Fairy Winner

Chapter 1841: Good and evil

A cyan light suddenly radiated from the Liuli Peak.

As the goddess scattered flowers, it instantly enveloped the entire Lingyu City, like a thin cyan eggshell, wrapping Lingyu City.

The cultivators in the city cheered, only cheering with a lot of doubts.

"This is the great defense formation that the Holland School said, it is finally opened, but...how does it not feel strong?"

"Yes, with such a thin layer, you can't feel any power in it, how can you stop the alien race?"

They were not the only ones who were puzzled. Some disciples on the wall felt similar.

"This one……"

"It shouldn't be like this, is there something wrong?"

In their opinion, this formation that Zhou Shu has said many times, as the strongest backing by them, should not be so weak in appearance. How can this be able to stop the alien race like a wolf and a tiger? broken.

Many people thought this way, but only a few of them discussed, and they were soon buried by other voices.

"Don't guess there, trust Sect Master Zhou, trust Elder Yang, do your own thing!"

Soon, the powerful aliens rushed to the front.

Looking at the thin as a cicada-wing formation, he gave out a scornful smile, completely ignored it, and plunged straight into it.

Just as soon as I touched it, I felt something was wrong, and the surrounding blue light couldn't help twisting around, like a rope, binding the body firmly, completely immobile, and unable to do it even if he tried to struggle.

That strength is tough and powerful, and it seems to be in it with an impossibility to resist, and it will be caught directly.

Within a few breaths, the hundreds of alien powerhouses who rushed in all encountered the same situation.

Like mosquitoes, when they touched the glue, they were all firmly stuck. They wanted to fly and couldn't get in.


As the command sounded, cultivators across the Tribulation Realm flew up in all directions, looting towards the powerful aliens.

No one wants to miss this opportunity.

The cold light in their hands is either the best magic weapon or the magic weapon of heaven.

Zhou Shu was also among them. The nearest alien powerhouses were killed by Zhou Shu in an instant. Other places were similar. The fixed alien powerhouses had no resistance and could only rely on their own strength. The firmware is hard to resist, but how long can it resist in front of various high-end magic weapons?

Within dozens of breaths, almost all the powerful aliens were all punishable.

Something incredible, but it really happened.

Many cultivators turned around, with shocked expressions on their faces. They couldn't think that this unsurprising formation could trap so many alien races together. It's incredible, even if it can't do it. .

"What kind of formation is this?"

Hua Yulian couldn't help shaking his head, looking straight at Zhou Shu, "The old man can't feel the power in it, why are those aliens..."

Cheng Tianlan also looked at Zhou Shu, no one didn't want to know the answer, this kind of formation had never been heard in the world of cultivating immortals, and the power of that formation was also unknown, and it was really hard to understand.

"In fact, it is not a formation, and there is no name at all."

Zhou Shu smiled and said thoughtfully, "Old Hua, you are kind-hearted, and naturally you can't feel the power in it. Only the evil ones can perceive and be restrained, because it was meant to punish evil. ."

"What does Sovereign mean?"

Hua Yulian's face was slightly condensed, and he was lost in thought. Cheng Tianlan was also thinking, and his figure was suddenly shaken, "Could it be that it is the use of the power of the law of good and evil? Who is it?"

Zhou Shu nodded lightly without saying much.

Cheng Tianlan no longer asked, staring into the air, with a lot of emotion, "Is that the daughter of the destiny of the Cihangzong? Except for the master of Zhou, there are such capable people in Lingyu City. We in Kunlun are really compared. Go down."

There is only one person in Kunlun who can use the power of real laws.

Indeed, that power comes from the law of good and evil and is shown through the power of compassion.

The power of compassion is not just assistance. Most of the disciples of Cihangzong may be like this, but the enlightened Yangmei is different. She is more aware of the nature of the power of compassion. Compassion is also great compassion. Compassion protects all living beings and makes them happy, and compassion is Relieving suffering, making it free, with compassion and compassion, is the true power of compassion.

She understood, but she didn't know how to use it before. It wasn't until she learned Righteous Qi Jue and initially understood the law of good and evil that she began to change.

The law of good and evil seems to fit in with the power of kindness. Combining the two can just play the duality of the power of kindness, so that it can both assist and attack, and the power of kindness will never attack. It will hurt the innocent. Only the identified target will perceive it and be attacked by the power of compassion. Others feel nothing at all.

The power of kindness is not blindly kindness, only to punish evil and promote good is its purpose.

This thin layer of eggshell is the complete display of Yangmei’s compassionate power. It was specially designed by Lin Zhu and Zhou Shu for Yangmei. It used many complicated formations and Shuzhidao. It really is not really true. The formation, but stronger than most formations.

However, the pure formation has also played a big role. If there is no diffusion formation, the power of compassion can hardly be transmitted to the surrounding area of ​​Lingyu City. It will inevitably consume a lot of it in the middle. On the other hand, if there is no auxiliary formation Helping Yangmei, I am afraid that Yangmei will not be able to hold on for ten breaths, after all, this kind of consumption is too great to imagine.

Liuli Peak.

The bayberry among the two vitality sea pillars leaned against Lin Zhu, his face pale as paper~www.ltnovel.com~, wet with sweat and eyes closed.

She didn't have any strength, let alone the soul power, and even the consciousness was gradually fading away, completely collapsed, just enough to trap two hundred foreign powers, insisted on 30 breaths, and was about to consume everything she had After all, the repair base has also fallen a lot.

Lin Zhu looked at her distressedly, feeding her Yuanye Soul Liquid while using the formation method to help her recover quickly.

Lin Zhu whispered, "Just forget it if you can't insist, I'll go tell seniors."

"No way."

Yangmei struggled to sit up straight, and stubbornly shook her head, "I promised to hold on at least twice, and now only once."

"But, you consume too much."

Lin Zhu looked at her and couldn't help shaking his head, "I saw it just now. During that time, how terrible your situation was, like someone was taking everything from you. Your vitality, soul, and vitality were all taken away. , You won’t be able to do it for a while, now your cultivation base has fallen a lot, if you do it again..."

"It doesn't matter, I can hold on."

Yangmei opened her eyes, smiled lightly, and said firmly, "Sister Zhu, leave me alone, you can make formations quickly, besides, if you want to maintain the formation and help me, you will consume less than me. Huh? There are seventeen formations, all presided over by you."

"I'm much better than you."

Lin Zhu frowned, her consumption was indeed a lot, but it was much better than Yangmei.

Yangmei stared at her, "Stop talking, no matter what happens, for Lingyucheng, for the brother, we must continue."

Lin Zhu glanced at her, sighed secretly, nodded and continued.

She just didn't know what the result would be if she did it again, she had an inexplicable fear.

(Ps: Thank you nuli8888 for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~)

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