Fairy Winner

Chapter 1877: Shift pulse, style

Zhou Shu stopped and said with a smile, "This is it."

Caiying glared at Zhou Shu, "Where, there are still mud and stones around, and there is no aura. You are lying to this palace."

"Look up."

Zhou Shu pointed to it.

Caiying raised her head suspiciously, was stunned for a moment, and said blankly, "This is the underground...not the sky?"

What you see and gain is actually a starry sky.

In the pitch black, the rays of light are constantly shining, and the light is constantly extinguished, bright, quiet, and continuous, winding and stretching to the distance, as if under the vast galaxy.


Zhou Shu appeared a bit solemn, "Those starlight is where the spiritual veins are, you can..."

"My palace is going to see what happened!"

Before Zhou Shu could finish, Caiying had already flew up and flew towards the starry sky.

It seems to be far away, but in fact it is very close. In fact, it is only a few tens of miles away, but it is underground, and the line of sight and consciousness are restricted.

"Zhou, it's all rocks, so many shiny rocks!"

Caiying turned around and screamed, "It looks like a spirit stone, but it's not. There is no aura at all. It's gray inside, I don't know what it is, but this light looks really beautiful!"

Zhou Shu fell to her side and said calmly, "These gray stones are the basis for the formation of spiritual veins, and they are called vein stones in the cultivating world."

Caiying blinked, "Gange?"

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Well, the spiritual energy and vitality are all emitted from these gangues. Over time, spiritual veins are formed around the gangues. It can be said that the entire world of cultivation is built on these gangues. They have no immortal cultivators."

Caiying was a little confused, "Then how did it form?"

Zhou Shu thought for a while, "There are several speculations. One is that the chaotic aura when the heaven and the earth first opened, silting up and gradually forming gangues under the ground, and the other is that it is condensed by the founders of the Xuanhuang Realm and belongs to the gods. It is said that all things are deposited and the result of natural evolution. I don't know how it actually is, but the gangue is certainly one of the strangest things in the Xuanhuang world."

"I don't even know Zhou, so I won't ask about it, hehe."

Caiying stared at the gangue and blinked, "It looks a lot, densely packed."

"There are not enough gangues, nor can it form seventh-order spiritual veins. The denser the gangues, the higher the spiritual veins."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "The starry sky you see hundreds of miles around, the gangue is piled on top of each other, there are almost no gaps, and there are seventh-order spiritual veins above. There are two places nearby like this, because There are three seventh-order spiritual veins in Biluo Mountain. We need to find them one by one, and then remove them all. Not only these hundreds of miles of gangues, but also the upper and lower mudstones, etc., the extra sporadic gangues should not be missed. Otherwise, the spiritual vein will be incomplete and cannot be restored."

"What a huge project..."

Caiying was speechless, "In other words, you want to take away everything that is thousands of miles around the ground?"


Zhou Shu nodded, "It is indeed a very big project. The transfer of spiritual veins is just like this. It often requires a lot of triumphant monks to work together, but if it is not transferred, this spiritual vein will be completely abolished, and the veins will gradually It would be a shame to become an ordinary stone."

Caiying waved his arm, "Of course we can't let it go away. We just don't have a good spiritual vein in Lingyu City. Do your hands, my palace will help you!"

"Well, if I had to, I wouldn't do this against nature."

Zhou Shu sighed, then moved on.

To dig out a large piece of land under the ground of several hundred miles, or land within a radius of thousands of miles, there must be no gaps in the middle. The difficulty is conceivable, and I am afraid it is even more difficult than the so-called moving mountains and reclamation.

It was also the first time Zhou Shu did such a thing.

Only when I started to realize that it was more difficult than imagined.

First, dig a hole in the ground, a hole much larger than the entire spiritual vein, and separate the spiritual vein from other things. In the process, the spiritual vein cannot be broken and fall, and various formations must be used to support it. To protect, to limit the loss of aura...

It took ten days to complete.

It was longer than Zhou Shu thought, although this is a speed that no one else can imagine.

Use Xuanyuan sword to cut, use Demon Refining Pot to deal with mudstone... These things can't be done by anyone, only Zhou Shu can.

The spirit veins have been completely separated, like a large floating island, suspended in the underground space, emitting brilliant starlight.

"This is the complete spiritual vein..."

Caiying looked at it from a distance, her eyes shining with the same light.

Zhou Shu smiled slightly.

The demon refining pot shook his body, and said in a little horror, "No, the demon refining world can't let it go, and it's impossible to let it go. If you accidentally refine it, it's over."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "You dare to refine even divine tools, but you dare not refining spiritual veins? Is it possible that spiritual veins are one level higher than divine tools?"

"Speaking of it really, spiritual veins are the original manifestation of the Xuanhuang world, and divine tools are born from the original sources. The divine tools may really be one level lower than the spiritual veins." The demon pot just shook his head, "everything in the world can be used. Refining ~www.ltnovel.com~ Only the spiritual veins cannot be refined. If I accidentally refine the spiritual veins, I will offend the Profound Yellow Realm. I can no longer reach the source of the realm, and it will be difficult to make progress in the future."

"So you are afraid of this."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Fortunately, I brought a huge universe bag, otherwise I can't do it."

He took out a Qiankun bag and pointed it out. Numerous golden lights poured out from the bag and diverged, moving forward along the spiritual vein.

In a short time, the spirit veins were completely caged, and as the tactics were put away, there was nothing in front of him, and those thousands of miles of spirit veins were completely put into the universe bag.

Zhou Shu checked the formation several times and carefully put away the Qiankun bag.

The thing was done, but there was still some worry in his heart.

It’s really not something that a cultivator should do. Wherever the spiritual pulse is generated, the cultivator will go to practice. The way is natural, and everything is in accordance with the laws of heaven. If the cultivator changes the spiritual pulse at will, There will be a lot of chaos, fear of being condemned by God, and there will be karma.

So he has never thought about getting a new and good spirit vein for Lingyu City. Even if Lingyu City has only one sixth-order spirit vein, it is no longer in line with the identity of the Lotus School, but now, if you don't do it, you have to do it. , Otherwise these three excellent seventh-order spiritual veins will be annihilated, which is a greater loss to the Xuanhuang Realm.

Facing the empty ground, Zhou Shu bowed himself to salute, and said in a straightforward voice, "The move to move the pulse is against the laws of nature, and it has to be done. If not, the spiritual pulse will die out. Next Zhou Shu can guarantee it, Use the spiritual veins for the right treatment, and never let the Xuanhuang Realm lose the practitioners because of this."

Caiying was startled, "Zhou, are you talking to this palace?"

Zhou Shu smiled without saying a word, Caiying looked at Zhou Shu and shook her head, "It's weird in ancient times."

She didn't understand, the Demon Refining Pot understood, and said slowly, "Zhou Shu, you really have a somewhat human-like demeanor now."

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