Fairy Winner

Chapter 1895: Refining, Ende

Heyin Pie.

Zhou Shu took out a Qiankun bag, which was quite solemn, "Brother Ying, here are the remains of the children of the Xiahou family I found, and some relics, and Zhaode's only thing is this half of the broken sword."

After taking the Qiankun bag, Xia Houying was silent for a while, and she shed tears unconsciously, "Han Guang...Duke Zhaode..."

Zhou Shu slowly said, "Brother Infant is mourning. Although Duke Zhaode has fallen, he still made great efforts for the Xuanhuang Realm before he died. I found some remains of the Dijiang clan in the Biluo Mountain. It seems that they were annihilated with Jiange. No one in Beiluzhou can compare the merits of Lord Zhaode and Xiahou’s family. I will definitely spread it and let all the cultivators in the Xuanhuang world know."

Xia Houying hurriedly saluted, "Thank you Brother Zhou."

The name of a person's death and his prestige remain undiminished. For the family, it can be regarded as the best comfort.

Zhou Shu nodded, "There is one more thing to tell Yingxiong, your Biluoshan spiritual vein has been destroyed, and the spiritual energy has leaked..."

Xia Houying sighed, "Brother Zhou, in fact, I have been mentally prepared for a long time. The sword pavilion is just above the spirit veins. Inside, there is the sword intent of the Xiahou family. It bursts out completely, even the seventh-order spirit veins. If it doesn’t last, it will inevitably be destroyed. If it weren’t for this, I wouldn’t say that I have to move... it’s really impossible.

Zhou Shu shook his head, "It's not all broken, there are still some help."

Xia Houying was startled, "Some help?"

Zhou Shu nodded, "Well, I have moved my spiritual veins to the Universe Bag. As long as I find a suitable place as soon as possible, I can recover. Although it is not as strong as before, the three spiritual veins merge into one. There can still be a seventh order."

"Thank you Brother Zhou!"

Xia Houying bowed and saluted, very excited.

For the Xiuxian family, the spiritual veins are the foundation of everything. He thought that Biluoshan was completely destroyed, so he was discouraged and wanted to move, but he didn't expect to be rescued by Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu smiled and handed the Qiankun bag over, "It doesn't have to be that way, baby brother, take a look."

"very good……"

Xia Houying nodded repeatedly, her eyes bursting with light, excitement hard to suppress.

"Where is the baby brother going to be placed?"

Zhou Shu said thoughtfully, "Actually I have an idea."

Xia Houying showed a lot of caution, "Just put it in Lingyu City, I have no problem. This spirit vein was saved by Brother Zhou, and being able to live next to the Heyin school is also a blessing to our Xiahou family."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Hehe, it's in Lingyu City, but only your Xiahou family can use it."


Xia Houying was puzzled. These seventh-order spiritual veins are thousands of miles in radius and are available to everyone in Lingyu City. He shook his head and said, "This is not good, if there are too many restrictions, others will have opinions. Yes, it is not good for Lingyu City, nor is it good for the Xiahou family."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "Of course it's not in the city. I plan to make a cave sky and place my spiritual veins in it."

"Make a cave!?"

Xia Houying suddenly realized, but after realizing it, she was more shocked, "Brother Zhou, you can make a cave sky. That is a powerful method. Could it be that you have been able to..."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "This time I went to the Chongyang Palace. I was taught a lot by the layman. I also have a better understanding of the laws of space. It shouldn't be a problem to create thousands of miles in the cave."

"If this is the case, of course it would be better!"

Xia Houying couldn't hide her excitement, "Dong Tian is more suitable for array formation, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the spiritual energy will not flow out, and it is more concentrated. The important thing is that it does not occupy a position at all. It can be formed only in a square inch and can be hidden without anyone It can be seen that it is the best place for cultivating immortals. In the past, the Xiahou family had always thought of making a home in the cave, but the Xiahou family only knew how to do swordsmanship, and didn’t dare to let others help..."

He looked at Zhou Shu and solemnly said, "Brother Zhou, don't get me wrong, I must have trusted you."

Indeed, the space formed by the law of space like the cave sky is difficult to let others make it for others. Once others set up some obstacles or organs in the cave sky, then the people and things in the cave sky are easily controlled, just like being controlled. Putting it into a universe bag, it will kill you.

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "Hehe, Brother Ying, don't worry, everything in the cave is yours, and the right to openness is all yours. Without your permission, I can't get in, but I may not be perfect. I hope Brother Ying will forgive me more."

Xia Houying hurriedly said, "Anything is fine, please don't hesitate to tell me what you need."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "There are good spiritual veins, other things are not difficult, and I have found a wonderful scene on the way back, and then I can draw a gourd and put it in. However, inside You have to do it yourself."

"This is natural."

Xia Houying just nodded, and said with emotion, "Brother Zhou treated us Xiahou's family so kindly, I really don't know how to be grateful."

"It should be done for Zhaode."

Zhou Shu slowly said, "You don't need to thank Yingxiong. After about a month, I will give Dongtian to Yingxiong."

Xia Houying nodded and said solemnly, "Brother Zhou, I Xia Houying here assures that in the future, the Xiahou family and the Heyin school will be the same family. They will advance and retreat together and share resources. No matter what the Heyin school requires, Xiahou family Will do everything in their power to help."

One month later.

In the inner city of Lingyu, on the bustling streets.

"This ~www.ltnovel.com~ is it?"

Xia Houying looked at a small shop in front of her with some doubts in her eyes.

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "It's hidden in the city, you'll know if you go in and take a look."

Xia Houying walked to the door suspiciously, took a step forward, and was stunned, her whole body was stunned.

An open area, thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, all in front of you.

The mountains are towering, the green water is like a belt, the aura is full of vitality, lush and beautiful, and it is a good place for cultivating immortals.

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "Brother Ying, finally the hard work has paid off. He did a good job the first time. Although it is not perfect, it is not much different from the outside. It is just that the spiritual veins have not recovered. It will take a hundred years. That's fine, I have to blame the Xiahou family for a while."

"Enough, completely enough, thank you, brother Zhou!"

Xia Houying bowed down and bowed, extremely solemn, her excitement was hard to describe in words.

Today is his happiest day after he learned that Biluoshan was annihilated. This mountain and river will be the new Biluoshan of his Xiahou family from now on. With his spiritual veins and his presence, Xiahou family will continue to stand in the realm of cultivation. , Glowing with the glory of the past.

"The entry and exit of the cave requires the control of magic tricks. Among them, I have written the key in the jade slip. As for the formations and so on, you can arrange it yourself, and I don't care about it." Zhou Shu nodded gently and handed a jade slip. "Brother Ying, I won't bother you, and I will visit you later."


After taking the jade slip, Xia Houying just nodded, thankful, but could not speak.

Sending charcoal in the snow, never crossing every boat, such kindness, cannot be explained clearly by words.

For Zhou Shu, refining this cave sky has also gained a lot. He has a deeper understanding of the laws of space and he can use it more freely.

(PS: Thank you wangc1111 for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~) 8)

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