Fairy Winner

Chapter 1863: Emperor 6, Xiangru

In the mountains and forests, a white waterfall hangs on the mountain wall, and there is a clear stream beneath it, winding and stretching far.

By the stream, there is a newly built wooden house with a pleasant fragrance of vegetation.

Zhou Shu walked slowly to the front of the house. The door suddenly opened, and a middle-aged man came out and stared at Zhou Shu with a slightly heavy expression.

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "The wooden house is not bad, how about it, are you getting used to it?"

The middle-aged man didn't answer, and walked slowly to the stream, watching the distance, shook his head, "It's really unexpected to be able to live such a life."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "I'm used to being aloof, used to dominating the army, don't want to do this?"

"no no."

The middle-aged man shook his head, "It might be what I would like to do on such a day. If I stay away from those things, the whole thing is much easier."

"You can live as long as you want."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "Here, as long as you don’t break the rules, you can do whatever you want. For example, the way you look now is much more pleasing to the eye than before. The wooden huts are also made in different styles, which are very suitable for the environment here. ."

The middle-aged man smiled faintly, "When you come to your immortal cultivation world, don't become more terrifying or frighten people, but here, just follow the customs."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, "By the way, after these days, should you tell me your name? You can greet you later, right?"

"My name is……"

The middle-aged man hesitated for a while, "From now on, I will be called Xiangru, and I don't need to use my past name."


Zhou Shu seemed to realize something, "Have asked the old guests in Liangyuan, Maoling Qiuyu is sick. It seems that I misestimated you. You really know us human beings. I have seen many human beings. Classical books, right? But you named it because you don’t want me to ask you about the past? That’s not okay."

"Hehe, I will say what I should say when I send it to someone."

Xiangru nodded with a smile, "Why, do you want to know now?"

Zhou Shu shook his head slightly, "It's not so urgent, let's talk about other things first, what's the imprint on your body now?"


Xiangru stretched out his arm, with a brand engraved on it, and the eyes on the volcano were so thin that they almost disappeared.

He, of course, is Emperor Six, and here is the demon refining realm in the demon refining pot.

He stared at the brand and said with great relief, "In other places, my every move is being monitored. It is impossible to do anything. Here, I will not be affected by the power of God's condemnation at all, and I can even use it. The power of one's own blood slowly eliminates the brand, and it is now very weak, but I don't know if it can be completely eliminated, if it can..."

He suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhou Shu, "If you can, you really helped me, even the whole family."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "Why can't everyone, who are branded, be able to eliminate it here?"

"This is different."

Xiangru shook his head slightly, "We are the queen of the gods, and our own blood has divine power, so we can compete with the power of divine condemnation. My bloodline power is far inferior, but it is always possible to do it slowly. This is what we are willing to accept. The reason for the branding, and other people, I am afraid that they will not be able to do it. They do not have the power to contend with the power of God's condemnation. Once they are branded, they will no longer be free."


Zhou Shu nodded, quite regretful.

Xiangru stared at Zhou Shu and suddenly stopped, "Do you plan to bring all the alien races who invaded the Xuanhuang Realm to your realm to recover, and then become your courtier?"

"No, just ask casually. To foreign races, my attitude is to kill or kill. How can I easily let go of invading our world."

Zhou Shu shook his head, his expression resolute, even a trace of killing intent appeared in his eyes.

Xiangru Ning said, "Then why did you let me go? You can kill me easily."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "Don't ask this question, you and I know what you want, isn't it better to have both fish and bear paws?"

The phase is sluggish and speechless for a long while.

He looked at Qingxi and slowly said, "You come here, will you not just come to see me as a prisoner? Just say what you want? Yes, I surrender to you now, but it doesn't mean you can insult I."

"Don't think too much, that's not something I would do."

Zhou Shu appeared a bit solemn, "You should know, when will the foreign race attack Lingyu City next time?"

"I don't know this."

Xiangru thought for a while and said, "But I think it shouldn't be for a long time. This time I attacked Lingyu City, almost all the elites in Dongshengzhou were dispatched. I planned to complete their efforts and then destroy Lingyu City. Let all the cultivators know that we are terrible, but failed to do it. I think that adult will not do such a thing again. In the Xuanhuang world, he can not influence much, so he should put more energy In terms of what can be done."

His thinking is similar to Zhou Shu.

The alien invasion in Dongsheng Prefecture had only begun and suffered such a big failure. It would be unreasonable to continue to attack Lingyu City. We should go to other places.

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "Who is that lord...?"

Xiangru shook his head, with a trace of fear in his eyes, "No one knows who he is, no one has seen him. All our communication with him is through the power of divine condemnation. As long as we are willing to comply, the brand will be engraved~ www.ltnovel.com~ and what I...can know is that adults should be a god."

Zhou Shu asked suspiciously, "God?"

Xiangru nodded and explained, "Born by nature, the omnipotent is a god, the founder of the original world, the convergent of the origin of the world, the master of all natural forces, etc., such as sacred beasts, artifacts, etc. It can be called a god, possessing a unique divine power, and above the gods are gods, whose power is not limited to one realm, but also brings many blessings to other realms. Gods, beasts, artifacts, etc. can all be gods, and so are our Dijiang clan In this way, going up is the God, the power of God is not something I can understand, I know..."

He hesitated for a while, "Our Dijiang Clan left the old world, and the divine power has been fading, not to mention the gods, even the name of the gods is almost no longer worthy, and he promised us that as long as we occupy the Xuanhuang world, he will give us The opportunity to restore divine power gives us the opportunity to become gods again."

Zhou Shu groaned, "It's not easy."

Gods and immortals are different. Gods are born from nature and the owners of the origin of the world, while immortals are cultivated by the day after tomorrow. As the name suggests, people at mountain heights are immortals.

This is not to say that immortals are not as good as gods. Human cultivators can understand many rules and laws. After gaining the Dao, they can also have the power not weaker than the gods. Finally, they can transcend everything and become a saint who masters many great principles. Noble, innately possessed incomparably powerful divine power, but in the end it is difficult to become a holy, because they are too restricted, they are unlikely to surpass themselves.

Of course, there are also examples of sacred artifacts and beasts, all of which are achieved by relying on humans.

Xiangru sighed, "It's certainly not easy to do this. We...we also had a chance in the past."

Zhou Shu glanced at him and said profoundly, "In the future, there may be opportunities."

Xiangru was stunned, not knowing what to say.

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