Fairy Winner

Chapter 1880: Tie, high disciple

Guanghua flashed, and the two separated suddenly, standing still.

"Hahaha, I have some skill, let's stop here for now."

The Dijiang clan laughed and flew back, flying into the army and disappearing.

Yu Yixian arched his hands indifferently and turned back into the formation.

"What's the matter, layman?"

"Are you not hurt, layman?"

Several elders gathered around together, Yu Yurou was a little confused, "Grandpa Grandpa, the Dijiang Clan...Why didn't you kill him?"

Yu Yixian glanced at her and said helplessly, "If I could kill, would I not kill?"

"Could it be... grandpa grandpa... you can't beat him?"

Yu Yurou's heart was shocked, and she was a little confused.

Yu Yixian said slowly, "This Dijiang Clan is already the pinnacle of the Nine Heavens. It is at least transparent with the power of the three laws, and it is really strong. If I must win, I must go all out..."


Yu Yurou exclaimed and said in a low voice, "All you can do, that is to say, grandpa grandfather, even if you defeat him, you will also cause ten calamities."

"Yes, but more than that."

Yu Yixian shook his head, didn't get angry when he was interrupted, and said slowly, "I have to mobilize a large amount of Chongyang Jinzhu's power to have some confidence in winning, but now the use of the large array has consumed a lot of firepower, which is a fisherman. , If I pump again, I am afraid that the Chongyang Palace will not be able to cultivate normally for hundreds of years. In order to kill him alone, we will have to pay too much and it is not worth it."

Yun Yingtian nodded, "What the layman said is that it is not worth it."

Not only do you have to take the big risk of losing in Yixian, but even the Chongyang Golden Pillar, the origin of the Chongyang Palace, will be lost for hundreds of years. Even if such a victory is obtained, it doesn't make much sense and the reward is too small.

Yu Yurou sighed, "But, what shall we do?"

Zhu Ningshan frowned, "You are the Palace Master, don't you have any ideas?"

"I am..." Yu Yurou's expression was stagnant, and she quickly said again, "Why do you want me to make a decision? Grandpa Mingmingzu is here."

Zhu Ningshan stopped talking, only sighed inwardly. He didn't know why he had chosen such a Taoist companion in the past, but it seemed that he had no choice. In fact, Yu Yurou chose him instead of Yu Yurou.

Yu Yixian glanced at Yu Yurou, a bit of hatred that iron cannot become steel, but still warmly said, "Don't worry, after the fire array is turned on, it will last for at least five to ten years. There will be no danger during this time. Slow grinding can also wipe out these millions of alien army, and there will be no casualties. As for the Dijiang Clan, if he is willing to rush into the battle, I have my own way. If he is waiting outside, let him wait. Well, I don’t believe it, he can wait here for ten years."

"What if you never leave?"

Yu Yurou thought for a while and said, "Why don't we go with our elders. If you bully the less, he can't hold it, right?"

Yu Yixian shook his head, "When it comes to the Nine Heavens, it is not a matter of quantity, no matter how many elders, it won't work."

"Oh, that……"

Yu Yurou waited to say something, but looked at Yu Yixian's face, and immediately stopped.

She probably knows that if we continue speaking, it will only show her timidity and make people look down on her even more, but she also feels like a broken jar. Anyway, I just rely on grandpa, how about?

Yu Yixian turned to the other side and raised his hand. "This little friend, Shicai, thank you for your shot. If you didn't stop him, I am afraid that the full length will not be able to survive."

"Huh? Someone else did it?"

Yu Yurou was stunned, "Isn't that grandpa grandpa you?"

Yu Yixian smiled slightly, "Those transparent nets are not something I can do. If I didn't guess wrong, this little friend should be a good disciple of Senior Guiguzi?"

A young monk walked over quickly and said, "Junior Su Yi, the master is Senior Guiguzi. He mentioned the senior several times, saying that Senior is a real hermit master, and the younger generation longed for it. He finally saw him today. On the one hand, it’s an honor."

"Ah, Su Yi is a disciple of Guiguzi?"

"The background is not small, it's no wonder you can make such a big credit."

"This problem of the rat lizard clan in Beiluzhou, without him, I really don't know how to solve it."

"Just now we tried to rescue the full-length old man. In front of the Dijiang Clan, we couldn't do it."

Yu Yurou stayed, "I don't even know..."

Su Yi came to the Chongyang Palace more than half a year ago and said that he was entrusted by Zhou Shu to help the Chongyang Palace relieve the calamity of the rat lizards. Yu Yurou was most afraid of Zhou Shu and naturally agreed, but she did not expect any hope, but she did not expect The rat lizards were really solved by him, and the solution was very thorough. As a result, Su Yi became a guest of Chongyang Palace, because he had to use the Chongyang Palace to inform and help all the sects in Beiluzhou, so he stayed in the Chongyang Palace. , I didn't expect to coincide with the meeting, just to encounter an alien attacking the sect.

The transparent walls just now were the heart nets, which actually came from the power of the whole uneasy person, which was a hindrance to the Dijiang Clan.

"Hehe, I have had several bonds with your master."

Looking at Su Yi, Yu Yixian smiled slightly, and said with emotion, "Sure enough, it is a hero who was born in a young age. There is no younger generation who can compare with you in the Chongyang Palace."

Many disciples looked at Su Yi, mostly with nothing to say, and of course there were many aggrieved, "How can a layman say that?"

"If we have aspirations, we Chongyang Palace is not without talents?"

"That's right, we are also very strong!"

"Haha~www.ltnovel.com~ This is not a derogation of you."

Yu Yixian smiled and shook his head, "In the eyes of the old man, Su Yi is the most powerful and promising descendant in the entire world of immortality. Regardless of aptitude or character, regardless of origin or cultivation level, they are all first-class. He is not ashamed at all."

The disciples nodded one after another, feeling much better.

It's not shameful, but it can be seen how much Yu Yixian values ​​Su Yi.

Su Yi shook her head quickly, "Senior is too acclaimed, but the juniors are actually far behind. I really dare not take this statement, and I am extremely ashamed."

Yu Yi stagnated and said in a puzzled way, "This is strange, is there a younger generation better than you? Although I have not asked about the world for thousands of years, I have never left a leisurely residence, but I am confident that I am looking at people. On the aspect, I'm still very accurate. The Dijiang Clan who can kill the rat lizards, save Beiluzhou, and block the Nine Heavens should be unique. It may not be one for thousands of years. I really don't believe the present. In the world of cultivating immortals, who else can match you."

The disciples and elders present did not speak.

In fact, many people knew in their hearts that there was a monk who had been to the Chongyang Palace, who was even better than Su Yi, much better, but they didn't want to say.

Yu Yurou even continued, "Don't be humble, Su Daoyou, no one can compare to you."

Su Yi just shook her head and said solemnly, "There are three seniors in the younger generation, none of them are worse than me. In addition, there is one person in Dongshengzhou who is much stronger than the younger generation. He is much younger than the younger generation, but he is a hundred times stronger than the younger generation. Double! The junior came here to help the Chongyang Palace eliminate the rat lizard clan, and it was also his order, and the junior of the Emperor Jiang clan just now felt that if he was there, he could do more and better than the junior."

"There is such a junior?"

Yu Yixian's expression was stagnant, and he shook his head, "Although it is the words of Guiguzi's disciple, I can't believe it."

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