Fairy Winner

Chapter 1850: killed

In front of Zhou Shu, there is no room for a little lag.

The last thing the Dijiang Clan saw was a ray of sword light. It was not gorgeous, and it was not amazing, but it was such a plain and ordinary sword that struck him across his body and separated his entire body. Divided into two.

There is no resistance at all, and it cannot be resisted.

With the power of the law of life and death, plus Xuanyuan Sword, what is the effect of resistance?

The huge body fell from mid-air, with red gold blood, raining.

Everyone was stunned, the foreign race, and the cultivator.

No one thought this was the case. Zhou Shu was still in jail just now, seeing that he was about to die, and in a blink of an eye he fought back, cutting off the claws, and the Dijiang tribe was the one who fled in fear, but not yet. A few steps away, he died and turned into torn flesh and blood.

Zhou Shu in midair still looked very calm.

There was no Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, but a large jade bottle, and he was gathering the blood in the sky and putting it in the bottle.

The blood of the Dijiang tribe is a rare treasure.

Moreover, this Dijiang clan, but the real descendant of Dijiang, the blood on his body is also extremely pure, and if it is not accepted, it will be violent.

The aliens looked at Zhou Shu in a daze.

Many of them haven't recovered. Why did the leader on his side suddenly die, and even the flesh and blood on his body was collected, just like the prey sent to the door, how could this be?

On the side of the cultivator, there were bursts of cheers that were extremely shocking.


"Sect Master Zhou has won, the leader of the alien army is dead!"

"When Sect Master Zhou is here, we are here, and Lingyu City is here!"

"We have won this battle!"

"Zhou Shu, Zhou Shu, is the new Emperor! We are the Emperor of Dongsheng Prefecture!"

While cheering, the cultivators looked at Zhou Shu with admiration and admiration in their eyes, and there was nothing else messy.

In the past, Zhou Shu and Lingyucheng gave them countless surprises and joys, and they did not let them down at this moment. At this time, they were 100% sure that Zhou Shu was the most trustworthy and dependent person in Dongsheng Prefecture.

"To the west, go one mile and eliminate the alien race over there!"

"East, don't enter anymore, just defend there, it's easy to defend and hard to attack there!"

Hao Ruoyan was probably the most calm. She only shouted and started to command the battle. She knew very well that taking advantage of the death of the leader of the alien race, now is a rare opportunity to counterattack and must not be missed.

The cultivators clenched the magic weapon in their hands and rushed towards the alien races.

Many people are very tired, but their spirits are extremely high, and they can also display extraordinary combat effectiveness.

And most alien races are still in shock, and they have little defense ability in the face of such an impact. In a short time, many alien races have been driven off the city wall, and the cultivators once again occupy a favorable position.

Originally, the wall was full of alien troops, but now it is almost invisible.

This means that if the alien army wants to attack again, it will have to pay a lot of price, and once this way down, even more alien army will be consumed cleanly.

"Brother Shu, are you okay?"

Hao Siyun hopped up, with a smile on his mouth, but his eyes were mostly worried.

Zhou Shu had gathered Di Jiang's blood, smiled and fell, nodding, "It's okay."

Hao Siyun grabbed his hand, looked up and down, left and right, and said suspiciously, "Really all right? Then... how did you come out, and how did you win?"

Zhao Zishan walked closer and stroked his beard, "Hehe, the old man also wants to know, it's amazing."

Looking at their curious faces, Zhou Shu smiled and said calmly, "Actually, there is not much to say. I don't know much about the Dijiang Clan, but he is really not strong enough, even if it traps me temporarily, I’m fine, don’t worry."

Yes, the Dijiang Clan is very fast and uses the laws of space very well. The blood sea and raging waves, like the enhanced version of the universe, directly cover Zhou Shu inside and attack with various forces. But that's it.

Zhou Shu has absolute confidence in his own strength. Although he may be temporarily in trouble when encountering some unknown means, he is now convinced that after numerous hardships, there will be no one in the Xuanhuang world today. It can really pose a threat to yourself.

The fact is indeed the case. The power in the sea of ​​blood is indeed very strange and powerful, but to Zhou Shu’s Dao Pagoda and strong physique, it does not cause much harm. He looks a bit at a loss, that is because he is using the eighth Sense confirms the actual location of the Dijiang clan, and the special laws in the sea of ​​blood restrict spiritual consciousness, etc., but it is useless for the eighth sense. After seeing the location, it is simple to fight back.

When the Emperor Clan stretched out his claws to attack, he found the right direction, cut them all off with the Xuanyuan sword, and escaped by the way.


Looking at Zhou Shu, who was calm and breezy, Zhao Zishan didn't know what to say, and only sighed slightly, "It's really confident. We were all too worried at the time. The power in the red mist was beyond my reach. , Divine Mind and Divine Consciousness can't perceive what it is, but the Sect Master is in it, but it's as if nothing has happened.

Hao Siyun curled his lips ~www.ltnovel.com~ dissatisfied, "That's right, I won't worry about it next time."

Zhao Zishan did not ask any further questions. He looked at the corpse of the Dijiang tribe on the side and said thoughtfully, "It is said that the Dijiang tribe is the descendant of the divine beast Dijiang. After Dijiang left the Xuanhuang realm, he made a Many major events, both good and bad, have been admired and respected as gods in some realms. Now that the descendants are killed, the suzerain must be careful to avoid divine revenge."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "Haha, I remember what the Taoist said."

He didn't take it to heart. Even if he came to the Xuanhuang Realm as an intruder, he would die, but he was also puzzled, why did the Dijiang Clan participate in this alien invasion? Maybe, it won't take long. There is an answer.

Hao Ruoyan approached Shiran, "Master Shu, do you want to hang up this body?"

Zhou Shu thought, "No, put it away first, it will be useful."

Hanging up the corpse of a foreign race can further boost morale, which is good, but it also has disadvantages. It is too disrespectful and harms the law of nature. Moreover, it does not play a big role in hitting the morale of the foreign race.

After all, there are a total of three leaders of alien races, and what morale is, these alien races have no other way to choose, and they have to attack the city anyway.


Hao Ruoyan nodded slightly, "Master Shu, do you want to rest for a while?"

Zhou Shu shook his head, "No, how about you?"

Hao Ruoyan and others shook their heads quickly, "No, we can hold on."


Zhou Shu took a look at the city, and seemed to realize, "It's been more than two days, and there are almost three or four million foreign races, but there are very few strong ones. As long as we persist, the final victory will be ours."

"With Master Shu, it was originally ours."

Looking at Zhou Shu, Hao Ruoyan smiled lightly, beautifully.

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