Fairy Winner

Chapter 1879: 1 free, big array

"Oh no!"

"Do you want to be full length..."

"Even the full length of the Eighth Heaven can't stop him, we..."

At the gate of the palace, the disciples were panicked. They were rarely attacked. Suddenly they encountered such a big setback. Everyone was in danger. Yu Yurou could not calm the military spirit because she was not much better. Rong turned pale, and said in a panic, "What to do? What to do?"

"Hahaha, human beings are all garbage."

The ball laughed twice, and rushed toward the full anxiety that was falling.

Anyone can see that if you hit this again, even if the body of Chongyang is almost completely uneasy, it will definitely not be able to resist it, and it will definitely die.

Bang, bang, bang!

Several transparent walls were erected in front of All Uneasy.

I don't know who sent it out, the wall is like a spider web, tenacious, extraordinary.

But it could only stop the ball from stagnating a few times, and it was still in front of total anxiety without any suspense.

Seeing that he was about to bump into it, a cloud of white mist suddenly appeared in front of Quanxie, and the haze was transpiring, like a portal. A monk in a black shirt walked out of the portal slowly and stood in front of Quanxie.

The monk had three long beards, describing Zhuang Zheng, staring at the ball, without a trace of fear, calm and relaxed.

The ball stopped abruptly.

I don't know if it was taken by the monk's aura or was forcibly blocked. In short, there was no movement.

"Go ahead."

The monk waved his sleeves, and the restlessness behind him flew straight to the palace gate, and fell among the many disciples. With a distance of tens of miles, only a flash of sleeves, the monk's cultivation was truly unfathomable. And it can be seen that the use of the power of law is also quite accomplished.

"Grandpa Grandpa!"

Yu Yurou exclaimed, her face full of joy.

The disciples looked at the monk, most of whom didn't know each other, and were even more at a loss in joy.

A disciple seemed to think, "The palace lord said Grandpa Grandpa, could it be... he is our Nineth Heaven monk from the Chongyang Palace?"

Tao Chapter was very excited and nodded, "Yes, he is an idle layman, the great-grandfather of the palace lord, the first cultivator to enter the Nine Heavens in the world of immortality, earlier than the real person of Tianxuan at the Heavenly Sword Gate!"

"Isn't I in retreat all the time, I unexpectedly came out suddenly, what a savior!"

"Okay, okay, with him, our Chongyang Palace is all right."

"Nine-layered cultivator, there is nothing else to worry about, even if there are more alien races, I am not afraid!"

The disciples cheered, all the panic on their faces disappeared.

In their hearts, the Nine-layered cultivator is an invincible existence, no matter what danger they can easily pass.

What they expected, Yu Yixian, was far less relaxed. He only slowly said a word, "Open the Bafang Chongyang Fire Array."


"What formation is this, do we have it in Chongyang Palace?"

"I haven't heard of it."

The disciples were at a loss, while the elders looked extremely solemn.

"I want to open the Bafang Chongyang Fire Array, really?"

"The Bafang Chongyang Palace’s most important defensive formation is the Chongyang Palace’s most important defensive formation. After opening, the formation can continuously absorb the firepower from the Chongyang Golden Pillar and transform it into a boundless cloud of fire. The flame can be described as the original fire of the Xuanhuang world. Although it is not as good as the real fire of Chongyang, it is rich and pure, with endless sources. Nothing can completely break through its defense."

"The formation is the strongest in the Chongyang Palace. It is okay to say that the immortal world is the strongest. But once the formation is turned on, the fire pulse will be emptied in a short time, and the golden pillar of the Chongyang Palace will also enter a decay period. For at least a hundred years afterwards, the Chongyang Palace disciples will not be able to cultivate normally. For the Chongyang Palace, this is definitely the last resort and cannot be used until the moment of life and death."

"Since the establishment of the sect, the Bafang Chongyang Fire Array has never been opened, is it..."

"In other words, even if Elder Yu personally made the move, our Double Ninth Palace is still in danger of being destroyed, isn't it possible?"

Of course Yu Yurou also knew how great, her expression tightened, and hesitated, "Grandpa Grandpa, do you really want to turn it on?"

"Stop talking nonsense, it must make sense for the elder to say so!"

Zhu Ningshan looked at her and shouted in dissatisfaction, "Palace Master Yu, please pass the order down quickly!"

"You are so loud to me..."

Yu Yurou was a little surprised, but before he could think about it, she quickly issued the order to open the formation.

Soon, like a volcanic eruption, countless cavities appeared on the silent Chongyang Golden Pillar, and huge flames could not help erupting from it. The fire clouds were dense, and the fire rain continued, and soon the entire Chongyang Palace was enveloped.

"Keep the Chongyang Palace."

Yu Yixian nodded slightly, turned to the ball, and said calmly, "Your Excellency, can you show your true face, right?"


Yuanqiu continued to smile, "Among human beings, there are still some people who know goods! Hahahaha..."

In the wild laughter, the ball began to change, the feathers stretched out and turned into three pairs of pale golden wings, domineering, and under the ball, two pairs of strong feet stretched out, stepping on the world, the big mouth disappeared. It was replaced by a human-like face, with a majestic demeanor and boundless murderous aura.

"This... really mighty."

"Is it the Dijiang Clan?"

"It is the Dijiang Clan, the legendary gods, how come they have joined the army of alien invasion?"

"Oh my God! This is a mighty beast~www.ltnovel.com~ actually here..."

The elders looked more solemn, but the disciples who learned the names of the aliens in front of them were dull.

Yu Yurou leaned on the wall, fearing that she was about to lose her footing. It was because her mind was not firm enough that she could not survive the catastrophe. Now seeing such a scene, her mind became more stable and her mind was dazed. Know what to do.


Zhu Ningshan sighed unconsciously, "Usually still reluctantly, at a critical moment..."

He is not the only one who sighs. Many elders have the same feeling. In the peaceful era, it’s okay for Yu Yurou to be the lord of the palace. Anyway, there will be no major incidents. At that time, her palace lord was completely dysfunctional. Not only did it have no effect at all, it even had a counterproductive effect, which would lead to the destruction of the Chongyang Palace.

Her current performance has completely lost her prestige, and she is afraid that no one will admit that she is worthy of the palace owner in the future.

Fortunately, Yu Yixian presides over the overall situation, but I don’t know how long he can preside over.

"Come on."

Yu Yixian smiled at the Dijiang Clan and nodded gently.

"court death!"

The Dijiang clan shouted violently, charged with the wind, and rushed forward.

A fierce battle started, the wind and clouds suddenly changed, the world changed color, the two figures sometimes collided and separated from time to time, just like the mood of the monks in the Chongyang Palace in the formation, they were always worried, they were always worried and fearful. Yixian layman was defeated.

Everyone knows that if the Yixian layman also loses, it means that Chongyang Palace, no, it may be that there is no one in the entire Xuanhuang Realm who can compete with the alien race.

Even if there is a large formation guarding, the Chongyang Palace is just lingering, and the world of immortality is the same...

(Ps: Thank you Shentu Feifei for your continued support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)

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