Fairy Winner

Chapter 1864: Question, plan

Liuli Peak.

"Junior sister, are you... better?"

Yuan Heyin looked at Yangmei with a nervous expression, his eyes full of concern.

Yangmei nodded lightly and smiled softly, "Sister, I'm almost completely cured, don't worry."

Yuan Heyin stood still, and said warmly, "That's good, I heard that something happened to you, Ci Hangzong was anxious to death, you must not have anything to do, you know, what you are responsible for..."

"I know, Senior Sister."

Yangmei interrupted her with a smile, "I can hear the cocoon. I am better now than before. Both my way of compassion and my own cultivation have improved a lot, and I will soon be able to overcome the catastrophe. And it will definitely get through."

"Your words, of course there is no problem."

Yuan Heyin smiled and nodded, then turned around after a few more glances, and said to Zhou Shu, "Sect Master Zhou, I'm really sorry, we learned the news too late, and we couldn't help protect Lingyu City as soon as possible, so we almost let Ling Yucheng and Yangmei had an accident, sorry."

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "The foreign race was a sneak attack and blocked the surroundings. It is difficult for other people to know, the elders don't care."

"Actually, I'm afraid it will be..."

Yuan Heyin stared at Zhou Shu, and shook his head unconsciously, "Thousands of foreign races, Lingyu City has been defended. I don’t know if I changed to Cihangzong, but I still can’t hold it. I am a little lucky that they didn’t come to Cihang. ......The current lotus school is definitely the strongest sect in Dongshengzhou."

"It's not yet, the elder is really overly modest."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "Ci Hang Sect has an extraordinary background, and the foreign races in the area must not be pleased. Back then, the foreign races invaded the Ci Hang Sect dozens of times, and each time they returned empty-handed. Where would you dare to go now? ."

"Don't mention the past, haha."

Yuan Heyin smiled, full of helplessness, "I am not afraid to say that the current Ci Hangzong only counts on you and Yangmei."

Yang Mei hurriedly said, "Sister, we won't let you down."

Yuan Heyin nodded slightly, "Junior sister, take a good rest, I will see you later."

Zhou Shu and Yuan Heyin left Liuli Peak and returned to the empty hall.

Yuan Heyin looked at Zhou Shu and said slowly, "Sect Master, what is going on with Yang Mei?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "She's fine."

"It looks very good, it has improved in all aspects, but..." Yuan Heyin's expression suddenly cooled down, and asked, "What's the matter with her longevity? You don't need to hide it from me, even if it is me, through kindness The power of the heart can also see her problem. Her source of loss is serious, and her longevity has lost a lot. At most, she has more than two hundred years of life. This...what did she do and why did she do it?"

Zhou Shu was stagnant, "How much can the power of compassion see the lifespan?"

Yuan Heyin nodded, "Yes, you haven't answered my question yet."

Zhou Shu shook his head unconsciously, "So, Yang Mei knows it herself..."

No one knew about this matter except Hao Ruoyan and others. He thought Yang Mei didn't know either.

"Of course she knows, but she deliberately doesn't say anything in front of you and me. She has always been so kind and considerate for others. Don't you know?" Yuan Heyin was a little angry, "What the **** is going on, don't you Say you don't know?"

"I know."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "It's like this..."

"...She blocked more than five hundred strong aliens alone?"

Yuan Heyin exclaimed unconsciously, with an incredible expression on his face, "I have also encountered those strong aliens. They will come to harass Cihangzong from time to time. I can easily win against one by one, and against three or four. This is very troublesome, and once they break out of black fire, I can only escape... Yang Mei actually blocked more than five hundred, really... The Daughter of Destiny is truly unparalleled."

Zhou Shu sighed in a low voice, "Yes, she doesn't know how strong she is."

Yuan Heyin nodded, "She is the most kind, she has sacrificed herself to block the foreign powerhouses, and has consumed everything for this, even the lifespan. You can help her make up for the rest, but these lifespans are difficult... you have What can I do?"

"I thought about it, there are some ways."

Zhou Shu nodded and said thoughtfully, "What can you do with Cihangzong?"

Yuan Heyin expressed a bit of hesitation, "I will ask Immortal Master Miaodi, she should be able to calculate, if I want to think about it, if I am like Master Miaodi, I practice the Nine Turns Dry Rong Art to the Nine Dry and Nine Rongs. It should be able to extend life for a long time..."

"This won't work, she can't practice the Nineth Rank Kurong Jue."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "I've seen that mental method. When it first dies, it will lose a thousand years of life. It is impossible for her to practice it."

Nine turns with dryness, the first dryness will reduce the lifespan, and the latter will increase the lifespan. In this way, the nine dryness and the nine glory will increase the life expectancy of 9,000 years or more, but the premise is to pass the threshold of life loss. You don't have longevity when you start practicing.

Yuan Heyin was a little disappointed, "Then there is only the legendary immortal."

Zhou Shu was stagnant, "Uh..."

Yuan Heyin explained, "Xianyi can cast an immortal body. After becoming an immortal body, it will live the same life as the heaven and earth. Longevity is not a problem. It's just that Xianyi is a legendary god, and it is estimated that there is no such thing in the Xuanhuang world."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Understood, I am afraid it will be difficult~www.ltnovel.com~ The immortal body has the same life as the heaven and the earth. He has known this for a long time, but suddenly he heard the immortal, and he was a little surprised. He still knows where immortals are.苡...

Yuan Heyin looked at him, "Then what do you think of?"

Zhou Shu said thoughtfully, "I plan to find it in the secret realm. The success rate should not be small, it is estimated to be more than 70%."

"Secret realm, what secret realm can find such a thing, more than 70%?"

Yuan Heyin frowned, as if thinking of something, and said in surprise, "Did you mean..."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Just put it straight, I plan to go to two places. The first is the Secret Realm of the Ruins. It is said that there are many secret treasures in the last heaven. Maybe there are 9th-order spiritual objects or pills that can prolong life. It's the Secret Realm of Chaos, where the original state of the Profound Yellow Realm is still preserved. It is said that there are still unearthed artifacts and fairy objects in it. As long as some can be found, it shouldn't be difficult to help Yangmei make up for the longevity."

"I know you want to talk about returning to the market, but I didn't expect you to even want to go to the Secret Realm of Chaos."

Yuan Heyin couldn't help but shook his head, "I don't doubt at all that there are treasures in the Secret Realm of Chaos that can help Yangmei, for sure, but how do you get in, and how can you guarantee that you can come back safely?"

Her eyes were condensed, and she shook her head resolutely, "You can go to the ruins, but I don't recommend you to go to the Chaos Secret Realm. It is a place that Mighty dare not go, and to Cihangzong, you are the same as Yangmei. It’s important, you can’t just let you..."

"I have decided."

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, warmly said, "For me, Yangmei is as important as Xiuxian. Besides, it is quite good to have such an experience. I have been looking forward to it."

Yuan Heyin lingered for a while, then sighed slightly, "If Yang Mei knew you said that, she wouldn't let you go."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "She will."

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