Fairy Winner

Chapter 1871: Reunion

Leaving Penglai Island, head to Beiluzhou.

A few days later, Zhou Shu arrived.

At first glance, the eyes were devastated, and the sadness came from the heart, and it was very embarrassing.

There are dilapidated villages everywhere, and the war is not over. There are still many foreign races who are torturing. Mortals are running and struggling with despair in their eyes, while the foreign races chase them with grinning laughter and cruel slaughter. .


A woman floated up and fell in front of the alien.

The tall alien race glanced at her and laughed, "Hahaha, who are you, do you want to save these human trash?"

"The one who killed you."

There was a cold light in the woman's eyes, as cold as mysterious ice. The tall alien figure was shocked, and a blood flower suddenly blossomed on her chest, with thousands of strands and seven petals, overflowing with indescribable light. Temptation, the foreign race took a few steps back, clutching his chest, fell to the ground and died without being able to say a word.

The woman immediately changed her goal and wandered between many alien races. With every step she took, one of the alien races bloomed with blood and fell.

The mortal people were startled, someone recognized it and shouted, "Yes, it's the Blood Flower God Sect!"

"It's them, who specializes in killing the Blood Flower God Sect who kills alien races from the outside world. Many villages and towns have been rescued by them. I didn't expect that even a remote village like ours, they all came. Great! Great!"

"Long live the Blood Flower God Sect!"

"Thousands of hopes, the savior is finally here, not afraid of those alien races!"

The mortals cheered. It seemed that this kind of thing happened not for the first time, but many times in Beiluzhou.

The woman did not respond, and harvested the lives of the alien races without a sound. Not long after, hundreds of alien races died. Every alien had the same blood flower blooming in it, strange or strange, and the alien body slowly Shrinked into a ball, shriveled and terribly, as if even the flesh and blood were gone.

The blooming flower **** not only life, but also other things.

Amidst the cheers of mortals, the woman flew into the air and disappeared quickly.

Mortal people rectified the broken village, cursed the damned alien, praised the sudden savior, and continued their lives.

"This flower..."

Zhou Shu, who was in the air, witnessed these things, and he felt familiar, and shook his head slightly, "Although it is an alien thing, let's go and see it."

Although the woman is fast and has special concealment methods, it is of no use in front of Zhou Shu. Every move is in the eyes.

Zhou Shu followed her for two days.

The woman went to dozens of hundreds of villages along the way, killed many foreign races, and rescued many mortals.

"Almost, it can meet the requirements of the adults, it is time to go back."

The woman muttered to herself, with a trace of comfort, changed her direction and flew towards the North Sea.

"My lord? Hehe, this time, did you put the base in the sea?"

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, still following behind.

Not long after, the woman fell on a desert island.

The desert island is densely surrounded by phantom arrays. If you don't see through it, it will be no different from the sea. No one knows that there is an island here.

"Three breaths, three breaths are the only way to see through the Array Zhongguanqiao. Even if it is not as good as Qinghai Mujia, it is not far behind. It is not easy."

After passing through the magic array, Zhou Shu also had a trace of admiration, and quietly escaped into the island.

There are many people on the island, all women, all beautiful and strong.

The woman fell and went straight to a temple on the island.

The palace is exquisite and gorgeous, like a flower that grows naturally. The material is special and the style is unique. It is hard to find such a peculiar building in the Xuanhuang world. Zhou Shu couldn't help but look at it a few more times, feeling slightly. It seems to have learned something from it.

The woman walked to the front of the temple, and the door of the temple opened immediately.

"come in."

The voice floated out of the hall, although the tone was low but tactfully melodious, the lingering sound was endless, and the words were difficult to describe the beauty, but I felt drunk.

The sound alone makes people fascinated, and there is no need to talk about it.

"Sure enough it is her."

Zhou Shu was slightly stagnant, and his spiritual thought drifted into the hall with the woman.

In the hall.

Standing at the table was a young girl, half-covered by lavender veil, with an extremely beautiful figure, her eyes like stars, her eyes fixed on the woman who came in, and she turned slightly, "How is the collection?"

"My lord, it's almost full."

The woman bowed and bowed, holding out a crystal clear ball with both hands, like a crystal.

The ball is constantly immersed, revealing various colors of fluorescence, coming back and forth, it is really beautiful.

"It's full, but there are too many impurities, and only 15% can be used, which is not bad."

The girl frowned slightly, raised her hand, the ball fell into her hand, and then said, "Go down, rest for a few days before going out."

"I see, my lord."

The woman was relieved and stepped back slowly.

"Wait," the girl seemed to think of something, "Do those humans still call us the Blood Flower God Sect?"

The woman lowered her head and said, "Yes, more and more people are screaming like this. If this continues, I am afraid that this title will spread to the entire Beiluzhou. They regard us as the savior and are spreading praise."

"Blood Flower God Cult..."

The girl laughed unconsciously, smiling very beautifully or ~www.ltnovel.com~ Just like that blood flower, it makes people mesmerized, "Humans, although all of them are stupid, but they are also very interesting. Yes, if they knew that this savior was also an alien in their mouths, what would happen?"

The woman whispered, "It's not going to be anything, we didn't start with them either, we saved so many, I'm afraid there are millions."

"That's because they are too weak."

The girl's eyes suddenly cooled down, "I never do anything to the weak and waste time."


The woman was stagnant, bent over and said, "My lord, I'm going out first."

"Don't bother me."

The girl didn't even look at her, and as the woman went out, the door of the palace closed quickly.

The girl stared at the fluorescent ball and stretched out her white and flawless palm. On her palm, colorful dim light flashed, and a wonderful flower gradually bloomed. The flower looked the same as the blood flower, but the color was more fantastic and even more or, With an extremely powerful breath.

Appearing to notice the fluorescent ball, the stamens in the flower stretched towards the ball.

But halfway through the stretch, he suddenly stopped, turned around, and shook violently twice toward the right corner of the hall.

There is no one there.

But the girl's face changed suddenly, she immediately put the flowers away and stared at it, "Who, come out?!"

"It can be seen from this, it is worthy of Utambula."

In the corner of the unmanned hall, a figure gradually appeared, with a calm expression and a smile.

"It's you?"

The girl's figure trembles slightly, and her face turns pale again, "You, why did you come here?"

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, arched his hands, "Next Zhou Shu, the saint of Youtan, it's been a long time."

(Ps: Thank you zhainiuniu for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)

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