Fairy Winner

Chapter 1876: Pulse search, gap

In the glory, the monks left one after another.

Get together in twos and threes and fly away in different directions.

"He is Zhou Shu who guards Lingyu City? Is it really Xuanyuan Sword in his hand?"

"There will be no fakes. The sword is exactly the same as in the record, and the person is the same. No, the person is stronger than the rumors. It seems that he has completely mastered the Xuanyuan sword. So, no one in the world of cultivation is his opponent. ."

"No wonder Real Anger was shot to death..."

"No matter how strong he is, he is from Dongshengzhou. What does he come to our Beiluzhou for? He also said these things to us, what is he?"

"Don't say such silly things anymore! Holding the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, gaining the power of Xuanyuan Sword, and killing thousands of foreign races in Lingyu City, he is now the new emperor of the Xuanhuang Realm and the leader of all immortal cultivators. No matter where you are, no matter what you say, we cultivators must listen, and must listen."

The monks were silent for a while.

"That's what I said."

"Those words are the legendary decree of the emperor... Take advantage of the fire to rob the people, punish the fellows, avoid the war and retreat, and kill the unscrupulous."

"The chaos must use heavy codes, but we can't think of these words, we will pass them out... alas."

"Speaking of Reality Anger, he deserves it. All three precepts have been violated, and he has killed so many fellows, and even shot at the Emperor. Who will die if he doesn't die?"

"You haven't gotten better, you are not, ha ha, you are still glad that Zhou Shu didn't kill you..."

"What nonsense, goodbye!"

The ruins of Biluoshan.

"Okay, okay, everyone is gone, there is no need to show off their prestige."

Caiying landed on Zhou Shu's shoulder and patted Zhou Shu's head gently, "You were so scary just now, and I was shocked by this palace."

Zhou Shu put away Xuanyuan Sword, showing a bit serious, "It won't work if you don't be shocked, these guys are lawless, and few are clean. If you can only kill them, you can also send messages to them, and you can kill them all."

Caiying blinked, "So hostile."

"It's a bit big."

Zhou Shu nodded unconsciously, and a trace of hatred emerged, "As immortal cultivators, the first thing we do is to kill foreign races, but there are such a group of immortal cultivators who only care about cultivating immortals and don’t care about everything else, like the Xuanhuang world. As if it had nothing to do with them, not to mention the robbing of Xiahou’s ancestral property, but also to kill the same people, even a foreign race has not been killed, such a person remains meaningless, and it is best to die."

After spending countless hardships and pains, experiencing countless fights with foreign races, and then watching such a tragic scene of the blue mountain in the Xiahou family, in order to resist the foreign races, no one survived, and these immortal cultivators practiced safely on their corpses, and no one can see it. Can't hold back emotions.

Caiying touched Zhou Shu's face next time, like coaxing a child, and said softly, "Don't be angry, my palace is also angry, but just kill one. Your current status is not ordinary, you can't kill people randomly, and Too much hostility can easily breed demons, and it will be bad if it affects cultivation."

"I understand."

Zhou Shu calmed down quickly, smiled and nodded, "Don't worry, Caiying, seeing these things will be a little hostile, just for a while, just let it out, and it won't affect my cultivation."

"Call me Lord Palace Master!"

Caiying snorted and leaned on Zhou Shu's shoulders, with a lot of joy on her face.

Zhou Shu stared at the distance and slowly said, "Since I am called the emperor, then I shamelessly exercise some powers. The Xuanhuang world is already in chaos. It can't go on like this, and strict regulations must be applied. To restrain, I hope that the immortal cultivators in the Xuanhuang Realm will understand this. If there is such a thing as profiting from the dead cultivator, no matter who it is, I will never let it go."

"I know, I know."

Caiying shook his head, "Don't think about it, by the way, why is there so much vitality here?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "Let's take a look, I also think it's a bit weird."

With Escape Jue, Zhou Shu took Caiying and sank to the ground.

After walking for a few miles, Caiying said curiously, "Zhou, look, the mud and rocks here have changed, and the color is very strange, similar to the spirit stone."

Indeed, the mud and stones in the ground are crystals, translucent, with a faint luster, and extremely hard. It is not easy to use the escape technique here.

It looks a lot like spirit stones, but there are not many vitality spirit stones in it, and it can't be called a real spirit stone.

"It seems to be formed in a very short time."

Zhou Shu seemed to have realized, "A large amount of vitality and origin qi passed through here, causing all the surrounding environment to change, but the time is too short to form a spiritual stone. This is what it looks like."

Caiying doubted, "A lot, how much is there?"

Zhou Shuslow said, "It's very large and very abnormal. A normal spirit channel, even an eighth-tier and ninth-tier spirit channel, can't vent so much aura vitality."

Caiying blinked, "Could it be that the spiritual veins below are broken, and the vitality and spiritual energy inside have come out?"

"I think so."

Zhou Shu lightly nodded and sighed, "It seems that the sword intent in the sword pavilion is too much, and the power generated by the explosion is too great. After breaking through several spiritual veins in the ground, this kind of spiritual energy will be released. Happening."

Caiying is worried, UU reading www.uukanshu. com "What should I do? If we continue, the spiritual veins here will dry up soon, right?"

"Look at it."

Zhou Shu slowly said, "It may not be enough to dry up, but it will definitely fall into several levels. When the spiritual energy is drained, the seventh-order spiritual veins may become third-order... I originally wanted to keep them well so that the Xiahou family can come back. Continue, but now, I can only think of a way to take them away."


Caiying nodded without understanding.

All the way down, following the traces of Yuan Qi's flow, he went down several hundred miles before stopping.

"Wow, so diverse!"

Caiying flew out, circled and danced, sucking almost greedily.

"Of course it is rich, the concentration of vitality here is afraid that it really has a ninth order."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, but his eyes were quite worried. At this speed, I am afraid that within a few years, the spiritual veins here will be abolished, and the once famous mountains and blue mountains in the world will completely become barren mountains and ridges. Many Lingshan Dachuan destroyed by foreign races are the same.

Every time a foreign race invades, it will bring huge disasters to the Xuanhuang Realm, and I don't know how many spiritual veins have been destroyed in this way.

In front of me was a large swath of vitality condensed into crystals. The underground within a dozen miles was completely covered, thick, heavy, layered, like ice and snow accumulated for tens of thousands of years, like suddenly reaching the North Pole.

"Is this the spirit vein?"

Looking at this piece of ice and snow, Cai Ying said curiously.

"No, this is a gap. The vitality and aura are leaked from here to form such a scene, and the real spiritual vein is still below," Zhou Shu looked at Caiying, "Are you going down with me to find it, or here? Absorb vitality?"

Caiying snorted and flew to Zhou Shu, "Of course I will go with you, this kind of vitality is not rare in this palace!"

"I'm looking for something."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly and looked around.

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