Fairy Winner

Chapter 1853: Universally

Liuli Peak.

Yangmei has fallen asleep, sleeping peacefully, with a smile on her mouth.

Lin Zhu looked at her by the side, not knowing what she was thinking, she suddenly stagnated. Turning around, Zhou Shu swept in and walked quickly to the middle of the formation.

When she thought of something, she felt a little in her heart, and couldn't help exclaiming, "Senior, do you really... want to use it?"

"I told you before."

Zhou Shu nodded and said indifferently, "The situation is very difficult. I can't just look at it like this. You know, your formations are suitable for me."

The purpose of the formation method is to completely transmit the power of the formation master to every part of Lingyu City. Yangmei's compassionate power can be used, as can Zhou Shu's Shuzhi power, and there is not much difference.

"The little girl naturally knows that we originally arranged the formation together."

Lin Zhu hurriedly said, "But senior, look at Sister Yangmei, do you plan to do the same thing as her, and then become like this? No, no, little girl will never allow it!"

She looked at Zhou Shu, and her tears were about to come out.

"will not."

Zhou Shu smiled, "Don't worry, I am different from Yangmei, my background is much richer than her."


Lin Zhu looked at Yangmei and Zhou Shu again. She shook her head resolutely, "Senior, this time the little girl can't help you. If something happens to Yangmei, you can save her, but if something happens to you, who can save you? No one can do it, and what can you do, senior, you don't have the power of compassion to stop it. Now that so many alien races have rushed in, you can't stop it either."

"I am not blocking them."

Zhou Shu looked at her very seriously, "Jiu, just help me, don't worry, I will not do things that are uncertain, I promise that there will be nothing, soon, time is running out, I have let others Get ready, hurry up."

Facing Zhou Shu's request, Lin Zhu, who had been determined, flinched a little, but when he saw the situation of Yangmei, he hesitated, "Senior..."

"There is no time!"

Zhou Shu suddenly roared, and Lin Zhu was stunned. Looking at Zhou Shu, he unconsciously dropped two lines of tears.

"It's the same one by one, you too..."

She muttered in a low voice, sitting in the formation step by step, staring at Zhou Shu, tearfully saying, "Senior, I promise you, but you must not be okay. You must know that even if the entire Lingyu City is gone, It’s not as important as your predecessor. It’s not just the little girl who thinks so alone. The little girl is sure, the lotus school, no, everyone in Lingyucheng thinks so..."

Zhou Shu looked at her with a lot of tenderness and gentle voice in his heart, "When you start, remember to pass it to the wall of Lingyu City."

Before he finished his words, Zhou Shu began to emit a faint golden light, and the golden light became more and more prosperous, covering the whole person completely.

If you are in the light, you can only vaguely see some appearances.

"This power... is not Shu's power, nor is it the power of compassion..."

Lin Zhu seemed thoughtful, but without hesitation, immediately launched the formation.

Suddenly there was a round of sun over Lingyu City.

The sun is not as dazzling as the real sun, but the brightness and warmth it brings is no worse than the real sun.

In a flash.

The sun is shining, and the entire city wall of Lingyu City is bathed in it. The warm sun shines on them, and all the cultivators have a familiar and strange feeling. They only feel warm and uncomfortable everywhere.


"At what time, how can there be the sun?"

"What kind of sunshine is this?"

"It directly shines into the sea of ​​qi and the sea, and it has become my own strength, is that the same for you?"

"Yes, me too!"

"Furthermore, it is not only Yuanli divine consciousness that is added, but the whole person is energetic, as if not tired at all, what's the situation?"

"I don't know, it may be a miracle..."

The cultivators immediately noticed the changes in their bodies.

The sudden sunlight is like the best pill, continuously providing them with vitality and consciousness, so that their exhausted body gets a lot of supplements, and the mental fatigue is gradually eliminated in the sunlight, like an instant After changing the individual, I instantly cheered up.

That sunlight shouldn't belong to the power of the Xuanhuang Realm.

Zhou Shu used Shu's power to simulate the power of the sun, but at this moment, it was not weaker than the real power of the sun.

Illuminate the Quartet, nourish all things and give them vitality.

"This is... from Xiao Zhou..."

Li Aojian stood still, sensing the sunlight, as if he had discovered something.

Although the power was unheard of, it was certain that there was Zhou Shu's breath in it.

"I can even feel Xiao Zhou's sword intent, hehe, it's not worse than me."

In the sun, the exhausted body began to recover, and the disappeared sword intent was gradually returning. Li Aojian smiled slightly, but there was a lot of worry in that smile, "It seems that Xiao Zhou, you are using your own strength to restore the whole city, right? , I don’t know how you did it, but if you do this, you will definitely pay a lot. I hope you don’t have anything to do, and I hope that others will not let you down."

"I'll say there is a turnaround!"

The old man Shicai shouted loudly, "Look, the sun and sunshine are miracles, real miracles!"

"This is not a miracle, this must be given to us by Sect Master Zhou."

A monk shook his head, "Otherwise, he wouldn't let us all be ready to fight back, he had arranged it a long time ago."

"What you said is the same as what I said."

The old man said slowly, "Sect Master Zhou is the miracle, and Sect Master Zhou is the miracle."

"Sect Master Zhou is omnipotent!"

"Sect Master Zhou is the **** of mankind!"

In the sunshine, many immortal cultivators recovered quickly ~www.ltnovel.com~ suddenly gained strength, how could they not have a high morale, and once again clenched the magic weapon in their hands.

"Master Shu..."

Looking at the high-hanging sun, Hao Ruoyan couldn't make a sound, "Master Shu, you... Ruoyan knows why you have to fight back, but what happens if you do this? Will you lose your life to only two hundred years? That's it, Ruo Yan would rather not have anything..."

"Sister, what are you whispering?"

Hao Siyun shook her head and shook her head with a look of contentment. She was very exhausted just now. After a short time in the sunshine, she recovered seven or eighty-eight. "I'm all well now. No problem with another thousand shots. !"

"The old man, too, did Sect Master Zhou do it?"

Zhao Zishan said happily, "I really don't know what formation it is, but it can have such an effect. It is more powerful than the previous strange formation. Ha ha, the old lady knows that Lingyu City will not easily collapse. There are such powerful methods. What if more foreign races come here? If you come, you will die!"


Hao Siyun waved his arm, "Elder Zhao, let's fight back together and have a good time!"


Hao Ruoyan raised his hand slightly, wiped away the tears on his face, restored his calmness, and said slowly, "Okay, you guys are going to fight back. Just follow the previous arrangement. I will also give the order. The whole army is going to fight back!"

Not many people know what Zhou Shu has done and paid, and Hao Ruoyan is one of them.

She was extremely worried about Zhou Shu, but now she had something to do, to continue this war, and she must win, there was no other choice.

Liuli Peak.

Zhou Shu sat peacefully, the golden light on his body was gradually fading.

He doesn't look haggard at all, calm and calm, with a smile on his mouth, like a sleeping bayberry.

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