Fairy Winner

Chapter 1840: Cihang

Fuzhen bunker, the pride of Zhuge's army.

There are many types, focusing on attacking, focusing on defense, focusing on containment, and so on. The rune formation bunker of Lingyu city wall is basically attacking, named Liannu, which is not only powerful, but also capable of continuous connection. Until the resources are exhausted.

There are five holes in the Liannu Bunker, which require thirteen disciples to operate. It contains more than 30 formations. Each of the components and links is integrated with the spirit of the military, combining the forces in the formation into one. One body, so that it can play to the extreme.

There is a saying in the world of cultivating immortals that Zhuge Liannu, even though Lu and Mo are not as good as it, are difficult for enemies in the world, killing too many crimes, and lethal weapons.

Originally it was a well-known evil creature in the world of cultivating immortals, and the best weapon to defend the city, but now the Liannu Bunker on Lingyu City is not what it used to be.

Zhou Shu spent a lot of time to improve the bunker, take it a step further, and the power has exceeded a lot!

The original five holes have been changed to ten holes, and the array has been expanded to more than 80 kinds, which speeds up the increase in power, while also reducing energy consumption and manpower. Because of the extensive use of the puppet way of Lingyu City, in fact, there are not enough disciples who manipulate the bunker. One, there is only one responsible disciple in many bunkers.

Today's rune formation bunker, most can send a blow that is not inferior to the cultivator of the Nascent Soul Realm, while a few bunkers can send a blow equivalent to the cultivator of the Transcendent God Realm.

This small amount is about five hundred, which is considered to be very few among the more than 10,000 bunkers.

Because making this kind of bunker requires a lot of precious materials and a complicated refining process, its value is no less than a sixth-order magic weapon. The process is not easier than refining the magic weapon, because there are more talisman arrays and more troublesome. Likewise, once a mistake is made, the entire bunker is destroyed.

In order to make these bunkers, Lingyu City paid a lot of price, not only the Heyin School, but also Haizhonglou and Huabaoxuan.

Lingyu City with these bunkers can be said to be the most expensive city in the entire Dongsheng Prefecture and even the entire Xuanhuang Realm. Who would bear the heart of such a city falling into the hands of a foreign race and being destroyed by a foreign race?

Guarding this city is what the lotus sect and many immortals must do.

And the immortals in the bunker are implementing this idea and desperately.

The resources decayed rapidly at a visible speed, mainly the primordial stone and the spiritual stone. The five hundred high-level bunkers used the primordial stone, while the general ones used the spiritual stone.

Because of the Tongtian Pagoda, the Heyin Sect has always been collecting Yuanshi and Lingshi. For this invasion, it has launched many conscriptions and collected more from Dongshengzhou. The elder disciples of the Heyin Sect also lead by example. Every monk has turned in a lot of Yuanshi, and many people have also given up the recent period of cultivation, using cultivation base as the Yuanshi.

For these reasons, it can be used without fear at this time.

Of course, it will continue to be used because it is effective.

In the continuous bombardment of such a secret realm, the advance of the alien army slowed down a lot, and even came to a standstill.

This is far more terrifying than being attacked by siege equipment before. Ninety percent of the alien races can’t resist it at all. The other 10%, half of them will be injured. Only a few alien races and those strong aliens. Can be completely avoided.

The city wall.


"Brothers are playing well, playing well!"

"It's so comfortable to watch them fall down in groups!"

"Either you die or I die, and you die before I do it!"

"Our bunker is really too powerful, as Sect Master Hao said, these alien races simply cannot come over."

The disciples stationed are crazy.

It's not just them.

"It's amazing."

Hua Yulian, who had been paying attention, was completely surprised, "It is really unexpected that these seemingly inconspicuous bunkers can have such great power. The old man thought it was useless before. It seems to be really wrong."

Hua Yulian, the supreme elder of the Hua Family in Tianxin Mountain, has reached a level of cultivation.

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Old Hua, there is really nothing better than Fuzhen Bunker when dealing with low-level aliens."

Hua Yulian said with emotion, "The military is well-known in the world, and the Zhuge family had no great ability at the beginning but ranked among the four largest families. It really makes sense. The old man really looked down on them before and felt that the Hua family should be replaced, ha ha, It's really laughable and generous."

"Old Hua has humbled himself."

Zhou Shuning said, "Everyone has their own strengths. The Hua family's medical treatment is no worse than Zhuge's family. This time defending the city requires Hualao to work harder."

Hua Yulian showed a trace of doubt, "Could it be... it seems that the winner is already in hand, these bunkers will be able to sweep away all the foreign races."

"It's impossible to light up. The consumption will definitely not be able to support it. It's not bad if you can eliminate a half of the lower alien races, and the alien races will not keep rushing to die. I think they will soon have a countermeasure."

Zhou Shu smiled and explained a few words, Hua Yulian practiced medicine and didn't know much about war.

"What we are afraid of, we also have countermeasures. Having Sect Master Zhou is our biggest countermeasure."

Cheng Tianlan looked at Zhou Shu with a smile, and praised from the heart. After seeing Zhou Shu slaughter the Quartet, UU reading www.uukanshu.com and the previous arrangements were revealed one by one, it was hard not to give birth to Zhou Shu. Respect, even if it was the biggest opponent before.

"Elder Cheng..."

Zhou Shu smiled, just about to speak, his expression suddenly stagnated.

The two alien races were rushing towards this side quickly, countless continuous crossbow fire, as if there was nothing in their eyes, they easily avoided, even if they touched a point, their figure only slightly swayed, without any hindrance.

"The strong hand is coming."

Cheng Tianlan also noticed, and hurriedly said, "Do you want to shoot?"

"Don't worry."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "Look at the situation."

There are definitely more than these two strong men who attacked Lingyu City. He perceives it. At this moment, at least two hundred foreign strong men attacked Lingyu City. He could hold one side, but he could not hold all of them. It is impossible to go up, after all, the cultivators in Lingyu City are far inferior to foreign races.

To deal with the strong, more depends on the defense formation.

On Liuli Peak.

Yangmei sat in the hall, calm and calm.

In addition to taking pictures around her, there are many large and small pillars, and countless arrays, forming a city like Lingyu City, and she is sitting in the middle of the city, enveloped by a very thick mist. , Misty as fairy

She seemed to perceive something, her expression was slightly stagnant, "They are here."


Lin Zhu beside her nodded gently, "Sister Yangmei, it's up to you."

"Sister Zhu's formation is so powerful, I can definitely use it well, don't worry."

Yangmei smiled slightly and confidently, "I will never let Lingyucheng have something to do."

She is where the eye of the city guard formation lies. Without her, there would be no formation. The whole formation was designed to give play to Yang Mei's compassionate power.

The compassionate heart protects all beings.

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