Fairy Winner

Chapter 1844: Advantage

"Scared me!"

Hao Siyun retracted his gaze and patted his chest, "Fortunately there are Yangmei, otherwise I don't know how many people will die."

"It's not just the dead, but I'm afraid the bunker wall will be gone."

Liu Xuande stared at the Liuli Peak in the distance, his eyes were full of admiration, "That Yangmei girl, really is the savior, such a great person, the old man has only read about it in ancient books, Fu Yan, nephew, you know Who is it?"

Zhuge Fuyan nodded and said slowly, "Girl Yangmei rescued Lingyu City today, and millions of immortal cultivators, whose merits are comparable to those of ancestor Wei Gong."


Liu Xuande said with emotion, "I must go to see the Yangmei girl in a while, I can't miss it."

Zhuge Fuyan seemed to feel something, "Xuande's heart of respecting talents is exactly the same as that of the old dolphins."

Uncharacteristically, Hao Ruoyan did not answer the conversation, because of her thoughts, she went to Liuli Peak.

"How's it going, Master Shu, Yang Mei, there will be nothing wrong with her?"

Her voice was anxious and full of concern. She knew very well that Yang Mei must have paid a great price, even an irreversible price, for this. How could she not be anxious and sad.


She only got a sigh in response.

Hao Ruoyan was startled and hurriedly said, "Master Shu, you are like this... Ruoyan is very worried and can't do anything."

In her eyes, Zhou Shu never lamented like this. She was calm and calm at all times, not humiliated, but now she laments like this, afraid that things are really bad. If Zhou Shu is not good, then she will do nothing. It will make sense, and I don’t want to do it.

"It's okay."

Zhou Shu quickly recovered his former indifference, and slowly said, "Don't worry, Ruoyan, I'm fine."

Hao Ruoyan continued, "What about Yangmei?"

She knew Yang Mei's position in Zhou Shu's heart, and if something happened to Yang Mei, Zhou Shu must have something too.

"Don't worry too much, she is still alive."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "It's just that it consumes a lot of money, and the whole person is completely empty. It will take a certain time to recover, but I think she will definitely have a big improvement after recovery. After all, this is rare. Hardened, just..."

Hao Ruoyan calmed down, still a little worried, "That would be great, just... just what?"

Zhou Shu paused, "It's just that she forcibly hollowed out herself, and she lost a lot in terms of lifespan. Neither the spiritual relics nor the elixir of the cultivating world can make up for it. If I am not wrong, Yangmei has about 200 years of life. yuan."


Hao Ruoyan's figure shook as he was hit by a heavy hammer and almost sat down on the ground.

She thought about a lot of bad solutions, but she didn’t expect it to be like this. Only two hundred years of life, only two hundred years of life. At this point of life, it’s not enough to rise to immortality, but Yangmei is the daughter of destiny and is destined to rise to immortality. How can you lose everything because of Shouyuan?

The people around were stunned, "Elder Hao, what's wrong with you?"

Hao Ruoyan ignored them, and only asked, "Master Shu, what you said... is all true? Nothing can make up for it. Isn't it possible that no matter how good a spiritual thing is, a pill will not work? By the way, Kunlun, Kunlun has seven Holy pill, is the holy medicine for prolonging life, isn't it?"

"Master Hua and I have seen it. No, even a pill like the Seven Sacred Pills will not work. This loss is difficult to make up for."

Zhou Shu said affirmatively, only his expression was not sad, "Of course, there are other ways, so you don't have to worry, I'm already thinking about it, and I will definitely do it, Yang Mei will surely rise to immortality smoothly, don't worry."

"If Master Shu said that, Ruo Yan is relieved."

Hao Ruoyan nodded, her mind finally settled.

She knew very well that Zhou Shu's promise would never be wrong. Since she said that, there would be nothing wrong.

Glancing at the stunned monk on the side, she smiled softly, "I'm fine, don't worry, just focus on defending the city."


Deafening sound.

The morale of everyone is high.

Since the beginning of the war, every attack by the alien race has ended in failure, and the price paid is even more disastrous. Let alone the lower aliens, the terrible alien powerhouses alone have lost more than 70%. Every cultivator began to believe that he could win and Lingyucheng could win.

With such confidence, there will naturally be morale and endless fighting spirit.

In the alien army.

Di San's face was terribly gloomy, thick black clouds were trapped in the cage, and the other two were not much better.

"It's actually blocked again. There are more than three hundred, over three hundred condemners, but none of them have a role. What kind of treasure is hidden in the city? What are we going to do to destroy it and destroy this **** Ling? Yucheng! All these humans deserve to die!"

Di Qi roared loudly, venting his dissatisfaction.

Di Liu sighed and said slowly, "Third Brother, what should we do now, continue to send the condemned person?"

"Go, do you want to die?"

Emperor San shouted mercilessly, "You have no brains? We have less than two hundred condemners left. We also expect them to lead troops to attack the city, and we can't lose! Go, you two!"

Emperor Six was stagnant and stopped talking.

Di Qi whispered, "Listen to the third brother, then we..."

"What else!"

The emperor shouted ~www.ltnovel.com~ Just now that was the last resort. If you fail, don’t think about other thoughts. The only thing we can do now is to attack the city, even if everyone is dead, we must Take Lingyucheng down and go! Go too! "


Emperor Six and Emperor Seven retreated, looking at Lingyu City in the distance, an angry fire burned in his eyes, and the whole person was about to explode.

woo woo woo woo

Several rapid horns sounded, and the foreign army accelerated the pace of siege.

The army from all directions all moved and rushed towards Lingyu City.

No longer pay attention to tactics, there are no siege vehicles or anything else, just rushing desperately, not afraid of death, even if it is with a corpse, a road leading to the wall of Lingyu City must be paved.

Soon, the monks guarding the city discovered this.

In the past, the alien race would evade resistance and try to go around in the face of Liannu's artillery fire, but now it completely ignores it. It just keeps rushing forward, not caring about death or not, just going forward and going forward.

In this way, although there were more casualties, the speed of advancement was also much faster, and there were many more aliens rushing over.

From time to time, alien races rushed to the city wall and attacked the city wall or the immortal cultivator.

At the beginning, some cultivators died, and the city walls gradually collapsed. Everyone felt tremendous pressure.

"Here, here, another alien rushed up, come and support!"


"Keep attacking in the bunker, don't stop!"

"It hasn't stopped! Look, now the bunker is about to burn!"

As time passed, the corpses of foreign races outside Lingyu City piled up into mountains, and even the moat that was dozens of miles deep was completely filled with corpses.

The alien army is still advancing.

The huge advantage in numbers is fully reflected at this moment.

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