Fairy Winner

Chapter 1849: Broken claw

Time seems to have stopped.

The lone city under the siege of the army, the incomplete wall, the two facing each other, immersed in the afterglow, under the clouds.

You can't hear the noise around you, and you can't see the fight in the distance. The two people only see each other in their eyes. Success or failure depends on this.


With a sharp roar from the Dijiang Clan, his figure suddenly became ten times bigger!

The pure white wings completely turned crimson, with one flick of a flap, they appeared in front of Zhou Shu in an instant.

The speed is incredible, not to mention the people nearby, even Zhou Shu himself did not notice it, so fast that there is no speed at all.

Obviously, in the application of the law of space, the Dijiang clan is much stronger than all the people in the world of cultivating immortals. It is not surprising that the emperor of the Dijiang clan has the power of the law in his blood. It has to become more mature and stronger.

Many mythical beasts are like this.

The three pairs of wings suddenly circled, encircling Zhou Shu inside.

Zhou Shu, who was too late to escape, was completely enveloped. The mighty coercion and the power of the God Jiang Clan came from all directions, constantly impacting and squeezing him, as if suddenly moved to a whirlpool. In the sea of ​​blood, you can no longer see your opponents, nor can you tell where the power comes from, you can only follow the waves in it, let alone counterattack, you can't even resist.

The whole process was extremely short, and the cultivator behind Zhou Shu had no time to let out an exclamation.

In their eyes, Zhou Shu was completely covered by a sudden dark red fog before he could move. He couldn't help but sway, shaking up and down, as if he was completely restrained and in danger.


Hao Siyun was shocked and couldn't help shouting.

"I thought you were so good, but that's all. You can't do a little trick. It seems that the sixth brother is still far inferior to me, haha!"

Slightly applied sub-scheme, if this blood sea raging wave that exploded with full strength of blood is also considered a sub-scheme, then the Dijiang Clan would have no great skill.

Seeing Zhou Shu floating in a sea of ​​blood, the Dijiang Clan couldn't help but let out a grin, stretched out all four at the same time, and moved towards Zhou Shu.

Seemingly arrogant, but extremely meticulous, once an opportunity arises, he will never miss it.

This **** claw with red light was already a full blow from the top of Tier 8, with indescribable majestic power, at least two laws of power were in it, and Zhou Shu, who was close at hand, looked slightly blank. , It seems that he can't even control his body shape.

Four feet, five claws and twenty sharp claws are about to fall on Zhou Shu.

"Are you going to finish..."

The city quieted down, and bad thoughts surged in the hearts of all the cultivators.

The hand holding the magic weapon was slowly loosened, and it seemed that all of the strength and morale were suddenly lost. Yeah, if something happened to Zhou Shu, how could this city be held? Even if you can barely hold on, what is the point? Everyone knows that Zhou Shu is the hope of the immortal world, and it may be the only hope.

Bang bang

There was a soft noise, and suddenly came out from the blood mist, followed by a terrible scream.

That voice, on the quiet city wall, seemed particularly harsh, as if the eardrum was about to be punctured.

The aliens and the immortal cultivators who could not see clearly burst into cheers almost simultaneously.

The aliens are naturally cheering for the Dijiang clan. In their view, Zhou Shu is in danger of fleeing and is bound to die. On the side of the immortal cultivator, although he can not see clearly, he can also hear it. Such a scream is absolutely not. Maybe it was from Zhou Shu.

The red mist retreated suddenly and gradually emerged.

The Dijiang clan has exactly the same features as humans, but at this time it is distorted like a real monster. The eyes looking at Zhou Shu are full of bitterness and anger. Anyone who sees it will be shocked.

"Look, look!"

Hao Siyun pointed at the ground, shouted first, and jumped high while shouting.

Everyone looked in the direction, and they were all stunned. At the place where the red mist was located, Zhou Shu stood peacefully, his expression calm and stable as Mount Tai, while many sharp fragments were scattered under his feet, with a pale red luster. twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

"That is……"

Zhao Zishan was startled, "Could it be the claws of the Dijiang clan?"

Hao Ruoyan calmed down, but the joy in her heart could not be suppressed, "Hey, that's right, that's his paws, twenty, not a few of them!"


The cultivators stared at the remnant claws all over the ground, and after being surprised, there was a burst of cheers that resounded across the sky.

The sound wave after wave, ups and downs, as if even the city wall is about to lift.

No one knows how Zhou Shu turned defeat into victory, but the result before him can't be more real. Although the four legs of the Dijiang clan are there, all the sharp claws have been cut off, and only the soles of the feet are left. If this is not counted What counts as victory?

In the face of the alien race equivalent to the Nine Heavens, Zhou Shu had won, and he had won so simply, of course he had to cheer.

The morale of all the immortal cultivators has been greatly improved at this moment, but on the contrary, those alien races, all speechless, don't know what to do and what to say.

"You... **** human!"

The Dijiang clan yelled loudly, but his body was shaking slightly.

He didn't even know ~www.ltnovel.com~ how he was defeated, how did Zhou Shu break free from the shackles of the sea of ​​blood and hit him with this blow?

As a distinguished Dijiang clan, he has never been injured. This is the first time, and the first time it was so miserable. The claws he lost can be said to be the most important part of him. Don't know the reason.

An unknown fear quietly emerged, and gradually climbed into my heart, and could no longer be driven away.

Zhou Shu can't explain, and doesn't need to explain. This is just the first step. What he has to do is to completely kill.

In front of all foreign races, in front of all immortal cultivators, this Dijiang Clan was beheaded, and his death was used to inspire all immortal cultivators, to deter all foreign races, to prove the indestructibility of Lingyu City.

The figure jumped up suddenly and flew towards the Dijiang Clan.

Although the speed is not as fast as the Dijiang Clan, it is also sufficient.

The Dijiang Clan has been injured, and may not have the previous ability, and more importantly, the previous counterattack, while the Dijiang Clan was panicked, Zhou Shu planted a lot of spiritual thoughts and comfort on the Dijiang Clan. Power, these things that are hard to detect, constitute a simple and effective formation, like a loose rope, although it can't restrain the opponent, it can quietly affect the opponent's speed.

The seemingly small details can often determine success or failure. Working hard in this area is something human beings are good at.

The Dijiang tribe has nowhere to escape.

Realizing what Zhou Shu was going to do, the Dijiang Clan’s heart was shaken, but the desire to fight back and resist was gone for a moment. All that was left was to escape, even in front of so many alien races, even as their leader. I have to escape now.

When the six wings shake, they will fly away.

Suddenly it lags.

Psychological fear, physical lack, and Zhou Shubu's small formations all together caused these delays.

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