Fairy Winner

Chapter 1865: Street market, elders

Inside Lingyu City.

People come and go on the street, shouting one after another.

"Sell the finest clan fur! The material is even better than the sixth-order alien beast, and a little tanning can be made into a top-grade defensive magic weapon. It is simple and light, and the quantity is small. If you want to buy it as soon as possible!"

"The ground herring beads are now on sale! The top-grade treasures that can resist foreign races. There are not many goods. If you miss it, you will be gone!"

"A lot of Jushan clan essence meat is on sale! It's a good thing for physical fitness and physical training, at a fair price, and it's not bullying!"

Storefronts were filled with materials from foreign races, and immortal cultivators came to buy them in an endless stream.

In fact, most foreign materials cannot be made into magic weapons or improve cultivation, but most of them have some special effects, such as ground herring beads, rat lizard hair, yaksha wings, raksha fire, etc., after some materials are used, It can even give birth to some peculiar abilities, such as camouflage, invisibility, escape, fire breathing, spirit devouring, etc. Although these abilities may not be a good thing, and may affect the cultivation of immortals, they can be obtained at the moment of alien invasion. , Is undoubtedly a great help to survival, so it can attract so many low-level cultivators.

Of course, there are also some materials that are different. They are similar to the materials of the immortal world. They can refine magic weapons and improve cultivation. Most of them come from ethnic groups. These are foreign races from the Xuanhuang world. Such materials are rarer and more valuable. For most For monks, this type of material is their target for contention. Every time a foreign race invades, many monks benefit from it.

The streets are lively, and the front of Huabaoxuan is even more crowded.

Because everyone knows that Huabaoxuan will auction a batch of Dijiang blood today.

The divine beasts of the Dijiang tribe, the mysterious yellow world, are regarded as the existence of gods, and their blood contains divine power. (The so-called divine power is actually a special power that incorporates certain laws. Those divine beasts and artifacts have such qualifications. These powers It is not known, so it is called divine power, and after understanding all the laws, divine power is not magical). If the cultivator takes or bathes, it is possible to get the power in it and even awaken the blood.

No one knows if your ancestors have any blood connections with the beasts.

There are many such examples, or legends, and there are many. There is a well-known monk in Dongshengzhou who accidentally obtained many heroic blood. After bathing in it for seven days and seven nights, he awakened the blood of heroic skills in his body. Shengxian was successful and easy.

The price is very high, as long as Yuanshi, but there are many bidders, shouting one after another.

Tens of thousands of catties of Emperor Jiang’s blood sold out quickly, and Hua Baoxuan also got countless precious stones, but this was not a climax. Soon, Hua Baoxuan launched the blood of Emperor Jiang. This, but Bidi Jiang's blood is hundreds of times better.

If the possibility of getting power from Dijiang’s blood is one in a few million, then Dijiang’s essence blood is one-thousandth or even a few hundredths. After all, this is the essence that can directly integrate its own blood. Blood, moreover, it is not only useful for this, but it is also very good for refining alchemy.

These five drops of Emperor Jiang's blood, together sold for a real sky-high price.

Dongsheng Prefecture, no, it's in the Xuanhuang Realm, where such prices haven't appeared in hundreds of years.

By the way, the monk who photographed them came from Baiyun City, a hidden wealthy family with the same name as Jianlu.

"Tsk tut, really rich!"

"We only have envy..."

"Speaking of which, why don't those big sect families come to auction?"

"Large sects, big families, big households, now that the aliens are invading, they can't take care of them themselves, they have to be busy defending, how can they have spare money to do these things."

"That said, these hidden forces are still at ease."

Amidst the discussion, the crowd gradually dispersed.

Among them, a middle-aged monk shook his head and walked towards the other side of the street with emotion.

"Elder Li, where are you going? Since you are in Lingyu City, why not come to the Heyin School to sit down?"

The monk turned around with a stunned look and saw Zhou Shu, smiling at him.

"Zhou...Sect Master Zhou."

The monk stagnated, looked flustered, and quickly saluted.

The monk's name is Li Songbai. He is the Supreme Elder of the Heavenly Sword Gate. He has a very high status. He is considered the first three of the Heavenly Sword Gate. Of course, his strength is not bad. Li Songbai was the only one who was comparable to Jianlu Sword Master.

Li Songbai calmed down and said slowly, "I...I'm going to visit the Sect Master, just pass by and watch the excitement."

"I'm afraid it's not watching the excitement, right?"

Zhou Shu said with a smile, "It has been seven hours since Elder Li came to Lingyu City. Up to now, you have been to 27 places where people gather, and you have been inquiring about certain news. For, to hide whereabouts, it’s all for this news. If it weren’t for me to come here now, the elders would still keep asking until the results come out, right?”

Li Songbai was stunned, and his face turned pale.

He also did not expect that he deliberately brought several magic weapons to hide his cultivation status and body shape, but Zhou Shu still saw it, and all the things he did and said during these seven hours were all seen by Zhou Shu. Clear and clear, clear and clear.

"What does Sect Master mean? Isn't it possible to follow the old man?"

Li Songbai's complexion sank, and suddenly increased his voice, and the wicked person came first to sue.

"Is it necessary? The elders are so sneaky, it's hard to let people not pay attention~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Shu is not angry, and smiles, "In fact, the elders want to ask questions, I have clear here. Why don’t you ask me first, but ask other people? "

Li Songbai looked at Zhou Shu, then looked around, took a deep breath, "Since the lord said so, the old man asked."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Ask, the Heyin faction behaves upright, and there is nothing that cannot be denied."


Li Songbai slowly said, "You defended Lingyu City, defeated tens of thousands of alien races, and made great contributions to the world of cultivating immortals. But in the process of defending the city, did you use the teleportation formation? Sect Master Zhou, you should I know that the teleportation array is an array that is explicitly forbidden by the immortal world. Once used, it will lead to immortal sanctions. If you do this, even if you make a great contribution, it will not be possible to offset the guilt. This will make heaven and earth fission. The great guilt of the destruction of the immortal world!"

"Fairy World..."

Zhou Shu shook his head slightly, showing a trace of disdain, "After more than 20,000 years, I don’t think you are still counting on the fairy world. If the fairy world really helps the Xuanhuang world, there will be no foreign races invading, and the Xuanhuang world will not wither. You, Elder Li Songbai! You are now in the immortal world!"

Li Songbai was stunned, and an unstoppable hatred surged up.

Yes, if the Immortal Realm does not increase the power of the Heavenly Tribulation, I am afraid that I will have been promoted to the immortal. How can I think about it now, cringe, and dare not even go to the ninth Heavenly Tribulation, how sad.

This is the hatred in the hearts of all the eight-fold and nine-fold cultivators crossing the Tribulation Realm, and it is difficult to erase.

"Even...even so, you...you can't use the teleportation array!"

He was still scolding, but he seemed weaker.

"The elders are really obsessed with the immortal world."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly and shook his head, "But who said we used the teleportation array?"

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