Fairy Winner

Chapter 1847: Guardian way

A handful of long Ge, broke through the air.

Before reaching the city wall, countless winds swirled out, and huge whirlpools appeared out of thin air.

Whether it was the sturdy wall bricks or the immortal cultivators on the walls, the wind whirled them to each other, and the city was suddenly chaotic.

Liu Yu'er didn't take a few steps before being caught by the wind. It was difficult to stand still. She barely stood up straight, but saw that Chang Ge came straight, less than five feet away from herself, and death was already within sight.


He sighed inwardly, and the long sword in his hand was wrapped around Chang Ge, even if he died, he had to stop him.

At this moment, a black vortex suddenly appeared in front of him, and a cyan light flew out of the vortex, rushing straight to the Changge.

The mighty and incomparable long Ge was actually suppressed by this shallow blue light, frozen in the air and motionless, even the surrounding winds stopped, as if time had stopped at this moment.

"This is not the time to be a hero."

In Liu Yuer's ear, the voice she had been looking forward to sounded.

It seemed that all the burdens had been removed, and my heart suddenly loosened, and he couldn't even stand firmly, and the whole person fell softly.

A silk thread flew out of the blue light, took her up, and flew into the city.

"Caiying has recovered, you don't need to worry about it here. Don't worry, let Elder Shen also worry."

At the moment of landing in the city, Liu Yuer heard a familiar voice again, and only lightly nodded, "I see, Sect Master."

It was Zhou Shu who cut through the space with a big cutting fist and passed Caiying over dozens of miles away, saving the danger here.

"Caiying, okay?"

"No problem, my palace is fine, this big man is nothing!"

"He belongs to the Xingdi clan, and is of a different species from the Xingtian clan who kills the gods the most, so be careful."

"It's okay to say it, wow!"

Caiying was a little angry, the blue light burst, turned into hundreds, and flew towards the master of Changge.

Hundreds of Liuxia instantly spread out, and the city wall was flushed red, adding a touch of color to the battlefield.

Zhou Shu watched for a few breaths, and then felt relieved.

The Xingdi tribe is considered to be the strongest among these alien races, but compared to Caiying, there is still a certain distance, so don't worry.

He himself stayed in the city and never moved.

His target was not these alien races, but the three Dijiang tribes. From the beginning, they were the most dangerous enemies.

"Sister, you go back first."

Hao Siyun Fei turned around, and his fatigue was not over, and said anxiously, "There are more and more alien races, and they seem to know that this side is the key to defending the city, they are all coming over here, they are almost unable to stop it."

"Siyun, don't talk nonsense."

Hao Ruoyan shook his head, and said in a harsh tone that is rarely seen on weekdays, "Everyone is fighting. As the master, can I go first?"

"But sister... it's really difficult to stop it, I suspect that those foreign powerhouses are here."

Hao Siyun begged in a low voice, "Elder Zhao and Elder Xu are both injured and returned. There are not many people in front of us. If this continues, at most a hundred breaths will rush over. If the sister has something to do, we will lose more. "

"I know."

Hao Ruoyan nodded, but her tone was as firm as ever, "If an official can't take the lead, his way will collapse. I am not only guarding the immortal cultivator, but also Lingyucheng. It is the way I insist, sister, don't persuade you. When it's time to go, I will definitely go."

Hao Siyun said anxiously, "What is the time to leave?"

Hao Ruoyan said lightly, "After everyone has retreated, I can leave."

Hao Siyun became more and more anxious, "That's impossible. You didn't give an order, and many people went to defend the city with the vow that the city is in my presence. They will never retreat. I said it was useless. I also plan to..."

"Then I won't retreat."

Hao Ruoyan smiled slightly, stroked her sister’s messy hair, and said warmly, “The official way is different from other ways. Its meaning is not only to urge oneself to stick to one's way, but also to give others the right to stick to the way. Others think so. If I do, I will follow and support, and I won’t give any meaningless orders."

Hao Siyun said angrily, "Dao, Tao, Tao, now you know the official way."

"Otherwise, why is the cultivation way?"

Hao Ruoyan watched her and said softly, "Sister, you should know that many people regard this defense as an opportunity to implement their own Tao. The same is true for me. I believe in officialdom, so I insist on not retreating, sister, you too. Think about your own Tao. You are very strong, but if you make a breakthrough in Tao, you will be stronger."

Hao Siyun was stunned.

Since her cultivation level surpassed her sister, it has been a long time since she heard such words again.

At that time, the relationship between the sisters seemed to have reversed. The sister stopped teaching her sister. For this reason, she was a little dissatisfied. She felt that her sister was less loving and less self-confident, but the world of cultivation has always been more discursive. Quan, who makes her cultivation base high, she can't change it, and her sister can't do the same.

Only later, after my sister understood what she wanted, she finally found her way, and all her past confidence came back.

But now, in Tao, her sister has completely surpassed her, and she has heard her sister's guidance and education again.

"Sister, what you said is, I understand."

Hao Siyun came down docilely~www.ltnovel.com~ in a low voice, "Anyway, I will guard you, sister."

"I know, but I don't need it."

Hao Ruoyan shook his head, "I can stay here, except for Dao, what are the other reasons, you know."

Hao Siyun understood, "Brother Ke Shu, he said that he wants to deal with those Dijiang tribes, it is difficult to take care of this."

Hao Ruoyan smiled slightly, "Since this is the most important place, do you think those Dijiang tribes will come?"


Hao Siyun was a little dazed.

At this moment, only a loud noise was heard, and the city wall in front collapsed.

A group of aliens rushed forward, and the one rushing to the front was a round Dijiang tribe.


Feeling the inexplicably powerful pressure, Hao Siyun's expression stagnated, and then he stood in front of Hao Ruoyan, completely shielding her sister.

Hao Ruoyan remained calm, and said thoughtfully, "Is this the Dijiang Clan, maybe it's not the original form? It's a pity, the gods and queens of the Dijiang Clan will actually become other people's minions. Violating many rules and invading the Xuanhuang Realm is really embarrassing to our ancestors."

"Stop talking there, **** human!"

The Dijiang tribe opened their mouths, saliva dripped, and the city wall could not be melted down.

"Is it necessary to deal with your trash? This is enough, go to death!"

The ball paused on the ground for a few moments, and rolled straight over. It was extremely fast and sinking vigorously. It crushed the bunker and the immortal cultivator along the way, making a deep mark.

In the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Hao Siyun.


With a grinning grin, he opened his mouth wide, intending to swallow the two together.

(Ps: thank you zhainiuniu for your continuous support, :), thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~)

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