Fairy Winner

Chapter 1886: Cause, Kodama

"It seems I was wrong."

Yun Yingtian slowly said, "I thought you had the current strength, relying entirely on the refining demon pot and Xuanyuan sword, but I did not expect that you rely on your own Dao... should have been thought of, if you don't have your own Powerful, how could these artifacts fall into your hands? Alas."

He looked at Zhou Shu and showed a lot of solemnity, "Creative Dao, for immortal cultivators, it is impossible to achieve higher achievements, and you are still the recognized emperor of the Chongyang Palace, I...I cannot ask you What, but I still want to ask you to do what you promised."

"I know."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "After achieving the Golden Immortal Realm, I will seriously consider it, and I can guarantee that the past demon refining pot will never exist again."

"The demon refining pot in the past, do you still want to help him correct his evil?"

Yun Yingtian watched Zhou Shu and slowly shook his head, "He doesn't deserve this opportunity."

"Karma is here, he really shouldn't have it," Zhou Shu nodded, "I think what I want to do is not to change, but to rebuild."

"Erase the spirituality of the demon refining pot and rebuild a new one?"

Yun Yingtian seemed to have some enlightenment, and said solemnly, "If so, I can accept it."

"This is also my bottom line," Zhou Shu nodded, "You and I understand that the Demon Refining Pot has many evil causes, but in the Xuanhuang Realm, there are not many retributions and no retribution. Elder Yun, you are one of them. One, but when he reaches the heavens and all realms, his retribution will continue to come, such as the emperor of the earth, such as the heavens and so on. This is what he has to bear. Even if it is me, it is impossible for him to block it all, so you can rest assured."

Yun Yingtian thought for a while and said, "I understand."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "So the best."

Yun Yutian bowed his body and bowed, "Thank you, Sect Master."

Zhou Shu quickly helped up, "The elders don't have to be like this."


Yun Yingtian raised his head and said with a serious face, "With the power of the sect master, there is no need to tell me so much, you can abolish my cultivation base, or even kill me directly, I can guarantee that no one will stand up for me. It’s the same with the Double Ninth Palace. At that time, I had already achieved the consciousness of death... but you didn’t do so, the lord, you said a lot and said some secrets that I shouldn’t know, just to convince me, lord, what you did. I only admire it."

He looked at Zhou Shu and said solemnly, "Sect Master, I swear by my heart demon that I will never say these things."

"The elder is too much."

Zhou Shu shook his head and smiled, "It doesn't have to be that way, I believe in the elders, and the world of immortality will know these things sooner or later."

In his smile, he has extremely strong confidence.

In the past, he had to be careful to hide secrets, whether it was Dao or Demon Refining Pot, but now there is no need for these. Xuanyuan Sword has been displayed in front of the Immortal Cultivation interface, and the others will not be too far away, and it is no big deal to be known.

Having stood at the top of the world of immortality, what else can I worry about?

Yun Yingtian slowly said, "The Sect Master said that it was the Sect Master's idea, but I will still do what I should do."

Zhou Shu nodded unconsciously, "Elder Yun is a loyal person, and I respect him."

"Ha ha."

Yun Yingtian smiled, "It's rude to be so gaffe in front of the Sect Master just now. Speaking of it, I still have something I want to ask. Just when I scolded you out loud, the Sect Master was not angry at all and didn't want to Kill me? Even a little bit?"

"Not at all."

Zhou Shu shook his head slightly, "The elders don't need to worry too much. You and I are all fellows who resist the different races together. How can I be murderous against my own people."

After watching Zhou Shu for a while, Yun Yingtian confirmed Zhou Shu's sincerity, and slowly said, "The idea of ​​the sect master is completely different from that of most immortal cultivators. Maybe this is the reason why the sect master can have today, I can only say, The name of the emperor is not the suzerain."

Zhou Shu heard similar words at least fifty times today, but this time may be the most realistic.

Zhou Shu smiled, did not refuse, only raised his hand and said, "Thank you elders for your love, let me leave now."

Yun resents the sky and salutes, so I won't say more.

After hundreds of breaths, Zhou Shu entered Huayin Palace.

Although the extremely yin of the Chongyang Palace is at the edge of the Chongyang Golden Pillar, there is no scorching heat here, it is full of cool air.

In a quiet room, he saw Zhu Xiaorou.


Zhu Xiaorou walked over in a hurry, almost staggering, staring at Zhou Shu with tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong, are you okay?"

Zhou Shu gently held on and smiled, "Xiaoyu, are you tired of retreat?"

Zhu Xiaorou leaned on Zhou Shu and shook her head, and sighed, "My son, if you are tired, you just can't fit together."

Zhou Shu looked at her and slowly said, "It's not impossible, you haven't tried it, right?"

No matter the body or the demeanor, there is no sign of a fit. I am lazy and can't feel the flow of the vitality in the body. The consciousness of the sea and the sea are also maintained in a normal state. This is not like a person who is trying to fit together. The monk of the gods.


Zhu Xiaorou nodded, and said with a bit of sadness, "Sure enough, you can't hide anything from the son. No, every time it's critical, Xiaoyu...just... anyway, it doesn't work, for ten years, it won't work, it's Xiaoyu's qualifications. No, is it impossible to fit together?"

Zhou Shuwen said, "Why not?"

I wish Xiaorou a little at a loss ~www.ltnovel.com~ I don't know, but... after thinking about it, Yuanshen left on his own, always not working. "

Zhou Shu paused, "I need to think about something. There is nothing to think about in combination. Just let the flow go. You know, the soul and the body are originally one, and they are both part of themselves. They are separated for the sake of cultivation. But at a certain level, they will come together and return to their origins. This is all natural, and we cultivators understand it."

"I understand, but what should I do if I fail..."

Zhu Xiaorou looked up at Zhou Shu, tears flashing in her eyes, "If you fail, the son may not see Xiaoyu."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "Don't worry about this. Combination is not a god. It doesn't matter if you fail. If you fail many times, I can help you recover. Yu Palace Master has failed six times and it's okay. What are you afraid of. "

"My son, it's not like that."

Zhu Xiaorou sighed, "The palace lord has failed six times, but every time she fails, her temper will be much worse. The current palace lord, Xiaoyu no longer knows her. She is not the same she used to be. Xiaoyu is worried..."

Having said this, I couldn't cry and couldn't continue.

Zhou Shu's expression was stagnant, and she immediately understood that what she just said was "I can't see Xiaoyu" instead of not seeing herself. What she worries about is that after the failure of the fit, her temperament will change and become similar to her mother. Same as Yu Yurou.

Yu Yurou failed to fit her body, and her personality continued to change, which changed her, but it also became a devil for Zhu Xiaorou.

Because of this magic barrier, Zhu Xiaorou would unconsciously shrink back when it came time to fit together, hindering her internally, and she didn't dare to try to fit together.

Seeing Zhou Shu's look, Zhu Xiaorou also knew that Zhou Shu understood, and said decisively, "If this is the case, Xiaoyu will no longer be Xiaoyu, and Xiaoyu might as well be out of shape."

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