Fairy Winner

Chapter 1875: Punish, warn

Things are obvious.

There was something wrong with Xiahou’s family, and there was no owner of the spiritual veins. These people took the opportunity to come over and formed a small circle temporarily. They wanted to occupy this spiritual vein and only for them to practice. As for the others, they would either be driven away, or Kill.

They must have killed a lot of people, but unfortunately it was Zhou Shu who met this time.

The monks were frozen, afraid to speak.

Zhou Shu's aura was too terrifying, and the murderous intent spread, they could not even breathe, let alone refute.

Zhou Shu looked at Real Person Nu and slowly said, "You call Real Person Nu, right? How many immortal cultivators did you kill to grab the spot here?"


The body of Nuzheng trembled, and his mind trembled so much that he could not speak for a long time.

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "Go ahead, I'm just asking."

A spring breeze blew by, seeming to be comforted, Real Anger gradually calmed down, and whispered, "Senior, six were killed and five were driven away. This is how the world of cultivating immortals is, for resources, everything is done. What is killing."

Zhou Shu nodded thoughtfully, "Cultivation world, for resources, it is inevitable that you will die or die."


Real person Anu nodded repeatedly, and there was some joy on his face, "The Taoist friends are too right. Now there are foreign races everywhere. It is rare to find good resources, and the vitality here is different, and there is really a lot of original energy. Lao Tzu has never seen so much before, and he has been able to break through for more than ten years of cultivation. How can I miss it?"

Zhou Shu smiled and sensed it, "I feel like this too, it's true."

Feeling that Zhou Shu’s tone became more soothing, thinking that he was forgiven, Real Anger also relaxed, and even said, "That is to say, who would miss such a diverse atmosphere? Senior, after so many years of cultivation, there are countless people I have killed. , But they can only be blamed for their inferior skills. If Lao Tzu is inferior to them, hasn't he been killed by them?!"


Zhou Shu nodded slightly, "By the way, Real Man Anger, since the invasion of the aliens, how many aliens have you killed?"

"This one……"

Real person Anu hesitated for a while and shook his head, "I was told to seniors that I have been in retreat and just came out of the robbery, and then I...I found here, not not to kill, but there was no chance to go out and kill the alien."

"That's it."

Zhou Shu stared at him, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and Real Man Anu seemed to feel something and stepped back unconsciously.

Where can I retreat?

In the process of speaking, he was already completely shrouded by Shu Zhili, not to mention a four-fold cultivator crossing the Tribulation Realm, even a nine-fold cultivator might not be able to break free.

Real person Nu was completely frightened, looking at Zhou Shu, his figure couldn't help shaking, he wanted to say something but didn't know what to say.

Zhou Shu turned to the other monks and said coldly, "It's so neat to kill the fellows, kill and kill again, but not even a foreign race. You said, when the foreign race invaded the Xuanhuang Realm, such a monk stayed. Is there any meaning in the Xuanhuang Realm?"

The monks were silent, they could only remain silent.

"No, spare my life!"

Seeing Zhou Shu raised his hand, Real Anger was shocked. He no longer cared about his image, knelt down and shouted, "No, senior, and I am a monk in Baiyun City, you will get into trouble. !"

The monk at the side was stunned.

"It turns out he is from Baiyun City...no wonder he is so powerful."

"Baiyun City is amazing, everyone is in danger now, but they are still at ease."


With a light pat on the palm of his hand, Mr. Anu fell straight down, without a sound.

Although he has the body of crossing the tribulation and the cultivation base of the fourth heaven, in front of Shu Zhili, it is as fragile as a piece of paper, and it disappears in a flash.


"Senior, you... did you kill him?"

The monks were all stunned, looking at Zhou Shu, their eyes staring blankly.

After killing Real Person Anu, Zhou Shu put a smile on his face, "Kill, I said, there is no point in staying like this monk, it is better to ascend to heaven earlier, and he also said, for the resource, everything It’s inevitable to do it, so I killed him, it’s that simple."

It seemed that they had noticed something, and the group of monks saluted.

"Senior, here we go, here we go!"

"Senior, I will never grab resources with you, I will leave immediately."

"Senior, senior, I haven't killed anyone, don't kill me."

"None of us will do our best. Only that lunatic, that lunatic will kill people!"

Zhou Shu looked at them, nodded lightly, still smiling, "I believe you, but have you killed a foreign race?"

"Killed, killed a lot!"

A monk nodded immediately, "On the way here, the younger generation saw one kill one, at least several thousand foreign races."

A monk said loudly, "Me too, I was the first to arrive, and many of the alien races who were still in the Xiahou family were killed by me."


Zhou Shu nodded thoughtfully, "You can go now."

"Yes Yes."

"Senior farewell!"

The monks were relieved in their hearts when they received the amnesty, and they quickly scattered around.

Before flying a few steps, Zhou Shu stopped again, "Everyone, wait a minute."

The monks froze ~www.ltnovel.com~, standing in the air, not daring to move, looking at Zhou Shu below, they were terrified, and their mind and body were secretly shaking.

"The fourth-tier cultivator of the Cross Tribulation Realm in Baiyun City died. This is a major event. You can't let him die unclearly," Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "When you meet someone else, remember to tell the story. , Let everyone know why he died and who killed him."

A monk said immediately, "The younger generation dare not!"

Zhou Shu's face sank, "It must be said, and it must be said clearly. It cannot be wrong at all. It must be known to everyone that when aliens invade, take advantage of the fire to rob the people, kill the same people, and avoid the retreat. , I will never let one go, no matter who it is."

Seeing Zhou Shu's tone was extremely harsh, the monks could only nod their heads.

The middle-aged cultivator hesitated for a while, and whispered, "But senior, we don't know the name of senior, what should we say?"


Zhou Shu looked at them, and suddenly appeared in front of him a long sword with a simple and mysterious pattern, "Have you heard of this sword?"

The monks stared at it, immediately stunned.

"This is... Xuanyuanjian?"

"Xuanyuanjian has really appeared, and those rumors are true!"

"Could it be that Senior is the Sovereign Zhou Shuzhou of the Lotus School?"

Zhou Shu nodded calmly, "Yes, I am Zhou Shu. I want you to tell the truth about what happened here, so that all the cultivators will know that if something like this happens again, I will not use my hands, but Use this Xuanyuan sword to kill it! Whether you treat it as a warning or an order, anyway, I will do it when I say it."

Xuanyuan Sword suddenly shone, and the brilliance was extremely bright, illuminating the entire ruins.

In the brilliance, standing Zhou Shu looked very magnificent, solemn and solemn, just like a king.

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