Fairy Winner

Chapter 1887: Selfishness

Zhu Xiaorou wiped away her tears and said very firmly.

Although she never said this, in her heart, it would be better to die like Yu Yurou.

"You always think too much."

Zhou Shu grabbed her tightly and said straightly, "Don't worry about this, no matter how you change, you will always be Xiaoyu."

Zhu Xiaorou looked at Zhou Shu, "But..."

"But what."

Zhou Shu became serious, his expression darkened, "Even if you become Yu Yurou, what will happen?"

Zhu Xiaorou subconsciously said, "It will do irrational things, it will make the Chongyang Palace decline, it will make the disciple elders hate, and the son will not pay attention to me."

Zhou Shu laughed unconsciously, "Palace Master Yu in your eyes is really bad."

Zhu Xiaorou stagnated, "Don’t everyone think so...Even my father, my father hasn’t given her a good face for a long time. In the past, my father loved her the most. Even death can be done for her, but now, look. I didn't even go to see her. I have almost never visited her a few times in the past ten years. Even my Taoist buddies are reluctant to care about her. Could it be worse than this?"

She looked at Zhou Shu and whispered, "If I were to be like this, the son wouldn't care about me again, would he?"

"Of course not, I said, I will always protect you and stay with you."

Zhou Shu hugged her and slowly said, "Xiaoyu, you just care too much about other people's thoughts. This is very wrong. The cultivator always wants to do his own thing. No matter what he becomes, he is still himself. On this road, just stick to yourself, don’t think about other people’s feelings, don’t be influenced by other people, no matter what you get better or worse, you are yourself, try to be selfish."

Zhu Xiaorou said suspiciously, "Be selfish?"


Zhou Shu is very solemn, "For you, it is important to learn to be selfish. You just like to think about others too much. This is not good. If you practice self-sacrificing mentality, and there is a way to support it, then don’t worry. You are not, so before you find the right way, you must learn to be selfish, think only for yourself, and care about the opinions of others. There is no way to fit together."

Many people are too selfish, and some are too selfless. Either way, it is not a good thing.


Zhu Xiaorou was shocked, not knowing what to say.

"When you break the border, no one can help you. If you think about others, you can't get anything. You will only set your own limits and make yourself unable to break through." Zhou Shu looked into her eyes and said seriously, "Remember If you live with me, give it a try and get through the catastrophe."

Zhu Xiaorou hesitated and said, "I...I'll try it this time."


Zhou Shu nodded lightly, took out three pills and put them in front of her, "You have eaten the Duxin Pill. These three are Kunlun Xiaohuan Pill and the Seven Life Rushing Yudan, which are all integrated into the Heavenly Tribulation Bone. Yangmei specially refined it for you. With them, failure is not a problem at all. Remember, no matter what you become, I will always be there. Yangmei and others are also there. They are your backing. This will not be because of your changes. It has changed."

"Xiaoyu knows, she won't let everyone down!"

Zhu Xiaorou looked at the pill, her eyes glowing, and she walked to the futon slowly, sat down slowly, and closed her eyes and said, "My son, let's go, wait for Xiaoyu to successfully cross the tribulation, and then go to Lingyu City to find you."

The resoluteness of words is rare, and there is no weakness in the past, which made Zhou Shu let go of a lot of heart.

Stepping out quickly and never looking back, Zhou Shu believed that this time, he would not wait too long.

The Chongyang Palace is very large, with many formations, and tightly guarded, but as far as Zhou Shu’s divine consciousness can reach, almost everything is open, there is no secret at all, except for one, but that one is not Zhou Shu’s observation. No, but he didn't want to see it.

He will come to visit.

It was a grove of less than ten feet, verdant and green, with an attractive fragrance.

Very strange, in a place of fire like the Chongyang Palace, where there is no vegetation at all, there is such a forest.

"Friends, you are here."

When he walked to the edge of the woods, he heard Yu Yixian's voice, and he was frankly happy.

Zhou Shu smiled and arched his hands, "I'm late, please don't take offense to the layman."

"If you care about anything, come in."

Zhou Shu nodded happily, and walked into the woods. As soon as he stepped in, he suddenly felt a sense of openness.

A small forest that looks no more than ten feet in appearance, you will know its vastness after entering, at least it is nearly a thousand miles in radius, mountains and valleys, clear springs and flowing water, birds and flowers, and groups of small beasts chasing, it is like a complete world, I am afraid it is not comparable How much difference is the Guigu Mountain between square inches, and shrinking such a world to less than ten feet, this kind of skill is even more incredible.

Zhou Shu exclaimed, "A good place, an eye-opener, who would have thought that the Chongyang Palace has such a wonderful state."

"Ha ha."

Yu Yixian approached with a smile, "Just laughed, the Chongyang Palace was too noisy, so I made a small cave to live in seclusion, and ended up relaxing."

Zhou Shu arched his hands and said sincerely, "A layman, I don't know how to do such a wonderful thing?"

He knows that this has a lot to do with the law of space and formations, but he certainly can't do it now. If he can learn it, it will be of great help to him and Lingyucheng.

Of course, this kind of secret method is generally not taught ~www.ltnovel.com~ He just asks.

"It's not difficult, I expect Taoist friends and talents to know it in a short time."

Yu Yixian stroked his palms and smiled, and immediately explained, while explaining and demonstrating at the same time, lest Zhou Shu didn't understand it clearly enough.

One is meticulous, the other is modest, and both are very serious. This sermon took several hours.

The truth is not very difficult, but without this teaching, it would take Zhou Shu several decades to understand the mystery of the cave. Sometimes it is just a layer of paper, but if you can’t break it, you can’t see the rest clearly. thing.

"The junior has realized it."

Zhou Shu thanked him from the bottom of his heart, and continued to do his discipleship. "Thank you layman, the younger generation has benefited a lot."

In fact, Yu Yixian is really a person who loves talents. As long as there are talented younger generations, he can get good guidance here. During that time, Su Yi also received a lot of teachings. Of course, the most received is Yu Yu Rou, may get too much, turned into doting.

"It's just talking, why so much courtesy," Yu Yixian smiled slightly, "Are you tired? Drink some spiritual tea."

Zhou Shu quickly said, "The layman's tea, that must be drunk."

Yu Yixian smiled and got up and shouted in the distance, "Xiao Zi, bring tea."

Zhou Shu's expression was slightly stagnant, and he immediately cast his gaze into the distance. He came to Beiluzhou this time. In addition to seeing the situation of the foreign race, another important purpose was to visit Yu Yixian. This may be the reason why he visited Yu Yixian. In the woods and caves.

Not far away, a woman came over with a tea tray, light as wind and elegant as bamboo.

Wearing a purple shirt, the face is like jade, and he is born extremely beautiful. It is not like a mortal or a fairy. It has a unique style.

"Sure enough, here."

Zhou Shu nodded secretly. This time, he did not fail, but things were not easy to handle.

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