Fairy Winner

Chapter 1839: Bunker

The monks returned one by one, the formation on Lingyu City opened again, and the chaotic alien army gradually returned to normal, staying fifty miles away from Lingyu City.

The two sides waited in full battle and renewed the confrontation.

In the rear of the foreign race army, among the heavy army, a huge black camp is particularly conspicuous.

In the camp, three spherical Dijiang tribes sat in one corner, almost identical in appearance, but with different looks.

You Dijiang Clan sighed, "I want to get it there. I lost the first battle right after the battle. It's still so miserable."

You Dijiang Clan nodded, "Yes, those immortal cultivators actually have such an ability to control the round hammer clan's anti-water, unexpected."

Another Dijiang clan snorted and said with dissatisfaction, "Old sixth, what else do you say, if you hadn't lost the two siege troops on your side, we might not have lost so badly, and you and Zhou Shu Didn’t you fight against each other? Don’t say if he failed to win, the entire siege army is gone, and he hasn’t been able to detect his methods. It’s just nothing and nothing."

Di Liu glared at him, "Old Qi, when is it your turn to teach me?"

"You two don't say these things anymore, is it useful?"

Seeing the distressed expressions of the Dijiang Clan who spoke, the Emperor Six and Qi were all silent, and it was clear that the Dijiang Clan was above them.

After thinking for a while, Di Liu said solemnly, "Brother, what shall we do now?"

Di San paused and said slowly, "Don't care about gains and losses. We are much stronger than them. As long as we fight steadily and there is no reason to lose, adults can see this. As long as we complete the task, we will naturally get what we deserve. "

"Must get, for this we have paid too much."

Di Qi said ruthlessly, "For the future of Lao Jiu, our seven brothers have accepted the power of God's condemnation, and there is no way out. If Lao Jiu can't be a **** in the end, our Dijiang clan... these **** humans! "

Di Liu sighed slightly, "In short, we must capture Lingyu City."

Di San nodded solemnly, "Go and purge, half an hour later, the whole army will attack!"


With the transmission of the order, the entire alien army moved, like turbulent waves, rushing to Lingyu City at any time, overthrowing it.

As if they had noticed something, the immortals on the wall suddenly looked solemn.

"Are they going to attack the city?"


"It's so fast. I just lost so many people and siege engines. I'm going to continue in a blink of an eye, as if I didn't get a hit."

"Yes, I am also strange."

"No surprise, they are alien."

An elder slowly said, "Foreign races have no feelings and will not be affected by morale. Don't think of them as human beings like us. You must remember that now is a different war, and neither retreat nor surrender is possible. , Either they die or we die, there is no other ending."


"I see, elder."

"It's really unreasonable guy, then come and see if you die or I die!"

The disciples behaved differently, some were more determined, some were weak in their hearts, and some were calm as water. Different emotions would bring different results.

The city wall.

Hao Ruoyan took Zhuge Fuyan and Liu Xuande and kept busy, sending out orders one after another without stopping.


With two loud noises, the alien army began to march.

The pace is not neat, and the speed is not fast, but countless alien races are oppressed from all directions together, step by step approaching, the pressure on Lingyu City is unimaginable.

Most of the Heyin Sect disciples were still watching calmly, while some of the recruited immortal cultivators were shaking, and some even wanted to retreat.

A cultivator of the God-Transforming Realm glanced around, quietly used the escape technique, and retreated to the city.

Before he quit three feet, he saw a flash of white light, and his head flew out directly, and fell down the city, with a face full of shock and unwillingness.

"Retreat before the battle, shake the heart of the army, and cut."

Bailong's voice came from the dark, calm and indifferent.

The immortal cultivators were shocked, and they didn't dare to move their minds anymore. They turned their eyes to the alien race, knowing that if you fight hard, you may not live, but you don't have to die.

The alien army gets closer and closer, and it gets denser.

Looking at the city wall, it is an airtight wall, up and down, left and right, full of foreign races, black clouds pressing the city and wanting to destroy it is not only an exaggerated description, but a reality that can be seen with your own eyes.

"Sister, only twenty miles away."

Hao Siyun whispered, her small face tense, fists clenched, there seemed to be fire in her eyes.


Hao Siyun's expression was indifferent, only her heart was ups and downs, and she had never calmed down. She knew her responsibility. Behind her was not only Lingyu City, but also millions of colleagues, but also Dongshengzhou.

In this battle, no loss is allowed, and no accident is allowed.

The alien races are getting closer and closer, and what they hear is no longer the dense drums of footsteps, but the mad laughter, the violent roar, the screaming screams of the aliens, and the sound is in your ears. Unable to rest, what I see is no longer a general army of foreign races, but also a vivid and violent face, one by one in a crazy and bloodthirsty posture, and the scenes are in front of them, deeply imprinted. In mind.


As Hao Ruoyan nodded slightly ~www.ltnovel.com~, the Fuzhen Bunker shook suddenly, and a huge beam of light burst out instantly!

The beam of light was as solid as it was, and it was five feet thick, like a spear that was let go, piercing into the alien army.

Ten miles away in the blink of an eye.

The alien race in front had no time to dodge, nor could they defend themselves. They just watched the beam of light rush over and hit both themselves and the surrounding alien races.

In a flash, the ashes flew out, but the beam of light did not stop, but continued to rush forward, and the speed and strength did not decay much because of hitting the enemy, and kept moving forward until it rushed more than ten or twenty miles before gradually disappearing.

This blow was really like a light cannon, and it was hard to count how many aliens died or injured as a result.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

This bombardment sounded the horn of war.

Suddenly, all guns blasted!

Around Lingyu City, almost all the rune formation bunkers rang, and beams of light of different colors and thicknesses were striking the alien army close at hand in different directions!

Like a sharp knife, a long spear, piercing the enemy's heart!

The degree of intensity is by no means comparable to the previous alien siege.

In the past, Lingyu City used only one or two percent of the ability for the foreign race's temptation. At this time, it was 12 percent or more.

All the people are on the verge of eruption, so are the puppets, so is the rune formation bunker, and resources such as primordial stones are used up like flowing water.

As if to vent all the fear that I felt before, and the timidity in my heart, all the monks in the bunker were desperately outputting, one shot followed by one shot, ten holes in each rune formation bunker, taking turns A beam of light was emitted, and there was almost no pause.

The airtight alien army immediately became battered.

The screams, one after another, were just suppressed by the constant sound of cannons, and no one cared.

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