Fairy Winner

Chapter 1874: Ruins, killing intent

More than a dozen hours later.

The vast plains were full of corpses, only a small part of the aliens fled, and the rest were all dead.

"These alien races are similar to those in Lingyu City."

Caiying flew in front of Zhou Shu and shook her head to show her skill, "It's too simple, you can't kill it before you start."

"The aliens came in batches, and the types that arrived in each state were similar. Now they are not strong, but when the third batch and the fourth batch come down, it will be more troublesome," Zhou Shu nodded thoughtfully. Staring at Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, his expression was solemn.

Almost every alien race was killed by Xuanyuan Jian, which took a lot of time and a lot of effort.

He doesn't know how much benefit Xuanyuanjian has gained from these alien races, but he has a faint feeling that Xuanyuanjian seems to be closer to him, no longer just a cold sword like before, vaguely with him. A sense of fit.

Killing so many foreign races, there should always be some gains.

If he can be fully recognized by Xuanyuanjian, then he will take a big step forward, and these alien races, what are they.

"Let's go."

One man, one sword, flew west.

It didn't take long before I saw Biluoshan which was in ruins.

The ground sank into a large hole tens of thousands of miles in radius. There was no trace of green. The beautiful scenery before was completely gone. The whole ground turned dark red. It was stained by the blood of the monks of the Xiahou family and foreign races. The walls and buildings are all It was scorched and there was not a whole, and there was no vitality in it.

I really can't bear to witness it.

"Damn alien!"

Caiying had also been to the Xiahou family, and she was amazed at the time, but at this moment, there was only an angry curse.

"Go down and take a look."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, and flew all the way down, turning around the incomplete mountain wall, to the depths of the Biluo Mountain.

Somewhat unexpectedly, the sword pavilion had become a deserted square, the ground was full of corpses, and in this square, there were dozens of monks who were immersing themselves in cultivating, each taking one side.

When those people saw Zhou Shu, their eyes projected together, with a lot of vigilance and even hostility.

This makes Zhou Shu somewhat inexplicable.

Zhou Shu was about to speak, a middle-aged monk stood up first, pointed at Zhou Shu, and said very rudely, "Daoist, it's full, don't come."

Zhou Shu questioned, "What is full?"

Another monk wearing a Taoist robe followed. He was tall and full of beards. He was definitely not kind, and his speech was quite characteristic.

He yelled at Zhou Shu, "You don’t know what’s full there? You don’t know what’s full there? I tell you that the place here is already full, and you don’t have your share of cultivation, so you have to practice elsewhere! It’s all here. our!"


Caiying whispered, "Speaking of which, the vitality here is really strong enough. It's much more than before, and there is a lot of original energy. It's really good, I'm afraid that the water curtain cave can't match it."

"It's true, it's kind of weird."

Zhou Shu said thoughtfully, "It seems that these monks regard this place as their training ground."

Caiying said disdainfully, "Hmm, I still think we are going to grab them, hum, even if it is better, who cares?"

"Don't talk to yourself, can you go?"

The Taoist Qiuxu who couldn't see Caiying was a little impatient. He strode over, and his voice became louder. He shouted loudly, "It's only this big here. If you don't have your share, you can't? We are about to do it!"

"What nonsense, just do it, we can't let others take away our site!"

"Hurry up, get out, you don't have your share here!"

"Passing the Tribulation Realm is amazing, we have a lot more Tribulation Realm than you!"

Seeing Zhou Shu not moving, the other monks also stood up and stared at Zhou Shu together with very vicious eyes.

Zhou Shu looked at them and said lightly, "It's really good here, but..."

"Just a fart!"

The Taoist with a beard had already approached, and he turned out a nine-ring Zen stick in his hand, clinked a few times, turned into a golden light and rushed towards Zhou Shu.

The power of Yuan Li Dao was fused together, and the force sank. When Zhou Shu came to Zhou Shu, the golden light Zen stick was already several tens of meters long, and it hit Zhou Shu's face with great force, showing a cruel hand.

The monk on the side tweeted, "Master Anger is going to kill again, sin and sin."

"He only came here last month. In order to grab this position, he has driven away six and killed five cultivators."

Real Man Anu turned his head violently, and laughed out loud, "Hahahaha, who told them not to let me? Then **** it! Such a place where vitality gathers, only virtue and ability live, and that means Lao Tzu!"

"The guy who just crossed the robbery is irritable and does whatever he wants."

"Who let him have a good magic weapon? There are three seventh-order magic weapons that come with it. We don't have much in Beiluzhou."

"Anyway, it is domineering, but whether he is domineering, we also have peace of mind so that we can enjoy it here."

The monks at the side watched calmly, none of them had the idea of ​​stepping forward to stop them, and wanted to watch Zhou Shu die.

Watching the flying Zen stick, Zhou Shu smiled faintly, only raised his hand with a wave, the golden light immediately stopped.

As if frozen, the stick was stuck in the air, motionless.


Really Anu's face tightened and he hurriedly urged Fa Jue to move, but his face was flushed, and the Zen rod remained motionless.

A cold light flashed in Zhou Shu's eyes, and he gently lowered his hand, the stick fell suddenly, but in the process of landing ~www.ltnovel.com~ it exploded suddenly, turned into countless fragments, and scattered on the ground.

"Lao Tzu... Lao Tzu's magic weapon!"

Zhenren Nu looked at the fragments on the ground, his hair stood up, but he just stared at Zhou Shu, but did not move.

He knew that if he provokes people who shouldn't be offended, a monk who can disperse the seventh-order magic weapon with one sleeve is by no means an ordinary cultivator who crosses the Tribulation Realm, let alone one that he can fight against. Now he has encountered an iron plate.

The other monks were stunned, looking at Zhou Shu with a stunned expression.

The middle-aged monk saluted tremblingly, "Dao...Senior, who is senior?"

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Don't ask who I am, let me finish talking first, how about?"

"Senior, please tell me, I'll wait to listen."

The middle-aged cultivator nodded quickly, and the others nodded. The angry true person was no longer angry, and followed the salute, "Don't blame the senior, it's reckless, you can say whatever you want to say, just say it."

Zhou Shu slowly said, "Isn't this Xiahou's house? When will it become yours?"

"This one……"

The middle-aged cultivator hesitated for a while, and whispered, "Didn't Xiahou's family be destroyed by a foreign race? Wouldn’t it be no owner? Isn’t such a good vitality lost? Isn’t it a waste? , I practiced right here."

"Yes, the foreign race has destroyed the same way, leaving behind the spirit vein, and then you will come to occupy it."

Zhou Shu shook his head slightly, "Is this a looting by fire? This is worse than looting by fire. The Xiahou family gave everything to the world of immortality, countless children were killed for this, and Biluoshan was destroyed. But what about their result? The ground is exposed to the sun, and you occupy their spiritual veins and are still cultivating on their corpses."

"You, what kind of cultivator?"

He looked at the monks coldly, not only disdainful, but also killing intent.

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