Fairy Winner

Chapter 1893: Perseverance, mind reading

"I said it earlier, don't do that."

Zhou Shu shook his head slightly, pointed out a little, and a cloud of white mist drifted towards the wood.

Soon, she was completely surrounded, the blooming green light stopped suddenly, and she was stripped away by the white mist.

Mu Fen stood there, silent.


Mu Yi rushed forward and hugged him tightly, lest Mu Qian would do stupid things again.

She knows what the green light means. Mu Fen is returning to its original shape, returning to the appearance of immortality, and transforming into a spiritual thing again. That means that Mu Fen will completely lose his intelligence and transform into a demon again, without knowing what to do. How many years have it been.

Mu Yi didn't move, but looked at Zhou Shu and said, "Sect Master, I must thank you."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "I never asked you to thank you, I told you before, I don't want to say it again."

"You don't need to be your business, I said it, you must do it."

Mu Fen looked at Zhou Shu steadily, and slowly pushed Mu Yi away, wanting to do it again.

"What a persistent girl."

Su Yi shook her head slightly, "Listen to what I said. Brother Zhou and I were talking about these things just now. We wanted to leave directly, but Brother Zhou felt that if we didn’t meet each other, you might have problems, so I stayed. As expected by Brother Zhou, alas."

Mu Qian's figure quaked slightly, and he glanced at Zhou Shu, but did not speak.

Su Yi slowly said, "Miss Mu, you saw things more clearly that year than your sister. You watched your mother sacrifice for you. This incident left a seed in your heart, so for hundreds of years, All you think about is your mother, and you have already had the consciousness to sacrifice for your mother, even if you give yourself and give everything, so when Brother Zhou helped you bring your mother back, you must give yourself to him, right? "

Mu Li was stunned, "Sister, you saw it all at the time, why don't I remember anything?"

Looking at Su Yi, Mu Fen was shocked and puzzled.

She did mature a little bit earlier than Mu Li, just a few hours earlier. At the moment when Yixian took away Mrs. Zi, she had a trace of wisdom, no longer just spirituality. These few hours made her a sister and also made her Know more things than my sister.

She missed her mother more than anyone else, and the idea of ​​sacrificing for her was buried deep in her heart.

She had never told anyone about this, but in front of Su Yi, her mind seemed to be completely understood, and there was no secret.

How could she know that Su Yi, who came from Guigushan, was originally a descendant of the heart demon, with the ability to read mind, her secret could not be hidden.

"Miss Mu, if you continue like this, you will have obsessions, which will trigger demons."

Su Yi seemed to think, "The demon race is different from the immortal cultivator. Although the demon clan’s mind is more clear and there is little trouble, once the obsession is too much, it will almost certainly trigger a demon. , At most it is hopeless in practice and annihilation of oneself, but your demon clan, if you give birth to a heart demon, you will become a demon, causing chaos in all directions, and letting the creatures of the Xuanhuang world be charcoal. This is by no means alarmist. I think someone in the Mu family should have told you. ."

Few people might know the inner demons better than Su Yi.

"Grandpa Song said."

Mu Li lighted his head. It was terrible. He wanted us not to be obsessed with everything, and only believe in one path. "

Mu Fen looked at Su Yi and said seriously, "What you said is correct, so you should also know that I don't want to have obsessions in my heart, and I don't want to become a monster, so I have to fulfill my promise."

Su Yi said slowly, "But Brother Zhou said, he didn't promise you."

Mu Fen glanced at Zhou Shu and sighed slightly, "But in my heart, I have already recognized this."

"It seems that you must repay."

Su Yi looked at Zhou Shu helplessly, shook her head, and continued, "But you should see that Brother Zhou can ascend to an immortal without the need for immortality. Even if you become the original form, he will not It’s not good for him, and it’s not good for you."

"Yeah, he was right."

Mu Yi nodded his head repeatedly, pulling Mu Fu and said, "Sister, did you hear that? Don't want him if you change. There is no need to do this."

Mu Fen was stagnant, she didn't think someone would leave Xian Fen in use, but Zhou Shu in front of her had to believe it.

"Repaying gratitude does not necessarily have to be restored."

Su Yi continued, "Brother Zhou didn't want this. In fact, there are many things you can do. If you can do it, it can be regarded as repaying gratitude. Being able to confess to Brother Zhou is also a relief to yourself, and you can get rid of obsessions. "

Mu Li's eyes lit up, "What are you going to do? Say it! No matter what, our sisters can do it!"

Mu Fen looked at Zhou Shu, his eyes condensed, "Sect Master Zhou, what do you want us to do? I want you to say."

Zhou Shu stared at her and said calmly, "If you must repay your favor, I can ask you to do something, but it will be difficult, maybe even more difficult than getting you back to your original shape."

"I do!"

"I am willing too!"

The two women spoke together and answered categorically.

Zhou Shu nodded, "Now that the Xuanhuang Realm is overwhelming with alien races, you two will kill 10 million alien races. There is no time limit."

Mu Li was stunned, "What, ten million? Foreign race?"

But Mu Qian didn't even think about it, and nodded, "Okay, I will do it."

"Sister, Grandpa Song said that the alien race is terrible, even the great power can be played, we have never seen anything, and we can not leave Qinghai too far, **** it? It costs 10 million~www.mtlnovel .com~ Let the two of us fight for 10 million, you can say it? It is clearly difficult for a strong man!"

Mu Li was full of anger, looking at Zhou Shu, very angry.

Zhou Shu said calmly, "These are your business, I can't control it, but if you don't want it, then forget it."

"You...you are too bad!"

Mu Lin wanted to say something, Mu Feng grabbed her, just nodded, "Sect Master, I will definitely do it."

"After you do it, come to Lingyucheng together and tell me that if you don't come or miss any of them, then you won't count them. Remember these words."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, his figure was several miles away.

"I will definitely look for you."

Watching the two leave, Mu Qian muttered to himself, his eyes extremely firm.

Su Yi didn't realize it, "Brother Zhou, it's really hard for you to be a strong man. Even you, it's not easy to kill 10 million foreign races."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "What's the problem, they can do it completely, the best immortal in the Xuanhuang world, it is strange that it can't become a sky demon."


Su Yi paused, "It turns out that Brother Zhou thought so. It's no wonder that they are allowed to come together without a time limit. You can't miss one. This is what you mean by letting them practice hard and cultivate until they reach the sky monster, right? "

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "If you are smart, you will think so, as long as the wooden girl doesn't mess around."

"Brother Zhou is wonderful, admire."

Su Yi unknowingly arched her hand and said with emotion, "Speaking of the obsession of that girl Mu Qian, it is really deep. I can't think that she is more persistent than human beings. It is fortunate that Brother Zhou thought of this. It's miserable, most of it will turn into a demon... At that time, I looked at her heart and was really shocked. By the way, I saw something else in her heart, but it was also about Brother Zhou. Do you want to know? "8)

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