Fairy Winner

Chapter 1870: Lord, Chaos

Pushing open the hall door and seeing the long-lost formation, Lin Zhu's eyes lit up and immediately walked over.

Her whole person has changed, glowing with a strange brilliance.

When she reached the Tongtian Pagoda, she turned her head, "Senior, the little girl will continue to do things. It will definitely be built in three or five years."

Zhou Shuwen said, "Well, don't worry too much."

Lin Zhu nodded, and soon entered the situation, the formation talisman continued to fly, and the surrounding puppets also moved.

Zhou Shu and the city owner quietly retreated.

Zhou Shu handed a token to the city lord, "This is the order of the Dragon King."

The city lord took a look and put it away, with some solemn expression on his face, "During this period, you can still use the Dragon King's order to order them, but it may not be necessary in a few days. Those sea races are still hidden dangers."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "The city lord meant..."

"When the third batch of aliens invade, aliens and demons with dragon blood will enter the Xuanhuang Realm. As you know, in the past, the Sea Clan was inextricably linked with them, and it is difficult to guarantee the Sea Clan. Will not follow their instigation and deal with us in turn," the city lord said slowly, "This kind of thing has happened many times before. I see it in my eyes and can't trust them too much."

"It shouldn't be this time."

Zhou Shu thought for a while and said, "After all, I still have the blood of true dragons here. If the East China Sea Clan wants to rule the world, they must listen to me."

The city lord nodded slightly, "I hope so."

"If you have anything, please tell me at any time," Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "By the way, I have one more thing to ask, how can I enter the Chaos Secret Realm that the city lord said last time?"

The city lord paused, "Find a place of chaos, and then use the open sky stone to open the door of chaos and enter the secret realm of chaos."

Zhou Shu doubted, "The place of chaos?"

The city lord explained, "The Xuanhuang Realm was originally a chaos. Later, when the chaos was split, the world was born, but this process is not completely complete. There are still many unknown places in the Xuanhuang Realm. They are called the place of chaos."

Zhou Shu seemed to realize something, "So, are there many places of chaos?"

The city lord nodded and shook his head, "In the past there were many, but now they are not. The place of chaos maintains the unopened appearance of the world, with countless treasures and resources. It can be described as a natural secret realm. With the emergence of sacred beasts, dragons and other races, and artifacts For reasons such as the emergence of the self, the chaotic places were discovered and changed by them...In the Xuanhuang Realm now, the chaotic places have basically disappeared."


Zhou Shu showed many regrets, "How did it disappear?"

The city lord said slowly, "Once the place of chaos is discovered, the beasts and others will explore vigorously. Their claims are endless. They not only take away all resources and treasures, but also abandon them and let the chaos inside. When the qi leaks out, without the breath of chaos, the place of chaos will slowly return to a normal world, and naturally disappear. Alas, the place of chaos is the treasure bestowed by the Xuanhuang realm to all creatures, but they have been ruined by them. "

Zhou Shu nodded unconsciously, "It's really a pity."

Looking at the city lord, he was a little puzzled, "Is it really gone?"

"If it is really gone, how can you find it?"

The city lord smiled and shook his head, "The Xuanhuang Realm is so big, there will always be chaos places that have not been discovered, and after the human cultivators occupy the Xuanhuang Realm, there have been several chaos places... According to the record, The human cultivators discovered the place of chaos and the treasures inside, but they did not take it away completely. They believed that as long as they kept it, resources and treasures would continue to be born in the chaos... "

The city lord looked at Zhou Shu and applauded, "Speaking of which, this is the reason why I admire you as human beings. I rarely catch fish. I know how to use it and know how to protect it. What is the chaos? Although there is no aura in it, it is not suitable for inhaling. , But it can nurture the heaven and the earth, the Xuanhuang Realm, and what can’t be nurtured? It can be said that the Qi of Chaos is the source of all things. It is the most wonderful thing between the heaven and the earth. As long as it is protected for a long time, it will be born sooner or later. More treasures, not to mention all kinds of spiritual things, even the artifacts may regenerate."

"Anyone who thinks about this should know this, but those divine beasts and alien races have never even thought about it."

The city lord sighed, "I sometimes think that this is probably the reason why the sacred beasts and other races were finally defeated by humans, because during their time in the Xuanhuang Realm, the Xuanhuang Realm made countless contributions without giving any return. , If I were the founder of the Xuanhuang Realm, and I am the innate gods of the Xuanhuang Realm, I would never let them stay in the Xuanhuang Realm for a long time."

Zhou Shu nodded, having the same thought.

The world itself has life and spirits. If you live in peace with the world and help each other, both can continue to develop, but if you only know to take from the world without paying anything in return, you will be retributed sooner or later.

The city lord sneered with a hint of sneer, "The mythical beasts got treasures from the place of chaos, and they became extremely powerful, and even called themselves gods of heaven and earth, but in the end, they paid the price for their stupidity, and they thought they got the Xuanhuang World. With so many benefits, I am the master of the Xuanhuang World~www.ltnovel.com~ but I don’t know that the Xuanhuang World has already abandoned them."

Zhou Shu nodded, "They have been rejected and become aliens, so even if they come again, they will definitely lose."

Zhou Shu can understand these words of the city lord very well, because the city lord, as the descendant of the tree and wood of the heaven and earth, was originally born from the origin of the Xuanhuang Realm. I feel empathy, so I can say these words.

"I'm talking too much."

The city lord shook his head slightly, "Let’s go back to the topic. After the human cultivators discovered the chaos place, they tried to protect them and set up a portal. The chaos place protected in this way is called the chaos secret realm. Is where you are going."

Zhou Shu nodded, "So, where is it?"


The city lord was quite solemn, "The two chaotic mysteries in the record came from the underground. I don't know the exact location at this time, because they are not static. They keep changing positions under the earth with the flow of the source of heaven and earth."

Zhou Shu asked suspiciously, "Then you should be able to find the city lord? Where can you find the source of energy in the world?"

"I haven't found it for 20,000 years."

The city lord shook his head, but smiled at the corner of his mouth, "My roots can only go down a thousand miles."

Zhou Shu seemed to understand, "So, the place of chaos can only be a thousand miles below, but in the Xuanhuang Realm, it is rare to have such a deep place. Under the ground of Four Continents, it is almost eight. There is lava below a hundred miles deep, and there is no source of energy..."

As if thinking of something, he was shocked suddenly, "I know, where I thought of it!"

The city lord smiled and nodded, "Take your open sky stone, look for it, and wait for your good news."

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