to do, not long after, a large row of Baye clan fell, but then...

The fallen Baye tribe was quickly torn apart by the later Baye tribe and swallowed separately.

The Bayeux clan who had eaten their companions became stronger, and the organ puppets gradually fell into trouble, even with the blessing of the Prison of Hundred Soldiers.

"These aliens..."

In the past, I only heard about it from Zhou Shu, until I saw it with my own eyes, I didn't really see the scary place.

One Bayeux swallowed the other, and its strength suddenly doubled, as if the one that was eaten was completely integrated, and the one that ate two or three was stronger by two or three. Times, simple addition and subtraction, let your strength have a qualitative leap.

Fortunately, it was an agency puppet facing them.

There is no life or flesh and blood. Even if the organ puppets are destroyed and swallowed by them, they will not be able to increase their strength. For Zhuge Fuyan, of course it is a great advantage, as long as they are restricted here, no matter what they do. After eating and eating, their total strength will not change, just hope that by that moment, they will be able to beat them.

It's difficult. The 20,000 Bayeus, the lowest Golden Core Realm, and the highest Transformation God, are all superimposed on one another. I am afraid there will be more than eight layers of crossing the Tribulation Realm.

He led the hundred-blade beast through the army.

The Bayeux had almost no resistance in front of the Hundred Blade Beasts, and kept falling down, but at the same time it fell, it was captured and swallowed by another Bayeux.

No matter how Yan Zhuge was robbing these corpses, but within the puppets, the results were not good. Ten of them would be good if they could grab one.

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