Fairy Winner

Chapter 1872: Saint, admonish

"Saint, isn't it a witch?"

The panic was quickly concealed, and the girl recovered her grace and calmness. She calmly looked at Zhou Shu and said, "Sect Master Zhou, I never thought you had the habit of peeping at others. It is not practical. I will show you what you want to see."

"Hehe, that's not necessary, I just bump into it occasionally."

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "Saint Witch is actually just a title, don't care too much."

The girl smiled softly, "Sect Master Zhou is very free and easy. You destroyed my Juyin Mountain last time. Do you plan to destroy this place again this time?"

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "I originally had this idea..."

"try it yourself?"

The girl stared at Zhou Shu, tit-for-tat, "Now there is no one from Ci Hangzong to help you, you may not be my opponent."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, raised his hand slightly, and took the fluorescent ball from the girl's hand, "This, what's in it? It's so rich and powerful..."

"you you……"

The girl panicked again.

Zhou Shu snatched the fluorescent ball. She didn't know it beforehand. She didn't have the ability to resist. When she realized that she didn't have the ability to resist at all, she could only watch it. This made her desperate more than no consciousness. When, this week, Zhou Shu changed. Is it so strong?

And just now, she didn't find Zhou Shu, only Utambula.

At this moment, she came to understand how big the gap between her and Zhou Shu was.

"Don't want yours."

Zhou Shu smiled and threw the fluorescent ball back, "Whatever is taken from the alien race is good, I am not interested."

The girl caught the fluorescent ball and said in a deep voice, "How did you know?"

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "I came across occasionally, Blood Flower God Sect, very good name."

"You...you know everything."

The girl took a deep breath and stared at Zhou Shu, "Then what do you want to do, you know I have Utambula, then you should know that no matter how powerful you are, you can’t be its opponent. I advise you. Leave early."

"I will leave."

Zhou Shu appeared a little dignified, "But I want to know some things and ask the saint to tell the truth."

The girl hesitated for a while, "Say it, I don't guarantee that I will tell you."

"What do you have to do with those alien races?"

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, then looked at her suddenly, his eyes shone with cold, and there was a lot of killing intent, which could burst out at any time.

The girl's figure quaked slightly, and she was a little frightened. The killing intent was so terrible, and the more she felt it, the more chilling she became. She could only avoid her eyes and dare not look at it.

She turned her side, pretending to be calm, "It doesn't matter."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "Are you sure?"

"Sect Master Zhou, you have great magical powers, don't you know?"

The girl slowly shook her head, with a lot of disdain, "Those alien races carry the imprint of divine condemnation. They are divine condemators and a group of slaves at the mercy of others. As a saint of Utambula, I will not suffer anything. How can human control be with them?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "Speaking of which, you really don't have a mark on your body."

"Of course not, do you want to see clearly?"

The girl turned around, staring at Zhou Shu, her beautiful eyes flowed, and the tulle on her body seemed to be gradually falling off, and the little bit of breath or breath spread out unconsciously.

Zhou Shu shook his head, "I can see clearly, it doesn't have to be that way."

The girl smiled, shaking slightly like petals, "Hahaha...that's a pity."

Zhou Shu settled down and said in a deep voice, "Why are you killing those alien races?"

"Do you need to ask?"

The girl smiled softly, "Of course it is to draw their power. I need these powers to become stronger..." She paused, her expression became a little awe-inspiring, and she said straightly, "Only when we are strong can we do it. To what I want to do."

"What you have to do is not the same as those aliens, right?"

Zhou Shu took a step forward, and his killing intent was unabashedly revealed. The entire hall was turned into an ice cellar, and it was bitingly cold. "Do you want to occupy the Profound Yellow Realm too?"

The girl stared at Zhou Shu, unexpectedly, she did not retreat in fear, but stood up straight, and said in a concentrated voice, "That has nothing to do with me. The purpose of my coming here was never to occupy the Xuanhuang Realm. I have nothing to do with the Xuanhuang Realm. interest."


Zhou Shu stared at her coldly, killing intently like a knife. If there was something wrong with her, she would be broken into pieces immediately.

The girl apparently sensed this threat, her figure trembled unconsciously, but her eyes were still very firm, and she nodded vigorously, "Of course not! I didn't even occupy the Dark Sunflower Realm, how could I still think about the Profound Yellow Realm? "

"Isn't the Yinkui world occupied?"

Zhou Shu's expression was slightly condensed, "Your three great saints, aren't you the rulers of the Yinkui realm? Are you being..."

"Yes, I was kicked out, so what?"

The girl held her head up and said coldly, "The Saintess of Covering the Sky and the Saint of Styx together drove me out of the Yinkui realm, but I will definitely go back!"

After telling her inner secret, the girl simply let go, looking at Zhou Shu with a fearless appearance.

Zhou Shu looked at her without saying a word, only his thoughts flew out, verifying the girl’s answer from the surrounding Yinkui tribe, one after another..., almost all the Yinkui tribe recognized this, they The saint was defeated in a civil turmoil of the Yinkui clan and was forced to leave the Yinkui realm.

Zhou Shusuan said ~www.ltnovel.com~ Then why did you come to Xuanhuang Realm? "

"It brought me here."

Utambula, the sacred flower of the Yinkui realm, or the origin of the Yinkui realm, swayed slightly from the palm of the girl's palm. The girl looked at it and said calmly, "I have no ability to leave the Yinkui realm. , It has, it remembers here, so I am here."

Zhou Shu seemed to realize something, "So you are here to accumulate strength, planning to go back for revenge?"

"Yes, I only have this purpose."

The girl nodded lightly, "Whether it is a foreign race or an immortal cultivator, as long as you can get power, there are many foreign races in Beiluzhou now, so I will get power from them. And..." After a pause, she looked at Zhou Shu and said every word, "I will not attack the weak."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Now human beings are weak?"


The girl nodded without hesitation, only glanced at Zhou Shu when she raised her head, her eyes were a little frightened, she didn't know if she would offend Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shuslowly nodded, "Okay."

The girl was surprised, "What is it?"

Zhou Shu did not answer, and said solemnly, "There are many different races in the Xuanhuang Realm today, and there will be more and more different races. These foreign races are enough for you to gain strength. If you confuse the immortal cultivator as before, let them help Cultivation and becoming your slave, I will not let you go, but now..."

The girl didn't move, as if she was waiting for a ruling, she was nervous.

Zhou Shu paused, looked at the girl, and slowly said, "You are so good at it."

Before the words fell, the figure had disappeared and there was no trace to be found.

The girl in the hall searched for Utambula for a long time, but did not find any traces, only sighed, "Why is Zhou Shu... so powerful?"

She put away Utambula, and she unconsciously filled with a lot of fortune.

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