Fairy Winner

Chapter 1873: Let it go

After leaving the island, Zhou Shu went back and forth to Beiluzhou.

"Why let her go?"

Caiying floated on Zhou Shu's shoulder and said in a puzzled way, "Zhou, aren't all foreign races going to be killed?"

Zhou Shu glanced at her and said slowly, "Keep it for now. She is now dealing with a foreign race. She is an enemy of the enemy. It can be used, and... she has solved millions of mortals, although not for the Xuanhuang Realm, but After all, it has caused such a result, such a great merit, if it is killed, there will be endless retribution in the future."

When it comes to this state, it becomes more important to cause and effect.

By the way, the law of cause and effect may be the best understood law. Almost all cultivators and even mortals can understand it, but those who can truly use the law of cause and effect and master the power of cause and effect are unique, let alone the Xuanhuang world, except for the saints. The heavens and the world, including the immortal world, are the same.

"That's true."

Caiying seemed to have some enlightenment, "After saving so many people, it can be regarded as atonement."

"Yes, this was the merit of being able to promote immortality in the past."

Zhou Shu showed some thoughts, "Moreover, she is not branded on her body, which also shows that she is different from other foreign races. It is indeed not for conquering the Xuanhuang Realm. Whether those words are true or false, she really has no idea about occupying the Xuanhuang Realm. It’s just for strength."

Caiying nodded, "Now she has a foreign race to learn from, and won't provoke immortals, and she helped us."

"Well, it's better to keep her than to kill."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "Don’t I keep the Dijiang clan before? It still depends on the situation. If these alien races can help us and do things for the Xuanhuang Realm, then it’s not impossible to keep them. If you want the Profound Yellow Realm with all your heart, then you must kill it."

"Understood, I learned a little more, my palace continues to rest."

Caiying turned into a green light and disappeared into the sword.

"Actually... it's better to take her down."

In the sea of ​​knowledge, the sound of refining a demon pot came.

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Do you think so?"

The Demon Refining Pot slowly said, "Yes, she is the Yinkui Clan after all, the enemy of our Xuanhuang Realm, and she is carrying Utambula."

"Not bad."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, "The Utanbula is the source of the Yinkui realm and the artifact of the Yinkui realm. It is an excellent treasure for you. If you can get it, and if you can get it, you can perceive it and figure out the root. If you get a lot of useful things, you will be able to refine things from the Yinkui realm, so that you can recover faster and your realm can be improved, right?"

The demon refining pot stagnated, "You know, why?"

"Even if you understand the origin of the Yinkui realm, what can you refining, is it these Yinkui women, or that Utambula?"

Zhou Shu sighed slightly, "Those women are not worth anything, and Utambula, even in your heyday, if you want to refine the artifacts of other realms, I am afraid you can't do it?"

The Demon Refining Pot paused, "I can't do it."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "In other words, even if you get it now, it won't do you any good, so why do you want to do it?"

The Demon Refining Pot defended, "That...that's a divine tool, and now it's a good opportunity..."

"Not a good opportunity."

Zhou Shu slowly said, "The artifact is not so good. As a saint of Utan, she is as one body as the artifact. If I must seize it, she will probably choose to die together. Even if she does it, it may not be complete, and you Holding the artifact, it will attract the attacks of the other two saints, which will cause endless troubles."

The refining pot seemed thoughtful, "You mean..."

Zhou Shu continued, "Instead of doing this, it's better to let her go for the time being, and look for opportunities in the future, and talk about it after leaving the Xuanhuang Realm. Actually, there are plenty of opportunities. At that time, it is not impossible for her to lend Utambula to us. "

The Demon Refining Pot was shocked, "Lend it to us, how is it possible?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "When she needs me, even if she gets enough power from a foreign race, she may not be the opponent of the other two saints. According to Master Miaodi, the witch is the yin. The strongest saint in the Kwai realm, let alone a Saint Styx? And she has only one person, and only knows the Yin Kui Realm and the Xuanhuang Realm. She doesn’t know many people, and almost all of them are enemies. Who can help her if she loses?"

The Demon Refining Pot was shocked, "...It's only you."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "I can't guarantee, but there is always nothing wrong with forming a good relationship now."

The Demon Refining Pot looked at Zhou Shu and said unconsciously, "It's my shortsightedness... You think too far."

"So, don't worry, take your time, there will be everything that should be there, just listen to me."

Zhou Shu nodded and walked out.

"No wonder I always fail in the past, have I been too impatient?"

The demon refining pot stood there, a little confused, "Hey, if I met him earlier, maybe I would have left the Profound Yellow Realm long ago and become a holy treasure..."

Within a few days, he was in the middle of Beiluzhou, not far from the Xiahou family.

"What a big group of aliens!"

Caiying flew in front of Zhou Shu and pointed at ~www.ltnovel.com~Zhou, look, what do they want to do? "

Below, large piles of alien races moved quickly, about four to five million, among which there were quite a few strong ones, all of them fierce.

Along the way, the two saw countless alien races, but such a large scale is still rare and a bit unusual.

"What else can I do? It must be another sect to besiege."

Zhou Shu glanced, unconsciously showing some killing intent, "Go down, just move your hands and feet."

Zhou Shu flew down like an arrow, and Caiying shouted from behind, "Hey, you have to see which sect is? When someone else is rescued, I don't know whom to thank? We can help others. Don't take profit, but you must keep your name in order to get enough benefits. Otherwise, you will do it for nothing. It is better not to do it."

Zhou Shu smiled unconsciously, "Ruoyan taught you these things, right?"

"Huh, how do you know?"

Caiying blinked, and fell on Zhou Shu's shoulder, with a look of doubt on her face.

"When would you say such a thing, these things on official roads, not Ruoyan teaches them, can you still think of them?"

Zhou Shu knocked on her, pretending to be serious, "You are not suitable for the official way, don't think about it, what we have to do now is to kill these aliens, activities, and other things don't need to think too much."


Caiying nodded, seemingly enlightened.

Zhou Shu didn't say much, and flew straight into the alien army.

"It's been a long time since I've tasted foreign blood, and today it happened to be a mass murder."

The Xuanyuan Sword in his hand suddenly burst into a fierce golden light, like the sun.

The aliens didn't know what was going on, so the blockbusters fell, the formation was completely disrupted, and they fell into chaos.

(Ps: Thank you nuli8888 for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~)

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