Fairy Winner

Chapter 1892: Reunion, respectively

"Zhou Shu, is this here?"

Standing in front of Huamisi, Mrs. Purple was a little puzzled, "It doesn't seem to be right..."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Mrs. Purple, go ahead and you will see what you want to see."


Mrs. Zi bowed a salute, but she couldn't care too much, and walked quickly into the lake, even if she died, she couldn't change her determination. Three hundred years was too long to wait.

In the array.

Two women are walking outside.

One purple hair, lively, one white hair, dignified.

Mu Li pouted, "Who broke in again? What's the matter?"

"I don't know, be careful."

Mu Fen showed a lot of caution, "Those who can break into Qinghai will never be the general ones."

Mu Yi straightened his chest and snorted, "Sister, what is there to worry about? I have learned the Mu Yan technique, and no one is afraid!"

Mu Fen was rather helpless, "You, a little fur is so arrogant, it's not good."

"I know, just talking about it is not enough?" Mu Li said with a smile, seemingly thoughtful, "Sister, do you think it would be... or Zhou Shu?"

Mu Xian sighed, “It’s just him. I’m looking forward to him coming day and night to bring news of my mother. However, I heard Grandpa Mu said that Dongshengzhou is chaotic and there are foreign races everywhere. He is a big sect. The sect master is still the leader of the immortal cultivation world. I am afraid that he is too busy and will not have time to find someone for us."

"It is more important to deal with alien races."

Mu Li shook his head and blinked, "But... Sister, isn't he lying to us?"

Mu Xian thought for a while and said, "I don't think so, he doesn't look like a bad guy, and Grandpa Mu also said he is worthy of trust."

"I hope so," Mu Li lowered his head and kicked the stones at his feet, "but the monks we have met are not good people, huh."


Mu Qian suddenly screamed.

Mu Li was stunned, and quickly looked over, "Sister, what's the matter with you?"

Mu Xian looked forward blankly, "You...you..."

"What are you, you?"

Mu Li followed her sister's eyes and was stunned, "Why...ah, ah, are you?"

"Sure enough, you are all there, great..."

The trembling voice came from Mrs. Zi. Because she was too excited and excited, she couldn't move her legs, and her body fell softly.

Although I have never met before, I don't need to confirm it at all. There is no doubt that the two women in front of me are their own daughters, because they all have the same aura and come from the same source.


Mu Feng Mu Li recovered almost at the same time, and immediately rushed over. The three of them cried together, and they had many things to say.

After crying for a while, Mu Qian was the first to wake up.

She looked at Mrs. Zi and said with some confusion, "Mother, how did you find here? How do you know we are here?"

"Yes, a monk named Zhou Shu brought me here."

Mrs. Zi hugged the two women and said warmly, "He found me from the layman, and persuaded the layman to let me leave and bring me here..."

"Sure enough, he didn't lie!"

Mu Li jumped up happily, "Thanks to him, sister, we finally meet our mother again!"

Mrs. Zi stroked her daughter's hair and nodded, "Yes, we must thank him well."

Mu Qian said softly, "Mother, where is he?"

"Hey, who was still together just now, isn't it behind me?"

Mrs. Zi was stunned, and quickly turned around to look, but she couldn't see anything. When she came in, she was too focused, just thinking about meeting the woman again, she didn't notice anything else at all, she didn't know, Zhou Shu actually didn't come in .

"Mother, you are here, I will look for it."

Mu Fen glanced at Mrs. Zi, eyes full of dismay, as if he had made some decision, he flew out resolutely.

"Wait, sister, I will go too."

Mu Li's heart was shocked, thinking of something, and hurriedly chasing after him.

She didn't know Mu Xian's agreement with Zhou Shu, but she could guess something. After Zhou Shu agreed to help them find their mothers, Mu Xian was different from before, very different. He didn't know why, but she must be with Zhou Shu. There are relationships.

Mu Fan flew fast and wanted to get rid of Mu Yi, but she was not as good as Mu Yi who had already practiced Mu Yan technique.

The two one after another came out of the phantom array.

I looked around, but I couldn't see anything.

"He's gone?"

Mu Li looked at her sister and whispered, "Sister, let's go back first."

Mu Xian shook his head and smiled slightly, "Sister, you go back first and take your mother to the house. He shouldn't be far away, I'll look for it again."

"If you leave, you won't be back again, right?"

Mu Li shook his head, looked at her elder sister persistently, and said loudly, "I don't care what you said to him, but now my mother comes back, and he is gone, even if there are any agreements, we don’t have to keep them. Just reunite, are you leaving us again?"

"You...you guessed it."

Mu Fen laughed unconsciously, and laughed a little bitterly, "Our sisters really have the same mind. I can't hide it. Yes, I promised him. If he finds his mother, I will go with him and help him get promoted. Sin, now he did it, and I should do it too, we have to separate."

"Help him rise to immortality, do you want to dedicate yourself?"

Mu Yi was stunned, his face suddenly pale~www.ltnovel.com~ How could he make such a request, and how could you agree? No, I'm going to find him! "

"He didn't ask for it, I asked it."

Mu Fen shook his head and slowly said, "If there are no good conditions, how can others help you? Besides, this matter is so difficult, he must also give a lot, and the effort should be rewarded, and I should fulfill my promise, mother Over there, sister, you..."

Mu Yi grasped her sister's hand tightly and cried, "No, no! I won't let you do this. If you want to go, I will go!"

"Stupid sister, how can things that have been promised change?"

"Well, you go back, mother is back, and our wish has been fulfilled more than half. In the future, if you can become a sky demon and repay the Mu Family's kindness, we will owe none of us."

Mu Xian smiled and patted his sister's hand, and slowly pulled out his hand.

Mu Yi sat on the ground, crying, "Sister, are you really going to leave me..."

"I don't want to..."

Mu Fen was smiling, but his smile gradually became sad.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Not far away, two figures suddenly appeared in front of the two women, it was Zhou Shu and Su Yi.

Seeing Zhou Shu, Mu Yi didn't fight anymore, jumped up, stared at Zhou Shu and shouted, "You...you are a big bad guy!"

"Mei, don't be rude."

Mu Fen hurriedly grabbed Mu Xian and bowed to Zhou Shu solemnly, "Sect Master Zhou, thank you for retrieving our mother. Fen Fen is very grateful. You came just right, and Mu Xian should fulfill his original promise."

She glanced at her sister, her eyes solemn and decisive.

Immediately, a dazzling green light burst out from her body, covering her completely in an instant.

(PS: Thank you Shen Tu Feifei (Shen Feike) for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~) 8)

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