Fairy Winner

Chapter 1848: Face

Facing the big mouth close at hand, Hao Siyun didn't move, only his whole appearance changed.

The flying goddess reappeared, appearing in front of the person who needs the most protection when she needs it most.

The long skirt dances well, the flying sleeves flow clouds, and between the fingers, golden clouds bloom like flowers, blocking them in front of them. At the same time, the goddess took Hao Ruoyan and quickly fleeed into the air.

Must escape.

That mighty pressure was too big, far beyond her ability, she knew she couldn't stop it for a while.

Unexpectedly, he didn't even block his breath. When the Dijiang clan opened and closed his mouth, he swallowed the cloud completely, leaving no trace.

Immediately after the sphere, a long tail stretched out inexplicably, as fast as lightning, rolling away the two people in the air.

The flying fingers of Hao Ruoyan danced wildly, only to see the flying flowers, scattered like rain, tangled towards the long tail, wanting to stop it.

However, there was still no effect. Nagao ignored all obstacles, drove straight in, stabbed straight, and reached the two women in a blink of an eye.

Hao Siyun was shocked, not knowing what else to do.

Nothing can be done, but nothing needs to be done.

A sword light flew in mid-air, flat like a mirror, and was shooting on the Dijiang Clan, pushing him away by dozens of feet flatly, solving the disaster.

"Brother Shu!"

Hao Siyun felt relieved and quickly flew over with Hao Ruoyan.

"You just stay here, it's okay."

Zhou Shu came down, pointed the Xuanyuan sword in his hand at the Dijiang Clan, and said coldly, "I can't help it finally, it's been a long time for you."

"I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

The Dijiang Clan sneered back, "I want to see how powerful this Xuanyuan Sword is, chuckle!"

Amid the sharp laughter, the Dijiang tribe trembles, the feathers all over their body are upside down, three pairs of wings and two pairs of sharp claws stretch out from the body, a huge coercion arises from time to time, sweeping over like a storm, whether it is The aliens were still immortal cultivators, their minds trembled, and they had to evade.

There was no one on the wall for nearly ten miles.

Only Zhou Shu remained motionless, and Hao Ruoyan and others behind him did not leave under his protection.

"Master Shu, be careful."

Hao Ruoyan, who had been calm, couldn't help showing a look of sorrow. This pressure was too terrifying, and even Zhou Shu was far behind, and it was inevitable to be flustered.

Zhao Zishan was startled, and said, "Is the peak of the eighth-order monster beast so powerful? It's amazing."

Several disciples were so surprised that they couldn't speak, and it took a long time to say, "There are such strong people among other races. What should we do in Lingyu City?"

"This... Can Sect Master Zhou solve it..."

"Do you dare to doubt Sect Master Zhou?"

"No, no, but don't you have any doubts?"

"One thing... but Sect Master Zhou, it must be fine!"

After the offense and defense lasted for nearly two days, the leaders on both sides finally began to clash.

This immediately became the focal point of the entire battlefield.

Looking at this side, Bai Long said angrily, "How did such a foreign race reach the Profound Yellow Realm? Damn! He must have made the ghost again! Which one is it? On the one hand, we are crazy about restricting us to immortal cultivation, while facing The foreign race opens its doors!"

"Not necessarily, that brand has been completely lifted, it should have been used to deceive Heaven with the brand."

Xuanhu seemed to think, "What kind of power should someone who can engrave this brand...Why should such a person invade the Xuanhuang Realm?"

Bai Long said solemnly, "I think too much of you, and see if Zhou Shu can survive these two hundred breaths, we are always ready to help."

"I'm afraid we can't help."

Xuan Hu smiled bitterly, "In this Lingyu city, I am afraid that only Zhou Shu can face this alien race."

Bai Long's face tightened, and he sighed, "If you can't help, you have to help."

"This...I'm afraid it is stronger than Elder Lin."

Cheng Tianlan smashed the two powerful aliens around him, and said worriedly, "This kind of aura is already the completion of the Ninth Heaven of Crossing Tribulation Realm, right? The strength of crossing the Tribulation Realm and Immortal Immortal can be crossed at any time, Sect Master Zhou said it is not as good as Elder Lin , I'm afraid Kunlun is worried..."

A phantom flew over and stopped not far behind Zhou Shu.

That is Li Aojian. With a complete sword body, he can avatar at will, up to ten can be separated, and the body can switch between these avatars at will, fusion, although the consumption will be many times, but this situation is not the case. Don't do it.

Because he was worried about Zhou Shu, he separated into a clone. If Zhou Shu is in danger, the body can rescue him at any time.

"Ah... I'm sorry."

Fu missed the wrong position and almost hurt her, Ning Xuanqing couldn't help exclaiming and apologized in a low voice.

Qingque knew the reason, only glanced at her, and said warmly, "Just focus on defending the city, don't worry about that, he will be fine."

"But, that's the equivalent of the cultivator of the Nine Heavens..."

Ning Xuanqing still couldn't help but look over there, as if there was a mouse crawling in his heart, it was disturbing and he couldn't calm down at all, "Is it okay?"

"How about Jiuzhongtian?"

Qingque said calmly, "You look down on Zhou Shu too much. Even in the past, he can defeat Lin Qingjue, not to mention now? Don't you know how much he has grown over the years? He is a person, every day. In progress, the speed of progress has surpassed anyone. I never think that someone in this world can beat him head-on, even if it is Heaven’s way, what a foreign race is."

Ning Xuanqing settled down~www.ltnovel.com~ I am... But Qingque, are you too exaggerated? "

"Nothing exaggerated."

Qingque smiled, "I have confidence in him, and you should do the same. Everyone in Lingyucheng should do this. If he is there, don't worry."

Ning Xuanqing thought for a while, and said softly, "I understand."

There are also many immortal cultivators and foreign races, confronting Zhou Shu and Dijiang clan, not giving way to each other.

"Wait, when your city lord is killed, you will die with him!"

"It's definitely you who lose, what Podijiang clan, in front of City Lord Zhou is just a chicken and dog, vulnerable!"

"Go to die! The Dijiang Clan is the queen of the gods, how can it be compared to a small human cultivator?"

"What **** **** queen? It's not being driven out one by one by our human immortal cultivators, what about the so-called gods, there is no place for you in the immortal world, you can only stay in remote places, pitiful!"

"Sooner or later, we will dominate the world. You Xuanhuang Realm will be the first. You immortal cultivators will all become our slaves!"

"Fart, dream of your great dreams, cultivators will never be slaves!"

"The leader, kill the immortal cultivator, the victory is ours!"

"City Lord Zhou, kill that Dijiang Clan, Lingyu City will always belong to our cultivators!"


"What to shout, it's your turn later!"

Because the battlefield was occupied by two people, they couldn't participate in it. They could only scold and cheer for themselves.

They all know that when the battle comes to the battle, it is also the most suffocating and the most likely to decide the victory or defeat. At this time, as a member of the battlefield, you must do your best to influence the situation, even if A little bit is good.

And that's what they can do now.

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