Fairy Winner

Chapter 1891: Clone, Jupiter

"You can't kill all the **** alien race!"

Looking at the villages and towns ahead, Su Yi couldn't help but yelled, then turned around and said, "Brother Zhou, I will come this time?"

"Don't, you still have to deal with those strong, these small ones are more convenient for me."

Zhou Shu shook his head and waved his hand. A clone that looked almost like Zhou Shu jumped out and flew towards the village and town. After a while, the village and town calmed down, and there were no other races raging inside.

The clone did not return, but stayed around, moving around, automatically searching for alien races.

Although these clones are not powerful, they are enough to deal with ordinary alien races.

"Brother Zhou, your trick is too powerful."

Although I watched it many times, I still couldn't help but compliment, Su Yi repeatedly said, "Come on this way, you have at least released a hundred Yuanli clones, so many, does it really have no effect on you?"

Zhou Shu shook his head, "Nothing more than some spiritual thoughts."

Of course, it is not only divine mind, but also Yuanli and Shuzhili. Each clone has to consume a lot, but Zhou Shu must do it. It can save mortals and accumulate merits, not only for self... , Are all contributed by Lian Yao Hu.

What Zhou Shu and Yun Yingtian said did not evade refining the demon pot.

However, Zhou Shu also said afterwards that the fate of the Demon Refining Pot was determined by Zhou Shu, but it was also determined by the Demon Refining Pot himself.

Zhou Shu knew very well that without the demon pot, the millions of immortal cultivators in Lingyu City were in danger, and the demon pot should also understand that it always has a chance. If it can make enough merits, it can also get enough. The karmic results will eliminate the past results and make the future easier.

Su Yi nodded, "Will these clones always be there?"

Zhou Shu shook his head, "If you leave the control area, you must destroy it. Otherwise, if you lose the traction of your spirit, they may harm mortals. After leaving Beiluzhou, I will clear them all."

"That's it."

Su Yi sighed lightly, "It's a pity."

Mrs. Zi cautiously said, "Zhou Shu, Su Yi, these, these foreign races, must they be killed?"


Su Yi nodded and said decisively, "If you don't kill them all, the Xuanhuang Realm will be occupied by them sooner or later. Their existence is a disaster for the Xuanhuang Realm. Wherever they go, the war will burn wherever they go, and they will endlessly plunder resources. To slaughter human beings must be a tooth for a tooth."


Mrs. Zi nodded gently, seemingly understandable.

Seeing too many scenes like this along the way, she was always confused when she didn't know what the war was.

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Actually, you have seen it with your own eyes. What foreign races do, their targets are not only humans, but monsters, sea tribes, monsters, etc., are all targets of these foreign races' slaughter. Race, you can’t be merciful to them, you must kill them all."

"I roughly understand."

Mrs. Zi thought for a while and said, "Then next time, can I be with you too."

Su Yi smiled unconsciously, "With Brother Zhou, I can't even get involved, just take a good rest."

Zhou Shu showed expectation, "Mrs. Purple, what will you do?"

"I will……"

Mrs. Zi held her finger, as if thoughtful, she said with joy, "This!"

She stared at the distance, her fingers were constantly dancing, and she was inspired. The little wood spirit energy around her continued to gather, and more and more. Then, she raised her hand and waved, those wood spirit energy suddenly flew out among several people. In front of him, there were countless green bright spots condensed, shimmering and starry.

Su Yi blinked, "It looks pretty, but what's the use?"

Zhou Shu felt a slight shock in his heart, "This... is this Jupiter technique?"

Mrs. Zi nodded repeatedly, overjoyed, "Yes, that's what the senior layman said, it's called Jupiter."

Su Yi wondered, "What kind of Jupiter technique, is it powerful?"

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Jupiter is one of the most difficult methods of the Mu family. It is difficult to learn. Most of them are learned through the flower of inheritance, and there are bloodline requirements...How can a layman have Jupiter..."

Mrs. Zi continued.

The sky full of stars gleamed for a while, falling one after another, and disappeared after falling to the ground.

Su Yi was stunned, "Nothing?"

"It's not gone, it's underground."

Zhou Shu explained, "Jupiter is a very special technique. After Jupiter falls, it will be deposited under the ground. When it perceives a certain aura from the outside world, it will appear and attack those who carry it."

Su Yi seemed to realize something, "Like a formation?"

"Similar to the formation method, but much more complicated," Zhou Shu shook his head, "Jupiter is not a formation talisman, it won't be motionless in the ground. It can absorb the wood spirit energy by itself and grow continuously. If the surrounding wood spirit energy is enough If so, the scope of Jupiter can be expanded to tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of miles. If enough wood spirits are absorbed, the longer the time, the power will continue to increase, and even the cultivators who cross the catastrophe will find it difficult.

"It doesn't need supplies at all, and it can grow by itself."

Su Yi couldn't help but praised, "This technique is really strange!"

"Yes, the Mu family relied on Jupiter to protect the family back then. Who would dare to stand firm against Jupiter, which has been buried under the ground for tens of thousands of years?"

Zhou Shu nodded, showing some emotion~www.ltnovel.com~ Only then encountered a rare natural disaster, maybe... the wood spirit energy was completely blocked, and the Jupiter technique also lost its effect, and the Mu family had to move away. Up. "

He turned to Mrs. Purple, "Mrs. Purple, you should put the breath of foreign race on those Jupiters, right?"

Mrs. Purple nodded and said carefully, "Well, there are more than a dozen alien auras, all aliens we have seen before. If they pass here, Jupiter will track them and attack them... but these are all I think, I don’t know whether it will work."


Zhou Shu smiled and said, "I can't see that there is a problem, your technique is very good, not worse than other monster races, or even better."

"It's all taught by senior laymen," Mrs. Zi said with joy, "Do I really have such a stake?"

"It's better than them."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "If you can learn Jupiter Art, you are better than most monsters, and it's worthy of being a purple jade fan."

Mrs. Purple laughed, "Hehe, then I will go down with some Jupiters."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Okay, we are waiting for you."

Encouraged, Mrs. Purple, like a child, with a proud face, constantly casting Jupiter skills to plant Jupiter.

Su Yi whispered, "That's not good, Brother Zhou, although Jupiter is powerful, but from what you said, it will definitely absorb a lot of wood spirit energy, which has both advantages and disadvantages. If you use too much, I'm afraid that this large piece of land will become dead if there is no vegetation."

"Yes, but it's not far from death here."

Zhou Shu slowly said, "The goal now is a foreign race. As long as it can deal with foreign races, it can be done with solid walls and clear fields. Jupiter has indeed destroyed aura and environment, but there is no better choice."

Su Yi thought for a while, but nodded, "Brother Zhou said that too, this **** alien." 8)

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