Fairy Winner

Chapter 1878: Chongyang, attacked

Without the spirit veins, Biluoshan was even more lifeless, and there was no trace of anger.

Looking at the corpses in the mountains and plains, Zhou Shu sighed slightly and began to organize it. It didn’t take much time before he collected the corpses of the missing Xiahou’s children into the Universe Bag, and burned the corpses of the alien races. Unfortunately, the corpses of Xiahou Zhaode and others were not included. It has completely turned into a sword intent flying smoke.

After doing this, Zhou Shu arranged some formations to temporarily cover Biluoshan, and then left.

All the way to the Chongyang Palace.

No matter how many alien races he encountered during the journey, Zhou Shu would kill them, using the Xuanyuan Sword, so he didn't care about spending more time and energy.

After dozens of days.

"This is the Double Ninth Palace?"

Gazing into the distance, Caiying was a little surprised, "How did it become like this?"

Thousands of miles away, it was all red, with flames gushing straight into the sky.

The tall Chongyang Golden Pillar is like an active volcano that is erupting. The flames are evaporating and spreading for thousands of miles, covering the entire Chongyang Palace. From a distance, it looks like a burning sea of ​​fire, a spectacle.

Zhou Shu seemed to have realized, "It should be the big formation of the Chongyang Palace."

"Great formation?"

Caiying blinked, "So, is the Chongyang Palace under siege?"

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, "I can see that there are many foreign races, not as many as there are in Lingyu City, but they are not too few."

A few months ago.

The foreign race suddenly emerged from the Guishen Cave and arrived in front of the Chongyang Palace within a few days.

"Dare to attack us head-on?"

Yu Yurou looked surprised, "This kind of thing seems to have not happened in the past, right?"

"Only once, or 30,000 years ago."

Yun complained slowly, "Our Chongyang Palace has a special geographical location, and the fire of the sun's origin restrains many alien races. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Generally alien races will not take the initiative to come to the Chongyang Palace, but this time... hey, the alien race is really true. After eating the bear heart and leopard, I dare to come directly."

The whole uneasy smiled slightly, "However, millions of foreign races are only small at night. With the help of the golden pillar, my disciple of the Chongyang Palace can be a hundred without worry."


A disciple rushed in, with an awkward expression.

The expression of restlessness sank, "Why panic, talk slowly when something happens."

The disciple hurriedly said, "Tell Chung-Long Lao and Palace Master Yu that Elder Xu, Elder Zhang, and Elder Ming Lie... have all fallen."


Yu Yurou's figure trembled, even with the veil, she could see her panic, "Even, even Elder Ming has fallen?"

Ming Lie, the lord of the Pure Yang Palace, has always been in charge of the guards outside the palace. Naturally, he was also going to defend this alien attack. However, he died after only half an hour?

Yun Yingtian frowned and said, "Is it impossible? Elder Ming's Chongyang Body has been cultivated to 30%. Even if he suffers a lot of damage, he is unlikely to be killed directly. Is there any other means by the alien race?"

The expression of unease condensed slightly, "How did Elder Ming die?"

The disciple said bitterly, "The foreign race saw that it was invincible, and suddenly a light came out from behind. The whole person turned into a black flame. Elder Ming couldn't avoid it. The black flame burned the bones and the foreign race followed. It disappears."

"Together? Black Fire?"

Yun Yuantian shook slightly, "It turned out to be a flame. Is there a fire stronger than the real fire of Chongyang, or is it from a foreign race?"


The whole uneasy face was iron-colored, and he said loudly, "Chongyang real fire is not inferior to any other fire, and foreign fire cannot be stronger than real fire! It's just that Minglie hasn't been proficient, and I will meet them when the old man goes."

Having said that, he came out in a blink of an eye.

Outside the Chongyang Palace, fierce fighting is going on.

I looked at it for a while, and said thoughtfully, "The black fire is really strange, compared to the real fire on Chongyang... But fortunately, the time is short. You only need to avoid its sharp edge for a while and wait for it to disappear. It's just a momentary oversight. , Many elders will be conspired."

"The full-length old man can see the truth when he comes, and the disciple admires it."

Zhu Ningshan showed admiration, "We ask the elders to show us what we should do."

"The group of alien races that will turn into black fire will be handed over to the old man, you rely on the protection of the golden pillar, don't move rashly, just keep it well."

Uneasy smiled slightly, waved his big sleeves, and immediately flew to the alien formation.

With a sneer, a cloud of fire suddenly appeared in the sky, full of tens of miles in radius, rolling in, and flames on the ground, spreading in an instant, within a few breaths, within dozens of miles almost turned into lava, up and down, Chongyang In front of the palace, it completely turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The alien army was suddenly confused and fled one after another, and the screams were endless.

A simple flow fire array, but the effect is better, because it is close to the Chongyang Golden Pillar, you can easily draw firepower from the golden pillar without any talisman to ignite the fire. The Chongyang real fire in the golden pillar can be said to be endless, and it can be burned. All foreign enemies.

In the Chongyang Palace, there are not only spiritual veins, but also the eighth-order fire veins with extremely strong offensive power, with a natural advantage, and the other six sects are unmatched.

The Chongyang Palace has been seldom attacked. Although there are slightly fewer disciples, and the overall strength is far inferior to the other six sects, the reason for being able to rank among the six sects is because of this geographical advantage, other sects cannot be shaken.

Seeing that the situation was not good, dozens of powerful aliens rushed over immediately, trying to stop the restlessness.

Within a few dozen breaths, they were defeated, and their marks broke out, turning into black fire, and they continued to pounce.

All restless smile~www.ltnovel.com~ His figure melted into the sea of ​​fire, no matter how the black fire ran around, he could not find his true form. After a while, the black fire was annihilated, and the whole restlessness appeared again and started again. The violent waves also rushed towards the alien army like a sea of ​​flames.

"Full length is really supernatural!"

"With full length, I am worry-free in the Chongyang Palace!"

The disciples standing on the gate of the palace applauded one after another, and Yu Yurou also nodded in relief.

At this moment, hundreds of meters in front of Quanxie, a huge ball suddenly appeared. The ball appeared inexplicably, and the speed was even more amazing. As soon as it appeared, it fell down like a meteor and charged straight toward Quanxie. Go, completely uneasy, too late to escape, can't help but show panic.


"what is that?"

The disciples screamed in surprise.

Seeing that Total Uneasy was about to be hit by the sphere, a transparent wall suddenly appeared between the sphere and Total Uneasy.

The wall seemed extremely thin but extremely tough. The speed of a round ball slowed down a bit, and the speed and strength declined a lot.

Seeing the opportunity, All Anxie immediately resorted to the escape technique, and then withdrew a few miles later, just as soon as his heart loosened, the ball came to him in an instant. Although the technique of Total Anxiety was fast, it was still less than half the ball.

In a panic, you can only use your arms to block.

There was a loud noise, and the whole restlessness was torn apart.

His arms were completely torn off by the impact, and even the shoulder blades on both sides, and the legs could not bear it. From the break, the body lost its support, like a broken kite, slowly falling.

Flames emerged from the broken limbs, and he was completely disturbed trying to repair it with real fire.

But the trauma is so deep, how can it be recovered in a short time? Besides, the ball is still on the side.

At this time, other people also saw the true appearance of the ball, it was a weird alien race with feathers, with its mouth wide open, grinning at the Chongyang Palace.

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