Fairy Winner

Chapter 1852: rest assured

Under the wall, there is nowhere is a battlefield.

In order to survive, everyone is fighting desperately, and no one is lazy.

A little bit of time passed.

Hao Ruoyan flew over and fell beside Zhou Shu with a melancholy expression.

Zhou Shuwen said, "What happened?"

"The situation is not very good."

Hao Ruoyan shook his head lightly and said worriedly, "It's much worse than expected. The city wall has been repeatedly lost, and our rune formation bunker has been damaged by more than half. The previous plan was wrong, and they could not insist that our disciples came back. When the disciples are back now, we don’t have too many bunkers to rely on."

Zhou Shu stared at the distance, silent for a long while.

"A cultivator who hasn't been trained still can't take on heavy responsibilities."

Hao Ruoyan slowly said, "Compared with our lotus sect disciples, the number of these immortal cultivators is far more than 100 times ours, and the level of cultivation is only high or low, but the results are completely different."

Zhou Shu shook his head and said calmly, "Ruoyan, no wonder they, there is no bunker support now, even if we all help, we can't resist it. It's good to be able to resist for so long. They have done their best. We should thank them. Not complaining."

"I am in a hurry, so I shouldn't complain, Master Shu."

Hao Ruoyan sighed lightly. She didn't know the reason, but the situation was really bad now. She didn't even know what to do, so she had to vent a few words.

Zhou Shu smiled slightly and said softly, "Ruoyan, it's okay."

He knows how much responsibility Hao Ruoyan bears. He may be one of the most important people in Lingyu City, and of course he will not blame her.


Hao Ruoyan warmed her heart and nodded gently, "Master Shu, now they can hold on for about a quarter of an hour, and it won't work anymore, and our disciples still need two hours to recover. There is no way. We must come back early and use the rest. Fight the bunker, otherwise..."

The number of disciples of the Heyin School is small, about 10,000, and they are basically controlling the bunker. Those disciples who do not control the bunker are all elites who have always been outside to help defend the city and have never rested.

"I'm afraid not."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "Their cultivation level is not high, and the control of the bunker is extremely expensive. If it cannot be fully recovered, it is impossible to continue to use the rune bunker, and the remaining bunker are all besieged by the aliens. Driving away from the bunkers, the bunkers will not be able to exert their abilities, and letting them come back now will not have a good effect."

"But... there is no other way. Those who can defend the city are on the wall."

Hao Ruoyan looked at the distance with anxiety in her eyes, "And everyone is too tired, close to their limits, not only the immortal cultivators in the city, but also our people, Shu Shi, you see, Bai Long and Xuanhu seniors , Even Elder Zhao and Li Aojian are almost out of strength, it is very difficult to hold on reluctantly. It is really impossible for them to fight back and drive off the alien race temporarily..."

Suddenly, she felt a deep sense of powerlessness, which was the first time since defending the city until now.

There are too many alien races, ten million in number, and each of them has good combat power. It is impossible for a city of immortal cultivators to block it.

They blocked it, and blocked it for almost three days, and killed countless aliens, but their own losses were not great. Thinking about it, it was like a dream, unreal, incredible, and a miracle.

But the miracle is about to end, and now it is about the limit.

That dream was about to wake up, the foreign race was still on the attack, as if there was no lesser than others, and the entire Lingyu City had no strength.

As if seeing her thoughts, Zhou Shu looked at her and shook his head slightly, "Don't worry, it's okay."

"Well, Master Shu."

Hao Ruoyan agreed subconsciously, but she didn't believe it, would it really be okay? The overwhelming alien race will soon rush through the city wall and rush into the inner city. Everything that has been painstakingly built will be burned, and the millions have not resisted. The strong city people will also be killed by aliens.

Once disappointment breeds, it will continue to spread, gradually turning into despair.

It's not just Hao Ruoyan who thinks this way. In fact, most of the city defenders have this idea. Now they are still insisting and trying their best. It is belief and inertia, but if no one comes out to reverse the situation, it will not take long. problem.

The so-called defeat is like a mountain, once a problem occurs, no matter how small it is, it will collapse.

"I said rest assured."

Zhou Shu nodded and smiled confidently, "Ruoyan, you pass the order and let everyone prepare to fight back."

"Fight back?"

Hao Ruoyan was startled, "Master Shu, they are all out of strength, how can they fight back."

"Listen to me and leave the rest alone."

Zhou Shu gave her a deep look, turned and left, and quickly disappeared from the wall.

"Ruoyan understands, Master Shu."

Hao Ruoyan nodded, seemingly enlightened, and quickly conveyed the order.

The city wall.

"Fight back, have you made a mistake?"

"Yes, Master Shu said it, and I said it."

"I see, Xiao Zhou should have a way."

At a huge gap, Li Aojian appeared, his expression rather haggard.

Just now, in order to prevent a large group of savage weasel tribes from passing through the gap, he had to transform into a wind dragon~www.ltnovel.com~ to reluctantly block it, but because of this, he consumed more than half of his insignificant power. It's almost bottoming out.

Compared to other city defenders, he may be the most tiring one.

There is a sword body clone, he keeps the three clones in three very important places, switching the body back and forth from time to time, blocking the alien races everywhere.

But now, he can't tell where he came from, so he can only stick to one place, relying on that little bit of sword intent to temporarily block the gap.

"To fight back..."

Gazing into the distance, there was a chuckle at the corner of his mouth, "Since Xiao Zhou said it, it's okay. Get ready to go."

Speaking boldly, he was prepared, but ignored the current situation. Now it is not easy for him to condense and form. Can he fight back?

"Ready to fight back and drive off the alien race?"

"Yes, that's it."

"I know, I will do it, so everyone in the team will be ready to fight back."

When others received the order, they also looked confused, but did not ask too much, and quickly obeyed firmly.

Not only the people of the Holland School, but also most of the other immortals.

They probably also know that if you stick to it, there will be no change in the result. It's better to fight to the death and try to fight back. What if it succeeds? Although they don't think they can succeed, after all, many people don't even have the power to use magic weapons, how can they fight back...


"We are also ready, as long as the order is given, we can attack the alien at any time!"

"In any case, even if you die, you must drive the alien race off the wall!"

Receiving the echoes from various places, Hao Ruoyan nodded lightly, cast his gaze on the alien army, secretly thinking, "Master Shu, what will you do? Everyone, everyone believes in you, Ruoyan is waiting for you. "

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