Fairy Winner

Chapter 1846: Fight to death

In a short time, most of the immortal cultivators boarded the city wall.

There are about a million people.

There are about three million immortal cultivators in Lingyu City, but more than two million are those below the Condensed Vein Realm and have little combat power. Those who can come in handy are already here.

"A lot of aliens!"

"I thought I was going to win, but I didn't expect that there are so many more, which is bad..."

"Weird looks, fierce and evil, are these our opponents? Suddenly I feel that I shouldn't have come up..."

"I think so too, what a terrible enemy, there are so many."

Many people, or most people, are afraid and timid the first time they see a foreign race face to face.

"Yeah, so many aliens, it's terrible."

Zhou Shu’s voice came over, "Like you, they are the first time facing a foreign race, and they are afraid, but they have always stood here, fighting against the foreign race, not hesitating life and death, because of this, Lingyu City will be There are countless corpses of foreign races that Lingyu City can hold on to the present, and now they can no longer fight. The only thing Lingyu City can rely on is you. If you do it, you will be the savior of Lingyu City and the entire Dongsheng Prefecture. , Your deeds will be rumored in the Xuanhuang Realm and will last forever."

"That's us?"

"Is our responsibility so great?"

"Although I am still very scared, but I am also a little excited, this kind of inexplicable feeling of becoming a savior."

"It looks like there are more dead than the rest. The Hollywood has done everything they can, and we can't watch it either."

"We also have so many people. It should be no problem. We have to fight for our own reputation."

The cultivators looked at the alien race below, and they didn't seem to be so afraid.

"Either the alien race is dead, or we are all dead. There is no other choice. Whether Lingyucheng can see the sun tomorrow is all on you!"


As the exciting long spoon drum music sounded, the entire Lingyu City was boiling.

There was an eager light on everyone's face. It was a strong desire to win, and a desire for victory and honor. The heart was dominated, and all of them looked angry, dancing and shouting, and rushed towards the alien race. .

"Incomparably vigorous vitality, what's the green one?"

Standing on the city wall, Zhou Shu seemed to have seen something strange from many immortal cultivators.

On such an important battlefield, he did not forget to think and seek from time to time, trying his best to learn more rules and perfect his way.

He was not the only one, many enlightened monks were watching.

To be honest, such an opportunity is extremely rare. It is rare to encounter one or two times, and you can get a lot of insights. For example, the blue bird has gained a lot after this war and has a preliminary understanding of the law of the soul. Not much to mention.

A big battle began.

The real battle of life and death.

No one avoids the battle, everyone is blushing.

With every breath, there is life passing away, either a cultivator, or an alien.

Most of the disciples of the Heyin School rested, but there were also many monks who were still fighting at the forefront. They were reluctant to leave and wanted to give everything for Lingyu City.

"Come on, come on!"

In a gap in the city wall, Mian, who was covered in blood, stood there, facing a group of alien races about to rush in, with all his hair and beard.

Some disciples couldn't bear to say, "Elder Mi, you have suffered a lot of injuries. Retreat."

"Retreat, then retreat to the city!"

Miang shouted loudly, "The old man will never retreat!"

"Hey, how can the gap that was finally found be blocked by an old man?"

Accompanied by a sneer, an alien floated over, the sharp minions shone with cold light, and grabbed Miang's chest.

That alien race was actually a strong man, resembling a ghost, and he arrived in front of him in the blink of an eye, and the tired Mian didn't even react.


The disciple nearby exclaimed, and the magic weapon in his hand hurriedly threw it out, but it turned into a pile of powder before it even touched the alien race.

"Hey hey!"

The alien smiled grinningly, and he felt Miang's heartbeat at his fingertips, and his excitement was uncontrollable.


Suddenly, there was a beating in my ear, like a thunder, and then the whole person was entangled with the biting sword intent, and immediately scarred.

Before he could start, he immediately turned and fled. Before he could escape two steps, a pale red phantom appeared in front of him, and a cold killing intent followed.

"Your opponent is me."

After Xu Ying threw a sentence, the sword intent became even more piercing, sharp and biting, and the aliens had no time to mourn, and the whole person disappeared in the sword intent and was completely crushed.

The disciple was in shock, "Elder Li...Elder Li...Elder Mi..."

"Take Elder Mi down to heal, you don't need to worry about it here."

The phantom soon disappeared, and the alien races rushing here fell one by one, more and more, gradually building a fence.

Without the firepower of the Fuzhen bunker, more and more alien races rushed up, and there were more and more gaps in the city wall.

Lingyucheng's pressure is also increasing.

On the west side of the city wall, a gap of several hundred feet has been opened, and countless alien races are coming here.

Liu Yuer on the gap~www.ltnovel.com~ shook her head gently, "Or, retreat to the inner city, Elder Shen."

"Retreat to the inner city?"

Shen Wen had blood stains on his face, but his eyes were still clear, "That is to give the outer city to the foreign race. So many fertile fields and so many buildings are all cultivated by us hard, and it is impossible to give it to the foreign race? !"

Liu Yuer said solemnly, "These will come back, not to mention that there are many organs between the inner and outer cities, and they are better defended."


Shen Wen was about to refute, as if thinking of something, he looked at Liu Yuer and said, "Elder Liu, you persuaded me to retire, are you planning to stay by yourself?"

Liu Yu'er said calmly, "Elder Shen, you don't need to persist here."

"Then you can persist?"

Shen Wen sneered, "We are all the elders of the Hoyin School, are you special? Even if your cultivation base is higher than me, you will never consume less than me! Moreover, I said that the city is here. The city I'm talking about is this outer city!"

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

Countless spikes suddenly flew from outside, and the two of them had no time to dodge completely, and they were hit several times.

Shen Wen's figure flickered, almost sitting down on the ground.

Liu Yu'er was not much better either, there were several blood stains on the clothes that had been dyed red, but her face was still calm, and she said faintly, "Fine."

As he said, he walked alone outside the city wall. Although his body was shaking, his pace was extremely stable. Facing the rushing alien race, he wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, and brought out a decisive smile. He lifted the sword without hesitation. Rushed over.

"Elder Liu!?"

Shen Wen yelled anxiously, but could not move. Instead, he was pushed back by a strong force and fell straight into the city.

(Ps: Thank you wangc1111 and rerqrq for your continued support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~)

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