Fairy Winner

Chapter 1843: fortunately

Three hundred powerful aliens stopped around Lingyu City.

Facing the endless artillery fire, looking at Lingyucheng expressionlessly, giving people an inexplicable sense of depression.

"What are you doing here, come on!"

"Aliens, come and die! This world is not yours, nor is Lingyu City yours!"

"There is a formation, you can't make it!"

"I want to kill one this time!"

The previous formation gave them great confidence, and many disciples shouted loudly.

Those strong aliens didn't say a word, rushing towards Lingyu City, and at the same time they started, the whole body burst into black flames, burning all up.

Three hundred black fires drew three hundred arcs in the air, like a black Changhong, falling straight down.

The disciples stopped screaming and looked a little dazed, not knowing what happened.


"Could it be the black fire that can melt everything that Sect Master Zhou said?"

"The formation, the wall?"

Those who know the inside story have a solemn expression, and their minds have gradually become flustered.

They all know what this black fire represents. If it is really the burning sky spirit fire that Zhou Shu said, then the formation can't stop it, and the city wall can't stop it. When so much black fire falls, the defense of the entire Lingyu city will be reduced. Burn it.

The hard work before is all in vain, Lingyu City will be at stake.

"Oh no!"

Hao Siyun stared at the black fire and couldn't help shouting, "If it is true as Senior Brother Shu said, then Sister Yangmei's formation will definitely not work!"

"I really don't play cards according to the routine, it's totally unexpected."

Zhuge Fuyan's expression was condensed, "I have calculated that there are only 500 strong people from the alien races, but now they have dispatched most of them at once. What are they thinking? So many alien races launch suicide attacks together, what should they do later? Do you want to continue fighting?"

"It's wrong to think so."

Hao Ruoyan said calmly, "As I said earlier, this is not an ordinary war. For the sake of Lingyu City, the foreign race does not care about anyone's life at all costs."

Zhuge Fuyan nodded and said, "But this is a desperate fight, they have no more means, but we have to block it, otherwise..."

"How to stop?"

Hao Siyun whispered, "Senior Brother Shu said that the black fire is similar to the Fentian Spiritual Fire, even Senior Brother Shu would not want to touch it."

"I don't know, I have to do my best."

Hao Ruoyan shook his head lightly, "I didn't expect that they would attack the city like this... Pass the order, and all the disciples are ready..."

"Don't worry everyone."

Suddenly, a sound like a natural sound came from the city and reached the ears of every immortal cultivator on the wall. The voice was unspeakably gentle and quiet, with the power to soothe people's hearts, and everyone's flustered minds quickly stabilized. .

"I will stop them, don't worry."

The cyan beam of light rose from the Liuli Peak, solidified a lot more than before, quickly dissipated, and still turned into a thin light film, guarding Lingyu City.

Everyone stared at this eggshell-like film, the immortal cultivators in Lingyu City, the alien race outside the city.

You probably all know that victory or defeat lies here.

The black fire fell in groups, like black meteors, swift and violent.

One by one fell.

They want to penetrate the formation, rush into Lingyu City, burn everything they can see or not, and use their only remaining lives.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Soon, it fell onto the film.

In an instant, the film melted through a hole!

In the exclamation of the immortal cultivator below, the black fire stagnated, and a lot of blue light suddenly emerged from the side of the hole, which firmly entangled the black fire, like a green vine, tied the hands and feet of the foreign race, the foreign race thought To go further and not.

The black fire seemed to be angry, the flames suddenly soared, and stretched along the blue light, trying to burn them out and burn them down.

Although the blue light continued to diminish and weaken, it never disappeared. The rays of light were indescribably thin, still tightly entwined with the black fire.

Heihuo kept struggling, constantly looking for a chance to leave, but couldn't find it. The light was their prison and their burial place.

Such things are happening everywhere in Lingyu City.

All the disciples looked up at all, with piety on their faces, as if they were praying and expecting.

Whether they can survive well and whether Lingyucheng can continue to retain it depends on the thin formation in front of them.

They knew that someone in the city was saving them and rescuing Lingyu City, but they didn't know what the price that person was paying.

Lin Zhu looked at the bayberry, with tears in the corners of his eyes. The bayberry in front of him was shrunk a bit. His figure looked like a child, his whole body was covered with wrinkles, and his face was as thin as a dead wood, and his face was withered like a skeleton, where there was still a little past. , But even if it becomes like this, Yang Mei still maintains it, transforming her last little energy into the power of compassion, and releasing it to protect Ling Yucheng and protect the immortal cultivators.

When you are tired to the point that you can't persist, you will faint with self-protection. If you give up this self-protection and continue to overdraft, the consumption will be much larger than before, then the result can be imagined.


Yangmei smiled bitterly, and she collapsed to the ground like a mass of mud.

Lin Zhu hugged her quickly, only to feel that her body was light and fluttering, as if there was nothing, even the weight was gone~www.ltnovel.com~ There was no vitality, and her heart was shaken, and she couldn't help crying. Get up, "Yang Mei, you..."


With a sigh, Zhou Shu appeared beside them.

"Junior sister, you did it."

A thick cloud of mist completely encased the three of them.

Over Lingyu City.

The thin formation suddenly disappeared, and the black fire in the sky fell with it, as did snowflakes.


"Why is it gone?"

"This...what to do, what to do?"

All the immortal cultivators were stunned, their faces turned pale in an instant, and the foreign army outside the city burst into huge cheers.

The cheers only lasted for a while.

Those black fires gradually dissipated, turning into black smoke in the air, and dispersed with the wind.

Twenty breaths are very long, but also very short. When the time comes, it will naturally dissipate.

This time, it was the turn of the cultivators to be happy. Watching the black fire disappear one by one, everyone knew that they had been saved. The cheers continued one after another, and the morale in the city rose to its highest point.

There is only a black fire that has not disappeared.

Or the time of his eruption was later, so the time of disappearing was also later, until it fell to the wall, and it was not extinguished.

The black fire fell on a bunker and spread instantly.

After only a breath, the bunker was completely turned into ashes, and even the eleven bunkers and a long section of the city wall on the side also turned into ashes. The disciples in the bunker and the disciples who were stationed at the city wall had no time to react. They were in the black fire. Die out.

But the spread only lasted for a while, and then disappeared without a trace.

Time is up.

Seeing this scene, the disciples and elders on the wall were all stunned.

This is just a piece of black fire and one breath of power. If it is three hundred tablets, if it can last for 20 breaths, then... I really dare not think about it.

"Fortunately there are Yangmei."

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